System: Inherited

Chapter 135 - Arrival Of The Guardians

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(Underground City, Main Entrance 2)

Lucas was thinking about what was happening back at the Palace, and he was sure Sam was somewhere around here if Kate was here. He was about to ask the question when he heard the revving of an engine. 

He pulled out his blades, and everyone was prepared to face off against the person who had come. The man got down and lowered the hood on his face, and it was none other than Leon. 

Lucas was elated to see Leon was here, but when he saw more vehicles arrive behind him, he became wary. He knew of The Guardians Division, and they did not have that many people.

He quickly made his move, and he threw his blade toward Leon's face. He moved and avoided the blade, but that was when Lucas activated [Chains Of Hades], and wrapped it around Leon's neck.

He felt the searing of his skin, and the smell of burning flesh was entering his nose. He wanted to barf, but he also understood why he was on edge. 

"It is me, your Master. Loosed it this instant", he said as he pulled out his sword and tried cutting it. The sword deflected, indicating that it was tough to cut through it. 

"Prove it", commanded Lucas. He was the leader right now, and he had to make sure that the person he let through was indeed his master and no fake who was in disguise.

Leon began to think about how to remind Lucas that it was indeed him. A smile quickly spread across his face.

"On your 8th birthday, you went missing when the cake had to be cut. While everyone was searching where you were, you were in the wine cellar, arguing with the guards that you were the Prince and needed to be let in", he said. 

Lucas smiled. He remembered that day very clearly, and it was Leon who had found him and covered it up for him. It was a secret that was between the both of them, and this solidified the fact that he was indeed his master.

Lucas released the grip on Leon's neck, and he ran up to him to check the wound that he had made. By the time he had arrived, it had begun to heal up. 

"Good thing I didn't tighten it any further", he sighed in relief. Leon was thinking along the same lines, and he saw his disciple with a smile.

Lucas pulled him up and asked the question that was burning in his mind. 

"Who are they? And how did you get so many people?", he asked. Leon told him the short version of what had happened, and he understood the gist of the events that had transpired.

"So, you have split into three groups. One is lead by you, and one by the Former Guardian Denver, and another one by The Former Guardian Alex?", he asked to clarify his question. Leon nodded his head in response.

Lucas counted the heads that had come along with Leon. There were nine including Leon. he had some idea of the line of work of the Guardians.

"I want every one of you to cover this area in a semi-circle of a radius of a kilometer. And connect to this specific frequency. It was given to me by Miss Van Dyke who was here, and this is how we keep up with the developments all around us", he said. 

Leon nodded his head and changed everything. Though Lucas had lost his status as Prince, right now he was the leader for this entrance. And as his master, it was his job to guide him.

"Do not eliminate the enemies if they are wary. Let them through, and we will sandwich them", he spoke into the microphone. Everyone was shocked at his train of thoughts.

Everyone who was following behind Leon now had a newfound respect for him, as they saw the way his disciple was handling the situation. Right after Leon had gone, Sally arrived. She was given a device.

"Your task is to mask your presence. Any enemy that flees from here, kill them", he said. The way he was talking made Robert think he had handled a situation like this.

"But how can he say kill so easily? The Lucas I had seen for the past two weeks was kind and benevolent. But he is so calculative", he thought as he admired his friend's face.

He was thinking if he was the same person, and Lucas turned towards him as he was thinking of what to tell him. 

"If you are thinking who I am, or why I have coldness, that is how it is in wars. If you are not ready to take a life, you will lose yours". 

"There is no mercy in a battlefield, and every second you breathe, you must stay vigilant. I am still the same person, and if it was possible I would like to have a negotiation with the opposing party." 

"But sadly, the opposing party is someone who treats humans as nothing but lab rats. Countless lives have been taken by them, villages burned down, nightmares created for infants. Do they deserve to live?", he asked.

Robert felt something inside him move, and anger was welling from inside him. He had his hand on his Katana and looked Lucas in the eye. 

There was something in his eyes that made him lose himself in it. He saw something inside his eyes the deeper he saw in it.

"You meant every word, didn't you?", he asked as he pulled himself out of the trance. Lucas nodded his head and placed his blades back inside.

Robert came back to the important part which was about his core. 

"Lucas, you must have formed your core, right? If you have, activate your Aura and I will see what kind of core you have", he said. 

Lucas was also curious as to what kind of core he had formed. He was thinking something around Bronze or Silver, and if it was Silver, he would be more than happy. With that thought in his mind, he activated his Aura.

Robert had a hand over his mouth when he saw a small thread of shine in the Aura. His eyes were screaming out something amazing, but his mouth was unable to say what he wanted to.

He finally pulled himself together and took a deep breath. After reorganizing his thoughts, he had calmed down a bit.

"Lucas, what I am about to tell you might shock you. But you have to take this seriously. Your core...", he paused to create tension for Lucas. "Is a FREAKING DIAMOND CORE!", he exclaimed in happiness.

He was jumping up and down on the inside, but since it was a war, he was keeping a composed figure as the Vice leader around.

Lucas on the other hand, had his mind blown. He was wondering how he had a Diamond core when both his Brother and Sister had Silver and Gold Cores respectively. he was sure about the fact that he will be Silver just like Sam.

"Maybe I can ask them about this later", he thought and was looking around. He heard a voice on the other end. It was none other than Sam.

"Lucas, you have awakened the Diamond too?", he asked. Lucas was stunned when he heard the statement. 

"What do you mean by too? Don't tell me that you and Kate...", he paused, as he didn't want to finish that sentence. He was in disbelief as the thought of him being fooled for such a long time popped into his mind.

He was not mad at them for lying to him. he was rather mad at them for not trusting him. He wanted to turn off the communications, but he couldn't let his personal feelings get in the way of this war. 

Thus, he took a deep breath and sorted out his thoughts. He now knew that he and his siblings all has the same Diamond Core, which made him happy. 

But as he was rejoicing with the fact that he had gotten stronger, one work from Robert broke all of his hopes.

"Don't think that you will be able to breakthrough easily anymore. Yours require a lot of resources, and in some cases, Magic Circles. Luckily we have someone who has a little bit of knowledge on formations and the like", he said 

Lucas smiled as he took in the information. 

"My broke arse can't afford my living expenses, let alone breaking through expenses. And this is more reason as to why I must have to increase the business of my shop", he thought.

A tremor came from below him, and it shook the whole ground. Everyone was shocked, and smoke was seen rising from far away. 

He was looking through the smoke, and he was unable to see anything. He waited for a few minutes, and the smoke began to clear up.

He wasn't the only person looking at this scenario. There were seven spots in the kingdom, in which the same phenomenon was happening.

"What in the world is that building?", he thought as he looked at it in awe. 

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