System: Inherited

Chapter 144 - Assigning The Squads

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Lucas didn't know about what was happening within the body, but he was slowly beginning to see his speed and strength increase. And it didn't stop at the moment, and he was glad for that.

"Maybe since I had invested the points in a single timing and not slowly, the increase rate is slow?", he thought as he evaded another kick from him. The fight was not over yet, but both of them were dodging the attacks quite effectively.

Lucas was analyzing his movement patterns, and he could not find a suitable Martial Art that used his footwork. It was quick, but it had quite long strides, and his legs were like they were floating on water.

Right after he dodged his kick once more, he saw Zen twist his body and two fists were approaching him. He was sure he would be unable to block it, and thus he took the attack as he blocked the fist that was heading for his face.

His hands had blocked the attack that was coming towards his face, but the other punch was aimed at his gut and it was a heavy blow. The form was something he had not seen before, and now he was sure about it.

"This is a form amongst the Beastmen. Seems like he had come across this somewhere before, or someone must have taught it to him", he concluded. Just when he was thinking what kind of form it might be, he heard Leon's voice.

"That is the Crane Style. This style is only used by people with fast agility, and for someone with such insane strength to use it is something unseen. Be careful, as this style involves some very tricky movements and a lot of feints", he warned Lucas. 

Lucas took the warning to heart, as he needed more information on the fighting style he was facing. He knew that each of the Beastmen had their respective fighting style, and he wanted to learn more about them so that he could face them better in the future.

"This could be a moment in which I could learn more about this Crane Style", he thought as he blocked a kick that came straight to his face. He was pushed back a few feet from the impact, and he was still thinking of a way to counter the attacks that he was facing.

Right after the kick was over, another one came. It was a roundhouse and he didn't have the luxury to block it. He ducked instantly and switched up his speed. 

"This is the only way I can counter this style right now", he thought as he brought his elbow straight to Zen's face. The hit connected, and Zen felt his vision go hazy for a second. 

The second was all Lucas needed to recover and make a counter. The moment his vision returned, a leg appeared in front of his face. Zen moved his body sideways, but what he saw next was something that he didn't anticipate.

Lucas bent his kick and connected his heel to the back of Zen's ear. He once more felt his vision go hazy, but this time he lost his sense of balance. His legs went wobbly, and he fell to the ground.

Lucas moved swiftly and began to poke at his body. Sally who was seeing this was shocked at the technique he was using. 

"That technique, I didn't know Master had taught him that one", she awed as she saw him use Zen's hand as a weapon and pointed his claw right at his neck. Zen recovered from the shock and saw his hand pointed at him, and he tried to move it.

"I can't move my arm? But how is that possible? And he is using my arm as a weapon against me?", he thought and tried to move but was in vain. He was about to move his other arm but felt that his strength had been reduced by three-fourths.

"What did you do to me?", he asked Lucas, and fear was evident in his eyes. It was like he was looking at a demon, and the smile on Lucas's face seemed sinister to him.

"Do you surrender?", he asked in a threatening voice. Zen felt the person in front of him was not the same person he was smiling with a moment ago, and the Aura that he was emitting now was much denser than before, and the density was still rising.

"I surrender", he said as he looked at him. The moment he said that he felt Lucas poke him at several places, and he twisted them anti-clockwise. The strength loss that Zen felt was recovered, and everything was back to normal.

He was elated as he thought that what Lucas did was permanent, and worried that he would need to work hard to increase his strength once again. He extended his hand to Lucas and had an amiable smile on his face.

"I look forward to working with you", he said and Lucas shook his hand. The both of them had smiles, and Zen was waiting on any demands from Lucas.

"Zen, how many people do you have?", he asked the next instant, planning out on how to defend against the incoming wave. He was now formulating a plan to counter the people that were going to pour in from all sides to attack.

"We have four hundred people strong", he said. Lucas beamed the moment he heard the numbers, as that amount of people would be very essential to defend against the incoming attacks. 

He began to split the people and was thinking of sending each squad to one specific location, with the task to defend and protect the people he needed. 

"Alright, I am going to split these into four squads. Squad Zen will be led by Zen. Squad Alfred will be led by Alfred. Squad Bruce will be led by Bruce. And finally, Squad Ren will be led by Ren", he commanded.

The four of them did a salute like they were in the military, and Lucas was wondering where to assign each squad, as each had their strength and weaknesses. He was analyzing which place needed what, but he understood the most they needed right now was people.

"Alright, Zen. You are to head to the Palace and defend against any attacks that are headed that way. All Beastmen are yours to take", he commanded, and Zen nodded his head. 

"Alfred, you are to go to the place that you contacted me from. Meet up with them and follow the instructions of Michelle. She would know what to do", he said and Alfred nodded his head.

"Bruce, you are to head inside this tunnel and meet up with Steve. I will let them know of your arrival, and follow his instructions. He is a SSS Level Adventurer, and he has much more strength than me", he said in a warning tone. 

Bruce nodded his head, as he knew the might of the SSS Level Adventurers. He was an adventurer before he got kidnapped into 'The Omega'. He nodded and ran past him into the tunnel.

"Ren, you are to follow my lead and join my Master outside in the forests. Any attacks that go past you will be handled by us. You are to stop every intruder as stealthily as possible", he said. Ren had a smile on his face. 

"Stealth is something I am good at", he thought as he turned around to look at the person he had to join. The moment he saw Leon, he felt fear from within. It was his instincts telling him not to mess with the man in front of him.

He saw Zen was still standing there, and his team hadn't moved from the place. Lucas didn't understand what was going on, and he was about to ask him what was wrong.

"Where is this Palace that you told me?", he asked. Lucas remembered that he wasn't from here, and they were roped into this war just as much as they were. He pointed his finger towards his left and explained to him how to reach the Palace.

After hearing the instructions, Zen disappeared and everyone followed behind. Lucas now had a good amount of people to defend, and he was now thinking of his next step. 

"How many hours till the horde is here?", he asked Leon. "About thirty hours", he replied to him, and Lucas was now beginning to think of countermeasures to slow down their advance. 

"Squad Bruce has reached the assigned designation", reported Bruce.

"Squad Alfred has reached the assigned designation", reported Alfred.

"Squad Zen reporting. We have spotted enemies heading towards the path that we are heading. What is the course of action?', asked Zen.

A smile was spread on Lucas's face. He was happy that he had made the right decision by sending them towards the Palace, as they did not have enough power to handle every one of them.

"Finish them off, every single one of them. If there are any humans amongst them, send them back here", he commanded. Zen acknowledged the command, and he slowed down his advance towards the Palace.

"Boys, remember. Kill without hesitation.. GO!!", commanded Zen, and shadows zipped past him.

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