System: Inherited

Chapter 167 - Aldreus's Past (Final Part)

He had averted the crisis that had come for him, and he was now clear who sent the people who had attacked him. He clenched his fists, and let the people escape as he had wanted. 

His horns were still burning, and there was an unsurmountable amount of rage building within him. He needed to get that out of him, and he was now searching for the man that had given him this power.

"I am sure there was a much bigger cost than what he let me believe. For now, I will complete the vengeance that I had sworn to complete. But not now, there is still time", he thought as he turned around.

There was a blue fireball headed towards him, and he dodged it quickly. He then looked towards the direction that the flame came towards him, and he saw a man with a black mask.

"Since this is your first time using that flame, until you get it under control, you will fight me, Rah", he said as he threw another fireball at him. He once again deflected the fireball and looked back at him. 

He tilted his head towards the sky and let out a scream. It was deafening and spread around the place. Rah had his hands over his ears and looked back at him.

"That's all it took for him to bring the fire under control?", thought Rah as he looked at him. Both of his eyes were blue, and the horns that were made of flames were burning intensely. 

"Or maybe not", he smiled as he looked at Aldreus. He was now standing in a wild pose, and the way he was looking at Rah was how a beast looks when it was hungry.

"Now that is more like the flame. Do not let it consume you. I know you can fight it, I saw it in you. The perseverance", he muttered as he dashed from the place towards him. 

He connected his shoulder right at his gut and tried to tackle him to the ground, but after a short slide, he didn't budge. Rah didn't stop as he lifted his right foot off the ground and connected his heel right at his nose.

The blow was crushing and Aldreus roared as he moved back, the look in his eyes getting crazier. His nails grew outwards, and he slashed right at Rah's face.

"ROOOOOOAAARRRR!", was the sound he made as his face was punched once more. This time, Rah held him down and had him pinned.

"Fight the urge of destruction, and overcome it", he whispered as he looked at Aldreus struggling to free himself. A few footsteps were heard, and the faint sound of a woman crying was heard. 

"Don't come any closer. Not right now!", said Rah as he turned his head and saw Elaina and two kids running back towards the place. He restrained Aldreus more, as he knew first-hand about how terrifying that flame was. 

"It will make him go after the people he loves, and empty him from the inside. Fight the craze, human!", he thought as he looked at Elaina who was inching closer towards them.

"Mister, could you hold him for me?", she asked as she came close to him. She then pulled out a dagger and began to chant something. It began to glow with a purple hue, and she plunged it straight at Aldreus's heart.

"That dagger, where did you get it?", asked Rah as he looked at it. Elaina smiled at him and lifted her sleeve, and that was when he saw it. 

"You're one of the formal Guards of the gate!", he was astonished as he looked at the woman in front of him. She stood up and did a curtsy as she introduced herself again.

"Hello, Your Majesty. It is good to see that you are doing well. I am Elaina Flintwood, or now known as Elaina Alistair", she said as she looked at Rah. He had a smile on his face as he looked at her, and the lifestyle she had chosen for herself.

"So this is the man you had fallen in love with, and left the gate for this person", he muttered as he looked at him. Aldreus's body was riddled with Purple lines, and the Lunar Flame which had built up inside him was now being released.

A huge pillar of flame erupted, and both of them shielded the kids from the impact of the flame. Aldrues was at the bottom of the pillar, releasing the flame. After a few minutes, he stopped releasing the flame and was panting hard.

The horns that were flickering on his head had stabilized, and he was in a deep sleep. Rah removed his mask and had a smile on his face as he looked at him. 

"I have finally found the right successor to the flame. Maybe this flame might be passed down by genetics in the future since he is a Half-Demon and not a complete one. And should I let your family know that I met you, Mrs. Alistair?", he asked with a smile. 

She nodded with a smile on her face as she exuded her aura to Rah, and he felt chills from her. He chuckled as he took off from the place, and left him at her care. 

"Does he know who you are?", he asked his final question as he was about to leave, and she gave him a smile in response. He persisted as he wanted to know the answer. She sighed out loud and gave him what he wanted.

"Yes, he does know what I am. I revealed to him the moment I decided to become his bride. And he accepted me for who I am", she said with a smile. Rah had a smile on his face as he looked at her, and knew that she was happy and content.

"Till we meet again, Mrs. Alistair", he said as he took off. The kids came close to him, and one of them tried touching the flaming horns on his head. 

"Viola!", exclaimed both the boy and Elaina. But she was fine and was playing with the small amount of flame that was in her hand, tossing it around like a ball.

Elaina was surprised when she saw it and realized that she was a Half-Demon just like Aldreus. While her brother, Silas was a human. He looked at her and back at her father, and was shocked at what he was seeing.

After a few minutes, a groan was heard and they saw Aldreus wake up. Everyone began to tend to him, and Rah was watching from the shadows, feeling a warmth in his heart. 

He got up and summoned the flame, and activated every trap that he had installed. He burnt the whole village down and took his family with him to flee. 

"After everything I did for him, he sure is heartless to first banish me. And now he wants me dead. Seems like I have to keep up with the happening in the city", thought Aldreus as he was running with everyone.

"Can we escape to that realm?", asked Aldreus to Elaina. She nodded her head and opened up a portal with her magic, and the four of them went into the portal. 

There were still clashes and the sparks were flying as the both of them were panting and looked at each other with a smile. Zephyr was now convinced that the man was an honest man who had unfortunate circumstances in his life.

"So, were you safe? What happened next?", he asked as he looked at him. Aldreus smiled and he raised his hands in the air. 

"I give you thirty minutes to make this power yours. All this while, you were borrowing just a fraction of this power, and you made your enemies tremble with that. I am sure with the full extent in your hand, you will be able to unleash the full potential", he said.

Zephyr took a meditative pose and began to draw the flame towards him, and Aldreus began to fade away from existence. He didn't notice anything as he was meditating deeply, and he drew all the flame towards him in twenty-eight minutes. 

He opened his eyes, and there was a small ring of orange in a deep blue circle. Aldreus was impressed with the way he had merged the flames, and there was no horn protruding from his head as he had expected.

"Seems like you have retained your humanity while making this yours. Thank you for freeing me, and I wish you luck in your endeavors", he said as he looked at him. Zephyr got up and saw only his face was visible.

He felt a tight knot in his heart, and something was rolling down his cheeks. He had just met Aldreus, but he was sure about the feeling that he was feeling.

"This, the last time I got this feeling was when I was leaving the Palace", he thought as he ran towards Aldreus to stop him from fading away.

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