System: Inherited

Chapter 139 - Temporary Partnership

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After a few minutes, he received a report from Leon's group that four individuals were heading towards them, and their strength was on par with them. He had a smile on his face as he was waiting for them.

A few minutes later, four people were in front of him. It was none other than Zen, and his three men.

Alfred stepped forward, and Lucas scanned him.

[Name: Alfred]

[HP: 420/420] 

[MP: 300/300]

[Strength: 45]

[Stamina: 51]

[Agility: 37]

[Perception: 50]

[Magic: 65]

"He seems strong, and what about the others? For now, let us discuss the terms of this said agreement", he thought and was waiting for Alfred to begin.

"My name is Alfred. I was the one who spoke with you on the microphone. Are you the leader?", he asked with a skeptical voice as he stretched his hand out. Lucas smiled and shook his hand.

"I am", he said with confidence. Alfred squeezed his hand and found that Lucas was indeed strong despite the way he looked. He was thinking how could a kid be the leader of the defense team, but now he was rethinking his words.

"So, I have two questions. What is your goal, and what do you wish to attain from this partnership?", he asked. Alfred was taken aback by the two questions he had put forth.

"This kid, he isn't just brawn and no brain. He has more brains than the four of us combined. Let me try to spin this around", he thought. He never thought he would meet someone who would outsmart him.

"Our goal is to get our freedom which has been promised by the Prison Keeper. What we wish to attain from the partnership is just the means to our freedom", he said. He was saying it in a normal voice.

"So, you have been kept there against your will. Seems like this prison is nothing but a place where they store their specimen. And if each building is a prison, and each of them is against each other, then this partnership is a good opportunity indeed", he thought.

He looked at the Zen who was standing behind, and he saw something in him. He was still having his doubts, and he decided to check it for himself.

Lucas smiled as he looked at Alfred, and moved a few steps back. "Let's see, one hour is up", he smiled.


[Name: Lucas Heart]

[HP: 350/350] 

[MP: 350/350]

[Level: 24]       

[Job: None]

[Title: Defying The Odds, Master Of Stealth, The Schemer (inactive), Master Tactician (inactive)]

[EXP: 29,620/40,000]

[Accumulated EXP: 45,750]

[System Level: 3/10]

[Strength: 70]

[Stamina: 70]

[Agility: 70+28]

[Perception: 70]

[Magic: 70]

[Stat points to be used: 23]

Alfred was confused about what he was doing and was trying to figure it out. The next moment, he felt a wind rush past him. 

"What in the..!", he thought and was about to give chase. The moment he moved, he saw Lucas right next to Zen. "My liege!", he exclaimed.

"I knew it", he thought as he stopped right in front of Zen. He had a smirk on his face, and Lucas shared the same smirk.

"You are sharper than I thought kid", he said as he extended his hand. Lucas shook his hand and the partnership was sealed.

"I want to test out the three under you. The three of them against the three under me. I am sure you want to know the strength of the people you are working with", he suggested with a smile.

"Indeed. You are a capable leader, since you passed through one of my people, and found out that I am the leader. People don't see through it that easily. How did you, kid?", he asked. He was impressed with the feat Lucas had pulled.

"Simple. The man you sent had confidence around him, but there was a tinge of fear the moment I made my question. A slight movement and it gave away. But he is a very good one, I don't think anyone would have been able to notice it", he replied.

Zen had a smile on his face. His decision to make a partnership with Lucas seemed to have a lot of perks. The both of them sat at a corner, and Bruce and Robert were going to go at each other.

Both of them were swordsmen, and it was apparent that both of them would have a go at each other. Robert was in control now, but he was slowly learning to switch with the spirit in the sword. 

"I don't know when Sarah will decide to make a pact, but I am sure that would only be when I am strong enough", he thought. He looked at Bruce, and he was built quite differently than Robert. 

He was scared a little, but the excitement in his body was at its peak. He had always wanted to face a Samurai, and he was standing in front of a person. Except that the person's blade was his hand. 

Robert had his hands on his blade, and Lucas was standing on the side. 

"GO!", he said and the moment he said that a clang was heard. Robert and Bruce had slashed at each other, and they were standing at equal strength. Bruce changed his other hand and was about to stab from the side.

A smile formed on Robert's face and he summoned his Wind Blade, blocking the strike from his side. Bruce had his eyes wide, as he didn't expect this to happen.

The both of them jumped back, and Bruce had a smile across his face. Robert too had the same smile.

"Seems like Bruce is going to go all out", said Zen. Lucas knew the meaning behind the smile, and it was nothing but confirmation about the strength of the opponent. 

"Seems like he is on par with Robert. But the others are what I am worried about", he thought as he turned his head towards Kate and Sally. The both of them were now moving faster and quicker, and their strikes were getting deadlier.

Wind was being generated from their movement, And Robert had begun to gain advantage as time was passing. 

He began to manipulate the Wind that was surrounding them, and he made small blades that were now pointed at Bruce from every angle. He raised his hands in the air, surrendering the fight.

"That was a good fight. I look forward to working with you", he said. His voice was quite hoarse, and they both shook their hands.

Zen now saw why he had suggested the fight. He turned and looked at his face, and he saw him deep in thoughts. 

"Is this what he was trying to do? To make them face each other and acknowledge each other so that they will work together much more smoothly? If that was his thoughts, I am sure this guy is much smarter than he shows to be", he thought.

Lucas had a smile on his face as he saw the outcome of the fight. Who won was not the issue for him, he was trying to create an interpersonal relationship with the people with who they were partnering.

"This is all a precaution so that we could make sure they have no bad intentions. This fight was a pure spar, and there was no killing intent", he concluded as he looked at the next two who stepped up.

It was Sally and Alfred. The expression on his face was different than the one Lucas saw, and there was a glint in his eyes. Lucas jumped down from the rock he was seated on and stood on both of his legs. 

"A predator meets another predator", he muttered. Zen heard his words and stood up, and looked towards him. "You mean...", he paused.

"Yes. Both of them are of the Same Family. Beastmen, they both are", he said. Zen was now on edge, as he was sure about Alfred's outbursts when he was facing a predator.

He was about to give a command to Alfred, but Lucas held his hands up. He shook his head sideways, and he was using [Mana Vision] to analyze the situation.

"The both of them do not have killing intent, but the second I see it, I am jumping in", he said. Zen nodded his head, as he was sure what will happen if Alfred went on a killing spree.

Lucas was worried that Sally might unleash something that she was hiding, and thus wanted to change the opponent. But if he did that, Alfred would be at a disadvantage as he was also a dagger user like her.

"GO!", he said, hoping that nothing bad comes out of this duel.

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