System: Inherited

Chapter 166 - Aldreus's Past (Part Two)

Aldreus was now standing back from where he had jumped from and took his seat on the chair that he had set up. The people that had got down were looking at him with awe in their eyes. 

"That man is the Mayor? And is this why we were asked to attack specifically when he wasn't in the village the last time? Man I wonder what he would have been like in his prime", said one of the soldiers as he pulled out his sword and shield.

Most of them were the same, and they formed a defense line to stop him from advancing any further. There was a mocking smile on Aldreus's face, and they were wondering what kind of tricks he had up his sleeve.

"I, Aldreus Alistair, welcome you to my battlefield", he said as he stood up from the chair. He cracked his neck and flicked his finger, and an explosion erupted right behind them. 

He clicked his tongue and looked at them once more, and the smile widened. Everyone broke the line of defense, and they were now wide open. 

He took this chance and broke straight for the first person he laid his eyes on and split his axe in two. He struck down with one, and it was blocked as he had expected. 

He swung the next one and attacked from the right, but he didn't expect it to be deflected by him. The strike hit the ground, and his axe was stuck there. 

The man took this chance to stab him, and right when his sword was about to connect to his body, the man disappeared from his sight. He reappeared behind him and slashed his head off.

Blood was spurting, and it splashed on his clothes. His mask had some blood on it, and the eyes that were underneath it were bloodthirsty.

"Come at me, you cowards. Didn't you miss some people last time!", he bellowed as he looked at the people in front of him. The men felt the pressure he was exuding, and some of them shivered unconsciously.

"He is just one man, what are you waiting for? Take him down!", one of the commanded. And that was when the real battle began. 

Troops emerged out from the woods that was around them, and he smiled. The smile on his face never faded, and he charged straight towards the people that were heading towards the village.

It was one man against an army that consisted of over a hundred men, but the plan he had in his mind evened out the odds that were against him. He threw his axe, and the moment one of them deflected the attack, he dashed towards it.

He killed them and threw his axe once more. But this time, he threw both of his towards two different directions. Right after it was blocked, he jumped towards one of his axes and killed the person using their sword, thrusting it into their nape.

The man who was commanding saw the way he was massacring them, and he understood how he was doing that. He smiled right after he had figured out his trick.

"Do not allow his axe to come in contact with any of our shields. He will use it to teleport around you and kill you", he commanded. The next moment, everyone began to avoid his axes.

"It doesn't make a difference even if you have figured it out, because I will kill you, and the entire army that has descended upon my village. And when I find out the person behind this, I will make sure to kill them too", he said with bloodlust oozing all around him.

Everyone could feel his anger and rage, and one of them tried to bash their shield into him. He took the shield from him and covered himself as he made another explosion by snapping his fingers. 

The explosion took down twenty men, and now seventy-eight men were remaining. He was keeping count of the people that he was killing, and he was sure that this would be his final battle.

"Elaina, take care of the kids for me, will you?", he muttered as he looked into the sky. He picked up his axes and took his stance.

"Now, let us see who will win", he said as he disappeared from his place, and reappeared behind another soldier. He cleaved his axe right into his shoulder and killed him by cutting across his body.

He felt a stab from behind him and saw a sword stuck into him. He smiled as he cut the man's head off and broke the sword with his hands, leaving the tip within his body.

The sun was setting, and he was covered in blood. The battle was still going on, and he hadn't fallen. His body was filled with the broken tips of the sword, and he had taken off his mask to breathe.

The moment the commander saw his face, or rather the remaining half of it, he was shocked.

"Seems like the rumors are true", he muttered as he looked at Aldreus. He did a salute from the army and pulled out his swords.

"The traitor, Blitz has been found. I will put an end to the traitor and his family", he said in a righteous tone. Aldreus laughed out loud as he shuddered in his anger. 

"So, that was what that bastard of a King has told you, huh?", he said as he looked at the man in front of him. His vision was now hazy, but he could outline the man in front of him.

The commander pulled out his sword and had his shield on his back. He didn't place it down and readied himself to attack. 

Right when he was about to attack, Aldreus felt a presence around him and held his axe upwards, deflecting the attack that had come towards him. 

He lost the strength to stand and fight, but his willpower was something that fuelled him. he twitched as he tried to hold back onto his axe.

He closed his eyes and accepted his fate. He had a smile on his face, and was looking at the beautiful moon that was shining in the sky as he closed his eyes.

"Do you want power", came a voice from around him. He tried to open his mouth to talk but he couldn't.

"Don't worry. You can speak in your mind", said the voice. Aldreus then began to ask the first question that had come to his mind.

"Who are you? And what is the catch for this power?", he asked. The voice laughed as it was amused by the question. 

"And this is why I like working with smart people. They know what they want, and would do anything to achieve it", said the voice and began to answer his question.

"I am a Demon, and my name is Rah. I am the wielder of a unique flame, and I am willing to pass it down to you in one condition. You should only do justice, and never cause injustice", he said.

"They came to kill me. If I kill them in return, would that mean justice?", asked Aldreus. He was sure he would die in a few minutes, and if this power would help him in those few seconds, he was willing to do anything to finish off what he started.

"Indeed it is justice. You can punish them with this Flame, and for the final step, drink my blood", said Rah, and he felt a fluid go inside his belly. The moment he felt that his eyes snapped open. 

The skin which he had tried to recover for all these years began to grow back, and horns made of flame began to grow on his head. Rah was amused at his creation and disappeared.

His eyes turned blue, and he picked up his axe which he had dropped on the ground. The man who was about to fight him was shuddering as he saw Aldreus stand up from the ground.

"But he was dead!", he thought as he picked his sword back up. Aldreus didn't make his move, as he remembered the words that were told to him by Rah.

He made sure to make him take the first move, and he came for the killing strike. He went straight for his neck, and Aldreus dodged the attack easily.

He kicked the man on his belly, pushing him back by a few meters. Aldreus was astonished at the increase in his strength, and he knew this was not the time to test it out. 

The man got back up and looked at him with fear. The awe which he previously had was gone, and a deep-rooted fear was visible on his face.

"DEMON! I WILL EXTERMINATE YOU!", he bellowed as he came running towards him. Aldreus threw his axe past him and teleported behind him. He cleaved his head off, and he was standing amidst dead bodies.

He didn't understand why Rah had given him this power, but he knew that he had to do something.

"If not contained, I am sure that I will do something catastrophic to the village that I had built", he thought as he looked around the place. 

Part of the village was safe, and the other parts were damaged as he had triggered the hidden explosives which could only be done by him.. He had set those for emergencies, and it came in handy for him when he was facing multiple enemies. 

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