System: Inherited

Chapter 147 - A Tight Spot (Part One)

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After looking at them and memorizing their faces, he then gave them advice on how to improve their efficiency in battle. 

"Tobias, you are a user of Lightning. And it seems like yours is much purer than what the others have. I have a suggestion for you. Try to channel the lightning throughout your body, and that includes your bones and muscles", he said.

Tobias was confused by what he said, as he thought he was doing the same thing. He was about to brush it off, but what Sam said next struck him.

"Right now, you are only channeling it through your Mana Channels, and you have to integrate your Mana into your body. Not every kind of Mana can do this. Only the purest forms of Mana can do it", he explained.

Right after he finished the explanation, something inside Robert clicked. It was like he was searching for something for a very long time, and the door had just been opened.

The moment he realized the impact behind the advice, he thanked Sam profusely. Sam just acknowledged him and let him go, and looked at Emilia.

"As for you, the same applies. But you would have to infuse the purest form, as you are a user of all kinds of Magic. The purest form is the Pure Elemental Energy, which is very scarce".

"It can be extracted from the Mana that we have surrounding. For instance, let's say we have a liter of Mana right now. The amount of Pure Elemental Energy taht could be extracted from it is a mere hundred to a hundred and fifty milliliters."

"There are some places where this Elemental Energy is very dense. If you ever come across someplace like that, use it to your advantage. For now, I can get you some crystals from the Palace, and you can begin to integrate them into your body. And learn some Staff Arts, it would help you in the long run", he finished.

Emilia didn't know what to say. She was wondering how expensive that crystal would be as she wanted to replay Lucas back for using it in her Staff. 

After learning about it, she began to wonder if she would ever be able to repay him for using such a crystal as a base for her Staff. Sam was now headed to the next person, and that was Michelle.

"I do not have any advice for you, as you are much stronger than me. The only thing I would say is to familiarize yourself with your weapon, and increase your proficiency with Darkness", he said as he shrugged his shoulders.

Michelle knew why he was saying that, and if he could sense the strength within her, she was sure the enemies would sense it as well. She withdrew back some of her Aura and looked at him, to which Sam nodded his head.

"These are the advice I can give you right now. These will help you in the long run, and let us set up the defenses around this place. I do not want to face another army of this size. It is exhausting", he said.

Everyone nodded their heads, and Emilia was wondering what was going on back at Lucas's, and she began to pray.

"Please be alright, Lucas. They are very strong", she muttered. The five of them began to discuss how to set up the defenses to fight against anyone that might come for them.

After about half an hour, Anthony felt the presence of multiple people heading towards them. He snarled a bit as he sensed the strength was much more than the last horde they had faced and was about to warn them.

"I have sent a hundred men towards you, and a man named Alfred amongst them will be the leader. He is the one that contacted me before from the place you are guarding at, Emilia", came Lucas's voice from the earpiece. 

"Alright, I will see to it. Are they going to help us?", she asked him to which he gave an affirmative answer. Emilia relayed the message to everyone, and they got ready to greet the people who were coming towards them.

"Seems like you are still planning the next move, my dear brother", thought Sam as he went along with the others. 

(Inside the Underground City)

Steve and Jasmine were just waiting for the next thing that the voice had said that he would send their way. Steve was worried about what kind of powerful beasts he would send, and he was secretly praying nothing serious to happen.

Jasmine pulled out her GlassPad and was looking at something on it. Steve peeped over from her shoulder and saw several dots scattered around. 

"Seems like they have been put in a pinch, should I give them any commands?", she muttered when she saw Steve peeping over her shoulder. She was about to reprimand him, but she also wanted his input on the situation.

Steve analyzed the situation and was wondering if Lucas could pull off something that he did at the test. He had his fingers on his chin, and a smile was seen on his face. 

Jasmine now smiled and understood what he was about to say. She kept mum and wanted to hear him say those words.

"As they are in The Growth Zone, let them experience this. And if need be, let us give them some pointers", he said. Jasmine nodded her head and placed the GlassPad back inside, and Steve's face turned serious.

"Seems like we have some enemies to deal with of our own. Let's hope they will survive without our guidance", he muttered as he pulled out his Wind Blade. Jasmine had her daggers in her hand, and both their eyes emanated a fire within them.

The enemies were coming towards them from all the tunnels, and they had to make sure to draw all of them towards them. The moment they lose their concentration was the moment they had failed The Kingdom.

Steve took off towards the tunnel on the left, and Jasmine took off to the tunnel on the right. Both of them set up a barrier for the middle tunnel, making the people who come through it not able to reach the city.

"Good Luck", said Steve as he set off towards the tunnel. "The same goes to you", she said as she gave him a peck on his cheek. Steve had a smile wide on his face as he went towards the tunnel.

Right after he entered, he raised the Wind Barrier he had used the last time. He was sure that the people who were headed towards him would use every tactic in the book to attack, and he had to make sure he didn't give any room to those tactics.

The barrier was raised, and this time it was much more powerful. He had moved it up a notch, as he sensed that these foes are not the average foes that he had faced all this while. 

With his Wind Blade in his hands, he was waiting for the enemies to appear. The moment they appeared, he made his move.

All they saw was a green blade in front of them, and the next moment they would be able to see their body.

He began to weave through them, and he called upon another blade to make his slaughter much easier. He was keeping his strength under wraps, as he was skeptical whether the tunnel will be able to handle the pressure of his attacks.

And that was why he was sticking to basic attacks and combat. He had extreme control over his Element, which gave him an edge to fight in all kinds of situations. 

He was spinning like a dance, and blood was his partner. If anyone was watching this from afar, they would think that Steve was an artist and he was making a mural on the walls.

Steve had now mowed down the numbers and they were down to a mere thirty. The Beastmen who were there were looking at the Lone man that was attacking them.

Steve was looking at them and waiting for them to make their move, and the moment a person stepped forward, he moved from his place.

He cut the man's arms, and he was left waiting on the ground. But after a few seconds, both of his arms returned and they looked brand new. It looked like they had never been cut in the first place.

"Ultraspeed Regeneration. What an annoying ability", he scoffed as he jumped a few steps back. He made his blades vanish and was now pulling out green needles.

He was keeping them in the air around him and was looking at the man that had regenerated from the damage he had done. The Beastman was skeptical about making his next move after seeing what was being prepared.

"The moment he or anyone makes their move, I am going to riddle them with all of these needles", thought Steve as he looked at them. His look was fierce, and his opponents felt the anger behind the stare.

The Beastmen looked at each other, and another man among them moved forward. He didn't make his move, as he had his hands above his head. 

"We are willing to talk this out. Why are you helping the humans? Aren't they the ones who despise us Beastmen?", he asked.

Steve began to laugh out loud as he replied, "I am a normal human." 

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