System: Inherited

Chapter 146 - Sam's Wrath! (Part Two)

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A man came running towards him and kicked right at his face, and the helmet cracked a little. He was satisfied with the strike and jumped back, and the next moment another punch landed at the same place.

The place that was struck now had more cracks, and with another punch, it was broken. The helmet shattered and a smirk was seen on his face. 

"My turn", he said in a sinister voice. He used the blade and the ground was now covered in Ice as he moved across the floor. 

His blade was striking them from all angles, and his strikes were invisible to the naked eye. The Beastmen that were claiming Humans to be weak, was now stunned to see someone so strong amongst them.

The man who was sent flying began to recollect his thoughts and was about to run away when he felt the floor turn slippery. He turned around and Sam right in front of his face.

"Are we still considered weak?", he asked as he squat on the ground, and was face to face with the Beastman. He was shaking in his boots, and his clothes were filled with his sweat.

Sam withdrew all of his Ice and allowed him to stand up from the place. Right after he did that, he held him by the collar and asked him one question.

"How would you like to die?", he asked. The man felt the stare penetrate through him, and he knew it was no use trying to hide anything from him.

"A spar. On equal terms", he said. Sam let go of him and pulled back all of his Mana, allowing the armor to dissipate right in front of him.

He motioned for Anthony to come forward and be the judge of the spar. He agreed and the rules for the spar were announced.

"If one loses his or her life during this spar, revenge shall not be sought. There will be no other rules in this spar", announced Anthony. Sam and the man that was opposite to him nodded their heads. 

"FIGHT!", he announced and the moment he did that, the Beastman transformed his hands and feet, taking off into the air. Sam looked up at him and had a face that was filled with smiles.

He snapped and the next moment, a Bow made of Ice was in his hands. A quiver filled with arrows appeared behind him, and he took his aim at the flying Beastman.

The Beastman was shocked, as he thought that he would not be able to make something out of Ice that easily. The more terrifying thing for him was the fact that he was able to counter the flying in an instant.

Sam let go of the arrow, and the man dodged it. Sam was now using the Bow skillfully, and he was wondering how much he would be able to damage him.

The man now swooped down towards him and using his wings scratched his face. He once again took to the air, and Sam was back to aiming at him.

He released the next arrow, and the man dodged it this time. But what he didn't account for was the arrow that followed behind, and hit him right in his shoulder.

He broke the arrow and threw it, leaving the arrowhead inside. He was unable to remove it no matter how much he tried and gave up.

Sam was taking his time with the aim, and he was making sure to make the hit count every time he attacked. The man was flying in the air and was weaving to make Sam confused.

Sam was reading his movements and had a grasp of the pattern. He was now locking onto the place where he would move next but kept his aim on the person.

As soon as the Beastman made his move, Sam shot out his arrow. The arrow went straight for the same place his arrowhead pierced and connected.

The moment the arrow connected, he felt the loss of control. No matter how much he tried to flap his wings, he could not and was losing his edge in the air. 

"But how?", was his only thought as he fell to the ground. Sam pulled out his next arrow and aimed it right at his head. 

"Any last words?", he asked. The man, in his desperate attempt to victory, made his final move. 

He lunged straight at Sam, and using his other wing made a cut straight for his neck. Sam who was holding him by the neck, saw the wing coming for him. He tightened his grip around his neck and pulled him towards his shoulder.

A snap was heard, and the wing which was headed towards him was stopped. The Beastman had lost his life, and Sam threw him to the ground.

"Humans are not weak. We are strong enough to defend ourselves", he said to the dead Beastman. He then turned around to head back, but a sudden presence made him pull his guard up.

And a man came out of the shadows behind the trees. He had his hands up in the air and took his steps cautiously towards the five of them.

"I do not wish to harm you. I would like to speak with the person in charge. We want to make a partnership", he said.

The man who walked out was none other than Alfred. Sam shrugged it off and pointed his fingers towards Emilia.

She was flushed as she saw him pointing towards her. Her heartbeat was erratic, and she did not know what to do.

"Are you the leader?", he asked Emilia. The moment she heard that question, she took a deep breath to calm down her jittering nerves. 

"No, the leader is another place, defending another gate just like us. There are a lot of things going on, and if you want to meet our leader, I can patch you through. Is that okay?", she asked. Alfred nodded his head in acknowledgment. 

"Lucas, someone is here and requests to have an alliance. He says he would like to speak with the leader. Should I put him on?", she spoke into her earpiece.

Her anxiousness was eating her from the inside, and she could sense the strength that the individual possessed. If any of them were to face him head-on, only Tobias and the other two would be able to take him.

As for her and Michelle, she was skeptical. Minutes were passing by and there still was no answer. She was about to tell the man that Lucas was not willing to talk when she heard his reply.

"Put him on", he said and heard a man's voice on the other side. 

Emilia passed her earpiece to him, and Alfred placed it in his ear. He was now thinking about what kind of a person he was going to be dealing with and chose his words very carefully.

"Mr. Leader of the troops, we have seen the might of your people, and we do not wish to harm the humans. We have a different goal right now, but I can assure you that we are against the Beastmen who will attack you any given moment", he said.

There was no reply from the other side, and he was wondering if the person he was speaking to had heard what he had said. This was the first task that he had received from Zen after leaving the building, and he wanted to complete this successfully. 

"Tell your leader to come to the Second Entrance. Tell him to bring along you, and two of the strongest fighters in your group", he said.

Alfred nodded his head and passed the earpiece back to Emilia. Her worries were escalated when she heard the reply in another earpiece. 

"Are you sure they can be trusted? They seemed strong", she said with worry in her voice. She had seen the strength that he was emanating, and she was wondering if Lucas will be able to handle such power levels.

"Don't burn them. We need them to show the people who are coming towards us that we are not as easy as they think", he said and Emilia understood that they had faced something like she just faced.

"Just how are they attacking at the same time?", she began to wonder and went back. Michelle was seated right next to her, and Tobias went to mingle with Sam and Anthony.

The three of them just kept looking at each other, and Tobias broke the Ice by talking first. 

"My name is Tobias Brown, and these women are Michelle Cooper and Emilia Burnheart", he said. Sam had a smile as he looked at the three of them.

"So these are your friends that you have met during your journey till now, huh? You even made friends with the Coopers.. Quite a tough task indeed", he thought as he looked at all of them.

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