System: Inherited

Chapter 71 - Grummsh - The One Eyed Orc God! (Part One)

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After reaching the Ninth floor, there was a change in the rounds. 'Boss Round will commence in two hours', it read. He looked around and saw that everyone needed a recovery potion. He pulled out the potions and handed them out to them, and saved the rest for later use. "I don't even know what Tier we'll be facing. Let's just hope that it is something that I could handle", he thought.

Robert walked up to Lucas, and he placed the bag that they received before. "Can you make a good katana for me?", he asked in a humble tone. He knew that Lucas had the skills to make a very good one. "Alright. What do you want me to do?", he asked. "Anything you want. Just make sure that it is a good one. I will be testing it out in this fight", he said. 

Lucas nodded his head at Emilia, and the room from before was prepared for him. He then took out the crystals and separated them by the elements. "Should I use the same technique from before? Let's just follow the same. I have to familiarise myself with every technique in this book like the back of my hands", he thought.

He then instructed Robert to channel his mana inside the wind crystals. After that, he used the same technique and began to make a katana for him. "His style kind of revolves around one-shot kills. So, a more thin and sharp cutting blade would work. And it also relies heavily on footwork. Maybe, If I could make an active skill in his Aura, and mix in my own", he thought.

He called Robert in and began to channel his Aura. Lucas used his Aura to lock and create the blade. He took the wind element and began to shape it into a wind blade. Something durable and sharp. He had only one more Steel Crystal, and he used it to make the steel part of the blade.

He nodded his head and asked Robert to leave. Then, he used his Aura and began to shape. Since this technique heavily relied on him to use his Aura, Lucas didn't stop channeling his Aura. Sweat was dripping, but not as hard as last time. "I'm getting the hang of this", he thought.

He knew his potential for Blacksmithing ever since he began it. His Master, Henry was proud of the disciple he had created. Lucas heard one of his teaching in his head. "Child, Never lose your concentration. If you do, that would be the end of the weapon", came his hoarse voice to his mind. Lucas smiled as he channeled more of his Aura, and began to separate the elements.

"I need to learn to control my Aura more. This is very challenging", he thought. He was also trying to break through to the next stage. Only after he breaks through, will he be able to improve by leaps and bounds. But he didn't know how long that would take. He clenched his fists. "Now is not the time to think about stuff like this", he thought.

He took his concentration to the max, and he began to see nothing around. It was pitch black like he had dived into a well. He couldn't hear anything that was happening around him. It was him and the weapon, all alone. Then, something floated in front of him. It was green, and it looked small. 

Lucas reached his hand out. "What are you?', he thought as he looked at it. He smiled and saw the green light flash at him. He didn't mind, and he just began to use his techniques. He activated [Fusion] and began to fuse both the Metal and Wind Elements. "It's like they're repelling each other. Are they incompatible?", he thought.

But then, the green light that was floating began to come towards him. It was pulsing, and Lucas was awed at it. "Maybe, it wants to bind with the weapon? But what is it?", he thought. He didn't know what it was, and thus he didn't want to bind it. "Mister, please bind me to the weapon", came a little girl's voice from the light.

"But I can't. I don't know what you would do to the weapon. And what are you", he asked. "Time shall answer your question, Mister. But without me, this weapon will never be complete. And you would never be able to fuse them both, as you have very little mastery of fusing the elements. I can help you, Mister", said the voice.

Lucas didn't know what to say. "How the hell did it know I'm trying to fuse it both?", he thought as he looked at it. No matter what angle he looked at, it didn't look like anything dangerous. "Well, let's just say that this is an experiment", he thought.

He then began to fuse the green light into the sword. Instantly, the difficulty went down by several notches. It was like someone was helping him in doing this. "Thank you, Mister", said the voice as the green light began to fade.

Lucas began to see a blinding green flash, and the weapon presented itself in front of him. It was just like Lucas wanted it. It was thin and sharp. The katana had a greenish glow in the middle, and the handle was a light green. The blade was shiny silver, and he proceeded to make a sheath for it.

The sheath was the same green as the hilt, and there was a shiny green crystal on the hilt. "But what could that green light be?", he thought. He was curious and thus used his [Inspect] on it.

[King Tier Weapon - ???? (Growth Type Weapon)]

[Growth Limit - ????]

[Passive Skill - Able to use the Wind efficiently, ???]

[Active Skill 1 - Wind Blade]

[Create a slash towards your opponent made of the Wind]

[Active Skill 2 -  Twirling Slashes]

[Use Wind Element to create a Whirlwind filled with Slashes]

[Active Skill 3 -  Wind Extension]

[Use the Wind Element to elongate your blade. Conditions not met]

[Combat Skill - ????]


[Mana Repair - Inject your Mana into the blade to restore Durability]

"Question marks? Is it because of the Green light? Just what in the world is that thing?", he thought. But he knew there was less time, as Robert was nearing the door. Lucas had a proud smile, and he took out a device that he knew could display the skill set of the blade. 

"Knock, Knock", came a sound from the door. Lucas opened it, and he saw Robert standing outside. "So? Was it a success?", he asked nervously. He trusted Lucas could make a fine weapon. He was still nervous though, as he thought that the technique he was using was somewhat bizarre.

He hadn't seen a technique in which one utilized Mana and Aura to create a weapon. But he still thought that was impressive, nonetheless. Lucas handed him the weapon and the scanner. Robert scanned the weapon and frowned. "One condition isn't met, and the other is just a question mark?", he asked. 

"A Growth type Weapon?!", he exclaimed. "Maybe I need the tiers to go up to unlock the question mark. But I'm going to use this in the fight against the boss that is going to come", he thought. He swung it a few times, and it felt perfect in his hand.

"Why does it feel like I've been using this my whole life? It's like, I have this feeling", he muttered. "Like it has been by my side all this while, watching me, and now it has come to me. Like some sort of guardian", he said out loud. Something struck inside Lucas when he heard that.

"Could it be? But they don't show themselves that easily", he thought. He remembered something like this happen to his master once, and he had explained everything vividly to him. He also tried to match his experience with his, and it was almost the same. "I can't believe it. If I tell Forge Master, he is going to be so shocked", he laughed as he hit his thigh.

He then cleared his throat as he and Robert came out. The countdown still had a few minutes to go, and Robert was swinging his blade like a little kid who had got his very first present. Lucas had a smile on his face as he saw his enthusiasm. "Not everyone has this side to them", he thought.

The timer buzzed, and Robert's demeanor changed in an instant. "Let's see who I'm up against this time, shall we", he thought. 

[King Tier Beast - Grummsh, The One-Eyed Orc God]

[He is a Greater God. And he can look into the future. He is a Master Magician and has intellect equal to no Orc. His strength far surpasses Orcs and puts him at odds with every God. Among the Greater Gods, he is said to have a ranking among the top 100s]

"So, that is Grummsh?", thought Lucas as he looked at him.

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