System: Inherited

Chapter 149 - The Combative Illusionist!

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Right after entering the tunnel, Jasmine snapped her finger and every one of them came back to reality. They were all in an illusive world, in which it was a calm garden with a breezy wind. 

This Magic was all the work of Steve's Wind and Jasmine's Illusive techniques combined into one. They had worked alongside each other a lot, and they had their ways of creating combined techniques.

This Barrier was one of their combined techniques, which they called 'Immersive World'. The Illusion would be too real that the person who was trapped in it would never know if they were in the real world or an illusion.

When Jasmine had snapped her fingers, she had removed her Illusion from the Barrier, making them come back to the tunnel they were in. The Wind Barrier was still up, and now both of them had to defend against all the people who were in the tunnel.

Jasmine and Steve had each dealt with seventy-five Beastmen, and in front of them were a hundred and seventy-five of them. The numbers were massive, and both of them had a smirk on their faces.

"No wonder the King sent us here, and let the others guard the main gates. Seems like they are keen to wipe out the population here. What a bunch of arrogant people", she said. Steve nodded his head and looked around.

He pulled out his blades and had his needles active. He just needed to think and the needle would move on its own. Both Steve and Jasmine took their stand, and the Beastmen began to snicker at their foolishness.

They moved and in an instant, they were in the middle of the enemy ranks. Jasmine was swinging her daggers around, and slashing at every throat she could reach. Steve was using his blades and cutting heads off.

While they were cutting through the enemy ranks, the Beastmen saw this as an opportunity to go past them and into the city. They were sure that there were many people inside, and with them killing the required number, they would be able to go free.

Steve and Jasmine didn't mind them running towards the Barrier, and the moment they reached the Barrier, they were sliced into pieces. Blood was splattered across, and the body parts were cut down to small chunks. 

The Beastmen who saw this turned their heads towards Steve, who had a smirk across his face. He extended his other hand, and another blade appeared. 

"You should finish off the enemy within your ranks first, then concentrate on creating chaos. And you can't create chaos, for we are chaos", he said and moved.

A wind went past the men, and the next moment their heads were left rolling on the ground. The others who saw this charged towards him, hoping to avenge their fallen brethren.

Jasmine had a smile on her face as she saw him go fast and try to finish them off. She jumped a few steps back and threw her dagger past the enemies.

"Can't let you have all the fun now, can I love?", she said with a wink. The dagger went past many enemies, and she yanked it using the ring on her index finger.

A string appeared out of thin air, and it was entangled around thirty necks. The dagger slid across them all, slicing through them like butter and killing them instantly.

Their numbers had begun to dwindle, but the difficulty began to rise. The weak people amongst them were the ones that had fallen, while the strong ones were slowly coming out into the open now.

They had seen the tricks they had used, and they were now being cautious of the both of them. Steve now began to understand their motivation, but what he didn't understand was why were they attacking even after their Boss was dead.

"Boss, they seem strong. But the woman is beautiful, and they seem like a couple. I think you understand what I am saying", said one of the men. The Boss of the group nodded his head and vanished right in front of everyone's eyes.

Jasmine and Steve were shocked to see someone with Camouflage skill amongst them. Steve was beginning to think what kind of a pain it was going to be to deal with them. 

"Gale Storm", he muttered and a strong wind began to blow within the tunnel. The man who was camouflaged could not move a step further and felt himself being pushed back.

Steve was using the wind to push him back, and not allow him to reach Jasmine. He had overheard what the henchmen had told to him, and he was furious.

But his rationale side kept him in check, allowing him to use his brain to make sure that the tunnel was left undamaged as he dealt with them. The Gale Storm he was using was of less intensity, just making them immovable from their place.

Jasmine took this opportunity and threw the dagger once more, and it whizzed past them due to the boost of the wind. Right after it had reached the end, she once more tugged and the string appeared. 

It was wrapped around their necks, and they were confused as they knew that the dagger had just gone past them. It never spun and intertwined, and Steve loved the look of amusement on their faces.

"Allow me to entertain you guys. You see, this string has a special property. It is linked with the person, and she can wield it however she sees fit. No matter what you do, you will not be able to escape from the clutches of this string", he explained.

Jasmine pouted her face as that was her part to do. She wanted to strike fear into them, but Steve was doing it.

He began to look around and tried to find the one that had camouflaged, but he couldn't. He couldn't use the Wind Tracking skill as he was low on Mana now. 

Jasmine tugged and the dagger once more sliced them all down. The man who was camouflaged appeared right behind her and held her by the neck. 

His hands had transformed into claws, and they were about to slash across her throat. Right after slashing, he saw Jasmine fall to the ground with blood pouring out of her neck.

"That is what you get for killing my subordinates", he snickered. He was about to make his move and attack Steve but felt something wrapped around his legs. 

He looked down and saw a string was wrapped around his leg. But he was confused about how she could be alive after he had slit her throat.

He saw the body disintegrate in front of his eyes, and footsteps from behind him. He turned his head and saw her smile at him.

"You thought that I would allow myself to be captured that easily?", she asked. Her tone was much more menacing than Steve's now, that he felt a chill run down his spine as he looked into her eyes.

"But how?", was his only question. Steve who was watching all of this had a smile across his face, and he didn't say anything as he allowed her to explain.

"I am an Illusion Magic Master. Do you think I would allow myself to be killed by someone like you? Since you are going to die, let me explain how you fell for my trap."

"The moment you camouflaged and were resisting against the Gale, I switched. Creating an Illusion to lure you to this place, and his myself using the same Camouflage. With the Illusive Puppet in place, all I had to do was kill to make it look more real."

"I hid at an angle that would make you perceive that the Puppet was the one that did the killing, and you fell for the trap. The moment you let yourself be seen, was the moment I sprung the strings on your legs, wrapping them and trapping you in place", she finished her explanation.

Steve was amazed at her Illusive Magic. NO matter how many times he had seen it, he was amazed at the Illusions she used, and the ways she used it.

Most of the Illusion users were non-combatants, and they used it to create defenses for Kingdoms. They were highly valued individuals.

While most of them were non-combatants, some of them had found more uses of it in combat. Turning a non-combat Magic into something that can be used for combat was something that required a lot of research and time, and Jasmine was one of them.

She had learned Illusive spells and began to tune them into something that she could use for fights. After twelve years of testing and perfecting her Illusive Magic, she had reached this level of prowess.

Her research never stopped, and it was always ongoing. This was the part that amazed Steve a lot and eventually made him fall for her.

The moment he heard the statement from her, The Boss understood his mistake. He knew he was about to die.

"FOR FREEDOM!", he said as he felt the daggers cut him up, and kill him instantly. Jasmine pulled them back towards her, and she turned to Steve.

"How was that? Intimidating enough?", she asked as she looked at him. Steve had a smile and nodded his head.. Both of them had their hands together as they left the tunnel and headed back inside.

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