System: Inherited

Chapter 143 - Zen Vs Lucas

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"It's alright, I learned a new spell", she said and a small fireball appeared at the tip of her index finger. There was a small fireball at the tip of her finger, and she pointed it right at her wounds.

There was a slight sizzle and the cut which was supposed to be there was missing. The fire had healed the cut, and she was proceeding to do the same to other wounds that she had suffered in the fight.

"Why didn't you use it in the fight? You could have used it in the fight, right?", he asked with worry. He was sure his sister had her reasons, but he didn't want to just let it be. 

"Because it needs time. The flame has to be tempered to a certain degree for every wound, and it is a very tedious task. One must keep monitoring the temperature, and it always fluctuates." 

Unlike the Light Element which is known for its Healing Prowess, the others do not have such properties."

"But what if there was a way to heal with each element? The process would be different, and it would involve testing it out several times."

"And if we are to test it out, then the only place to test would be oneself. The reason would be because they are the only person that is immune to their element", she explained.

Lucas now nodded his head as he had a grasp of the spell she was talking about. And the reason she was using it on herself was that she was immune to fire, and this was the perfect opportunity to test it out.

He smiled as he learned that each Element had its ways of healing, and if possible, he would like to learn them. He was thinking that since he had two elements, learning it would be much easier when compared with others.

"Yours will be much harder to even find someone with the talent to teach you, let alone know self-healing spells. You should put this thought to the back of your mind", she said and chuckled.

"I am sure you will figure one out if given the time. But that is what we do not have, and we need your brains on this battlefield. The field is spread out wider and more complex this time, and I think we are the center that is connecting this web", she thought as she looked at his face.

Ren came forward and offered his hand to her. It was a Swordsman's Shake, which was something they gave to the opponent that they respected. And Kate had just earned his recognition.

The both of them shook it, and a smile formed on both of their faces. They began to walk back together, and now it was the leader's turn. 

Lucas and Zen had a smile on their face as they walked into the place where every fight had taken place, and Zen was looking forward to fighting with him. Lucas took off all of his weapons and walked into the space to fight bare-handed.

Zen had a wide smile now, as that was something he didn't anticipate. A move which he thought was extremely bold, and yet somehow foolish. 

The both of them were now ready to fight, and it was Sally's turn to keep a watch on the match. Lucas had his [Mana Vision] on, and he activated his other skill, [Eye Of Prediction]. 

He was sure that he would be able to read the moves that were being made, but he needed to end this very soon. And thus, he needed to make sure to go all out right from the start.

He looked at Zen, and it seemed to him le had the same thoughts as him. Leon was now watching the match from the shadows, and he saw him take a different stance than before.

Leon was wondering what it was, as he remembered seeing it somewhere. He then remembered where he had seen it.

"During the Test Of Banishment! But isn't that style an incomplete one? Why is he using that?", he pondered. The fact that Lucas was taking a risk was the only words that were in his mind. 

Lucas on the other hand was confident as he took the stance. He could see the visible confusion on his face, and he was waiting for the signal to come from Sally to begin the match.

Zen on the other side, had crouched his body. He was looking like a person who was ready to run a sprint, and his legs were bursting with power.

Lucas was trying to predict in which direction Zen was going to attack, and without having a slight movement, he was unable to predict the movement. The both of them had their heartbeat raised, and the anticipation in the air was thick.

"GO!", announced Sally and the next moment, Zen was right in front of Lucas's face. His hand was about to grab his face, but he saw a smile form as he sidestepped the attack. Zen also had the same smirk as he landed past him.

"No wonder you are the leader to everyone here", he said as he moved again, and this time his feet were right in front of his face. Lucas was dodging them barely, and he was sure that he could go much faster. 

"Is he testing the waters before committing to the fight?", he thought as he saw the hit and run tactics that he was using. Zen now made his next move, and this time it was a straight to his face.

Lucas grabbed the hand that was coming straight at his face and felt the force behind the strike. He was sure that if he had decided to punch it head-on, he would have ended up with some broken bones. 

"Seems like he had the strength and the intellect to back up as the leader of the people he is commanding", he concluded. The blows that they had exchanged had set up the pace, and it was his job to pick it up further.

He did a straight, and it was quicker than Zen's. He didn't punch him, but he grazed his cheek. Zen felt a sting in his cheek and felt a warm liquid flow out from it. 

He began to laugh out loud, and now the playfulness in his eyes disappeared. The look in his eyes meant business, and that was the same vibe Lucas needed for the match.

He released his Aura, and Lucas did the same. Leon, who was on the sidelines used his Aura to shield everyone to stop the potency of their Aura from attacking them. Lucas and Zen moved, and everyone saw their afterimage in the same place.

The punch Lucas made was precise and fast, while Zen's had brute strength. But the issue was that both of them had technique behind it. It was no wild swing, and Lucas felt that from the punch which he had stopped using his hands.

He placed a kick to his head, and Zen ducked it. He was coming from below with an uppercut, and Lucas was in mid-air unable to dodge the attack. Using his other leg, he deflected the attack, making it miss his chin and graze past his face.

Zen was impressed at his reaction speed, as he did not expect that from him. He was expecting him to take the brunt of the attack and fall, and he would then be able to defeat him. But something inside him had begun to burn, something he had long lost.

"What is this feeling?", he thought as he was now moving, making punches as he found openings. Neither of them had attacked, and every move they made was a near miss. Leon who was watching was impressed.

"To be able to keep up with that speed, seems like you have improved again. Well, you do have 'that' with you, and it is only natural that you improve at such a fast pace", he smiled as he looked at the fight.

He was watching it closer than the others, and his trained eye was able to see them move clearly. It was nit at the speed that he was unable to track them, but he was sure that for the others, it would seem like a fight out of their scope.

The others were slightly sweating from seeing the both of them move at such speeds. They had seen people move at such speeds, but to see their leader at this speed, they knew that it was unachievable for them. 

Robert was clenching his fist on the side, and he was looking at him in awe. He was thinking that he was still hiding his strength, and that was why he was able to unleash such speeds. 

What he didn't understand was that he was only able to after reaching the Third Stage of Aura, and Valentine was slowly strengthening his body to handle the Aura that he had gathered.

While Lucas was busy fighting, Valentine was slowly circulating the remaining Aura around the body and was using it to strengthen his muscles and bones, which was something that should be done by him.

"This process is very crucial as the Aura now would be the strongest, and thus using this to make them strong will help him in the long run", thought Valentine as he was keeping an eye on the progress that he was doing to Lucas's body.

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