System: Inherited

Chapter 148 - A Tight Spot (Part Two)

The Beastmen thought that since he was someone with immense strength, he was sure to be a Beastmen. But when he said that he was a normal human being, they were shocked and taken aback by his strength.

They made the mistake of underestimating him, thinking he was weak. But after seeing his display of strength, they were sure they had to bring their game up.

Everybody transformed that instant, and there were Beastmen of all kinds in front of him. Steve clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"While some among you have decided to cooperate with us, the majority of you guys are still coming at us. If this keeps going on, how do you think we can co-exist?", he put forth his question as he watched them closely.

He was buying as much time as he could and extracting as much information he can. One of them came forward, and he was the one who had put forth the question.

"I am sorry, strong human. We are unfortunately at crossroads here, and we will continue to be unless you take our life, or we take yours. For that has always been the law of the jungle", he said as he looked at Steve.

His eyes were filled with mixed emotions, as the deeper Steve saw into those man's eyes, the more unclear he was of his decision to kill them. Everyone amongst the Beastmen turned and looked at the man with clear sadness in their eyes.

The Beastman with the regeneration looked at him, and after a few seconds, his eyes widened. He stood in front of him and stopped him from moving forward.

"Boss, you cannot be serious. Unless we win the points, we will be unable to leave that place. Do you want to go back to that place again?", he asked.

The line that he had spoken piques Steve's interests. He now wanted more information about whatever the place was, and where they had emerged from. 

The Boss amongst them made his move and went past him. Right as he reached next to Steve, he punched and Steve blocked it with his palms.

"FOR FREEDOM!", said The Boss and there was a cry amongst them all. "FOR FREEDOM!", chanted everyone as they moved.

Steve made his move and sent his needles straight at the people who were advancing. While he was keeping the Boss occupied by fighting with him, the others were being ripped apart by his needles.

The needles were not normal, as they were always twisting in a constant axis. The speed of rotations can be increased and decreased at will, and right now it was spinning at three hundred and fifty rotations per minute.

Once the needle made contact, nothing was stopping it from coming out the other side of the body the next moment. The rotations made it hard to deal with their penetrating strength, and the wound that it caused would take some time to heal for a person with Ultra speed Regeneration.

This was the reason why Steve had chosen these needles and was specifically giving company for The Boss amongst them. He decided to fight him to his heart's content, as that was the way of a warrior.

The Boss brought his knee straight to his face, and Steve dodged it barely. He was getting slower as his concentration was on the other people who he had to attack and kill.

Except for the one with Ultra speed Regeneration, everyone else had died. Steve had left him alive so that he can watch The Boss duke it out.

Steve now had his concentration on the fight at hand, as he made sure that the other guy did not make his move. The Boss's movements were getting faster by each second, and it was getting harder for him to keep up.

Unless he began to use Wind, he was sure he would be unable to keep up. Thus, he withdrew all of his needles and a green hue enveloped his body.

His movement speed increased by three times, and he was now much faster than The Boss. Right before The Boss could make another punch, he deflected it and gave him a quick hook.

The speed and the precision behind the hook threw him off balance, and Steve used this opportunity to knock him off his feet. He threw his over his shoulder and was down on the ground, panting.

Steve then looked at the person in front of him, and the other man was looking at his boss with a worried expression. The Boss was getting up from the ground slowly, and his strength was something that Steve was wary of.

"Each of his hits is like slamming a tree trunk against my body", he thought as some parts of his body were aching from the attacks he had received. He was sure if he took another punch at the same place, he would end up with a broken bone.

The Boss swung his hands and cracked his neck, and took his fighting stance once again. He was back for more, and this time Steve took him seriously.

He didn't have any weapons ready, but his Mana had already been channeled throughout his body. The Boss made his move, and Steve began to deflect the attacks. 

He was much more precise in this round, and all the spots he went for were vital. One hit and Steve would end up with some permanent damage. 

He didn't want that to happen and thus was always on his toes, dodging every strike that was made. While he deflected some of them, he dodged the rest of them.

He could not see an opening through which he would be able to make an impact and chain his attacks. The attacks that were coming his way were a chain, and if he got hit by one, he was sure the follow-up attacks would break him.

"Time to increase the difficulty", he smirked and swerved right through his punch. He slid right under the arm and went around, and was now at the back of The Boss. 

Since he had decided that he would not use any weapons, he covered his arm with Wind and gave a quick jab to the back. The jab was quick and precise, and he ended up coughing some blood from the impact of the punch.

The Boss now had a smile across his face, and he held his hand on his chest. With that smile, he looked at Steve.

"My name is Trevor. What is your name, strong human?", he asked. Steve now understood why he was saying that.

"My name is Steve Hudson", he replied. Trevor nodded his head in acknowledgment, and once more took his stance.

"It was nice knowing you, Mr. Hudson", he said as he came towards his face in an instant. Steve deflected the punch to the side and threw in a powerful uppercut. 

After the both of them finished their attack, Trevor fell to the ground and began to cough hard. Steve went towards him and held him close.

The other man came running and squat next to Trevor, and tears were running from his eyes. He was emotional and unstable, and his eyes began to turn red.

"Martin, listen to me. This was a spar, just like The Arena. If I were to die there, who would take revenge against?", he asked the other man. Martin clenched his fist and looked at Steve.

"Against the people who kidnapped us and experimented on us. For they were the same as us, victims to their madness", he replied. Trevor had a smile and looked at Steve.

"I do not wish to send him back to the place where we came from, and I do not know if they will keep up their words. They are filled with hypocrisy, and I am sure only death awaits us even if we fulfill the tasks they had given us. I ask of you, Mr. Hudson. Please kill us", he said.

Martin's eyes were wide when he heard his statement. He did not expect him to be so welcoming of death, and after he heard his sentence, something inside him stirred.

"We both are nothing but a victim to our circumstances. It was great knowing you, Boss Trevor", said Martin as he hung his head low. Steve pulled out his Wind Blade, and in one swift motion, cut their heads off.

"Seems like there is more to these people than random attacks. If they are planning to put this Kingdom in a pinch, then I have to make sure that when the Horde arrives, all the internal problems have been taken care of", he thought as he walked out of the tunnel.

Jasmine walked out of her tunnel, and the both of them were standing right in front of the middle tunnel. They could see the Beastmen looking all around them, and some of them were even on the ground taking a leisure nap.

The both of them looked at each other and had a smile on their faces. 

"Let's go and kill them all quickly", she said as the both of them stepped past the barrier into the tunnel.

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