System: Inherited

Chapter 140 - Alpha Vs Alpha Mate

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Sally felt the eyes of a predator the moment she stood in front of Alfred, and the scent he was releasing was also something she was very familiar with. A scent of familiarity and slight hostility.

"A Wolf, and an Alpha at that. I guess he could sense the Alpha Mate scent from me, and it will trigger the aggro from him", she thought. She knew whenever an Alpha met a mate of another Alpha, they would always try to assert dominance, showing that they were someone not to be messed with.

She was wondering how this fight would go, and the moment Lucas said go, something inside her snapped. And it was the same for Alfred. 

They both clashed their daggers, and sparks were flying from their attacks. Their movements were faster than normal, and Alfred had turned a little. His feet were that of a Wolf, and he was now snarling at her.

"Why don't you transform? I know you are just like me", he said. Sally had a smile on her face, as she taunted him. The playful smug on her face pissed Alfred off, as he was sure she wasn't taking this as seriously as him.

He jumped at her and brought down the daggers at her. They were close to her neck, and she dodged it by the hair. He was pissed more, as he could see that she was holding back fighting against him. 

Lucas saw the same, and he knew the more she taunted, he would get more aggressive. He concluded that it was in his nature, and meeting someone of the same family had triggered the anger. 

"Sally, go all out. I am sure that time, he would see the difference", he said. The smirk on her face disappeared, and a serious look appeared. 

"Alright, Junior Brother. I will take it seriously", she said and transformed both her legs and hands, and Alfred's eyes changed. She let out her tail and was now waving it around. Taking a deep sniff of the surrounding environment, she looked at Alfred with fire in her eyes.

"Let me show you the difference. The difference in our power", she said in a menacing tone to him. Alfred felt the contempt behind her voice and the tinge of arrogance. The moment he saw her transform, he felt something inside him stir.

"Did I stir something that I should not have?", he thought and the next second, he saw a foot in front of his face. It stopped inches from his face and lowered. 

"This would have been your death", she said as she lowered her leg. Alfred felt the power behind the attack, and he was sure if it was connected, a broken skull would be the least of his worries.

Zen who was watching from the side, had a worried look but yet a smile on his face. He was tapping his feet on the ground, and he was humming a tune. Secretly, he was hoping Sally to win now.

"You never listened when I told you that there are stronger people out in the world. Let this be a lesson for you", he muttered and Lucas heard the words he said. He was sure that since Alfred was a stuck-up and arrogant person, it would be hard to win this fight as he would not give up that easily. 

Alfred now knew he had done something that he shouldn't. He was arrogant and stuck up, but he knew when he was faced with an obstacle. He was willing to challenge still, and he transformed his whole body. 

It was not at the level where he was a complete wolf, but he was now a humanoid wolf. He was standing on two legs, and his hands were completely changed. He was huffing through his snout, and he still had his sanity intact.

He jumped forward with his daggers and threw one of them at Sally. She deflected it with a click of her tongue, and the next moment there was another dagger in front of her.

"What in the world?", she thought when she saw him using a dagger with his snout. She stepped back, and a cut was made on her cheek. She was furious and was about to burst into anger when she turned to look at Lucas.

"He is working so hard, I must do something as his Senior Sister", she thought and made her move the next moment. She jumped right above the head of the person and had her arms around his neck. 

She pulled him down with her and was now choking him. He stabbed his dagger through her arms, but that didn't stop her from slamming his head into the ground before choking him again.

She repeated the same move three times and he began to lose his edge, and finally submitted to her strength. The match was over the moment he submitted, and he transformed back to his normal state. 

"You have great strength and speed, just like a Wolf should. But you do not know to utilize them properly. Hope to work with you in the future", she said as she extended her hand to him. Alfred was embarrassed that he was schooled by a woman and someone who was younger than him.

But he took the valuable points to heart and vowed that he would not lose to this person once more. There was only one more person, and that was Kate and Ren. 

The both of them stood opposite to each other and bowed. It was a custom followed by a swordsman, and Kate was an excellent swordsman, and Lucas had seen her beat a lot of people with her sword.

She had lost only to some people, and they were much more experienced and skilled than her. She took their advice to heart, and she implemented them into her sword, bringing it up further.

She was still looking for ways to improve her sword, and to see someone with a sword in front of her as an opponent was something she didn't expect. She thought that since they were Beastmen, they would use their beast powers to fight her.

"Seems like they are a bunch of people who value honesty quite highly. And there is a person who follows the ways of the Bushido", she thought. She was very observant just like Lucas, and both of them were good at deriving information from looking.

"Though I am not as good as Lucas is with this deduction stuff, but I am sure they do not mean harm to the humans. And if they have reached towards us for co-operation, I am sure that they intend to help us", she concluded.

She then pulled out her sword and took her stance. She was using the same sword she had given Lucas during his first hunt,  Harbinger Of Death. 

The both of them turned to look at Lucas, and he was now gulping. He could see the Aura around the both of them, and they were itching for a fight.

"Since when did Kate become a fighting maniac?", he thought as he watched her Aura being released. He saw the same happening to Ren, and that was when he understood what was going on.

"They are testing each other out", he smiled. He was sure that if he left the both of them, the mind battle would keep going on.

"They're both veterans", he thought as he saw the Aura test. He then raised his hands in the air, ready to make the announcement.

Ren was now making a sword out of feathers, and they were colorful. The hilt was a deep red, and the blade was a cat green with some sapphire blue mixed in between. 

"The Gemmed Peacock? But isn't that very rare?", he muttered and Zen heard his voice. He was sure that Lucas made a spot-on observation, and he was now becoming wary of him. 

He changed his nails and placed it at Lucas's neck, and hissed out loud. 

"What is your goal in this partnership? And how do you know so much about Beastmen?", he asked. Lucas still had a smile on his face, and now turned his head towards Zen.

"Do not worry, as I do not wish harm upon the person with whom I had agreed to have a partnership. But if you make one more move, I assure you, that your head will be rolling on the floor", he said.

He released his Aura, and Zen felt the pressure from it. He was sure that Lucas was on par with him, and if they both faced off, he was not sure who would emerge as the winner.

"Let me fight you. I want to understand you", he said. Lucas told him something that he did not expect.

"Sure, as that was my intention as well", he replied throwing him off. He was expecting him to reject, and the smirk on Lucas's face was a confirmation of his theory.

"The kid has a screw loose, I am sure of it. He is crazy, but a hell lot confident. I like this kid", he thought as he lowered his hands.

"GO!", he said, and the both of them made their move.

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