System: Inherited

Chapter 72 - Grummsh - The One Eyed Orc God! (Part Two)

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He had one eye, like the Orc Eye of Grummsh. His body was muscular compared to the other orcs, and he had a sword on his back. It was a broadsword, and he looked intimidating. "Seems like you mortals need a lesson? There will be a place for Orcs in this world! This is my promise to every brethren that has followed me for a thousand years!", he bellowed.

Just his voice brought shivers to Robert. His body was trembling, and his heart was shaken. "What kind of a monster is this? I have to face this head-on?", he thought. He didn't know how he would face it, and he was still thinking if facing him alone was a good choice for him.

Then a voice came to his mind. "No matter the difficulty, we must move forward. We must learn to live on the edge, and we must protect the people we care about. Listen, son, this may be our last meeting. Remember these words. Let your blade guide you in battle. Face every opponent with everything you have. And even in death, smile that you gave it your all. And son, find your Way of the Blade", came his father's voice.

"Yes, father. For that is the Way of the Blade. I still have yet to find my way, thus allowing me to borrow your strength, Father", he smiled. After the memory passed, he looked at Grummsh. There was no fear in his eyes, rather there was resolution. Grummsh began to laugh. "Very well, Mortal. Let me show you the difference in our strengths", he laughed.

He pulled out his broadsword and stood in front of him, and Robert did the same. He then placed his hand on his chest, and he chanted. "I call upon you, Spirit Of The Wind. Sylphie. Lend me your strength", he said. After the chant, there was a green light erupted from him. 

An armor made of light green appeared around him. He looked like someone Lucas knew before. "The Green Guardian", he thought as he looked at him. "That's where the Van Hueston's call their power from huh?", he thought as he smiled. "Wait a sec. If the armor's green and he called upon the Spirit of The Wind, then that means, I did put in a spirit in the weapon", he thought.

Lucas smiled as he made the discovery. He decided to keep it a secret, as the spirit within would know when to deem him worthy. He then looked at the blade, and saw it vibrating to the armor."It knows that he has called upon its power. But why is it vibrating so much?", he thought.

Robert felt the vibrations and he thought the same thing. But he didn't mind that for now, as he needed something to make sure he surpassed his old self. "Alright, time to do some basic testing. NO FORMS!", he thought as he looked at the monster in front of him.

Grummsh swung his sword towards his head in a vertical slash. "You call upon the power of mere spirits?!", he laughed as he slashed. "I have slain a thousand of those!", he laughed again. But he didn't stop his actions. He was talking as he was swinging his broadsword around. Robert was dodging everything quite effortlessly.

"You became a God with these meager skills?", he laughed at Grummsh. But Grummsh didn't lose his cool as any other Orc did. That was something Robert didn't expect. He stood back, and he planned on his next move. But what he didn't know was that Grummsh was seeing into every move that he was going to do, and thus, he thought up ways to counter it.

This was what made him a formidable person among the Greater Gods. With his strength and his ability of foresight, he could do anything. But that wasn't just the things he could do. There were many more. He could lock a certain future that he deems is useful to him, and make his opponent make the same move. And he was about to do the same to Robert.

After viewing multiple futures, Grummsh looked at one and locked it down. "Well, time to toy", he smiled wide. He then moved towards Robert's left, and he did a horizontal slash. Robert jumped it, and he ran on the sword. The smile grew eider on Grummsh's face as he suddenly spun the sword's hilt, making Robert fall. 

"That was something I didn't expect. He has intelligence, and a terrifying one at that", he thought. Robert was still thinking about what to do, and he remembered the skill in his sword. "He doesn't know the effects, thus I have to make this unpredictable", he thought. He then began to follow the footwork from before, but this time there was something different.

"He is finally grasping the essence of the footwork", smiled Lucas as he saw the footwork. Emilia was tending to both Michelle and Tobias, and she was low on stamina too. Thus, she was recovering as she had her eye around the room. "The Boss round can't initiate in the first place. Is this some trap?", she thought.

Lucas was looking at Robert with intent. "Show me something. Show me the improvement that I showed you", he thought with a smiled wide. Robert was having a hard time keeping up with the footwork. "Just how in the world did Lucas do it so fast? He must have trained his body to the maximum limit while maintaining the shape, allowing for more flexibility and movement", he thought.

He reached near the leg of Grummsh, and he activated the skill, [Wind Blade]. A slash of wind was sent across, and it cut the leg of Grummsh. There was just a slight scar, and he was laughing out loud. "You thought that would hurt me?", he laughed. Grummsh was slightly holding his stomach as he was laughing. Robert was pissed, but he didn't show it on his face.

"Alright, you mock me. Let me show you something", he said as he crouched. But before he could pull out a technique, Grummsh's sword came down on him. He dodged to the left and rolled on the ground. Rubble was spread all over the ground. Robert looked at the place, and he was horrified.

"This is his full power?", he thought. "A fraction of my power", laughed Grummsh after he displayed his strength. Robert gulped down his saliva. "Just how strong is he?", he thought. "Don't worry, Mortal. In this place, I have been limited to only a hundredth of my power", he said. Everyone was in shock.

"A hundredth of his power is that much?", they thought. "And I can't be killed. Only defeated. Thus, defeat me or make me admit defeat, and you shall move to the next floor", he said. the smile on his face was gone. "So he's serious", thought Robert. But something inside him was telling him that what he said was true.

"Yes. He is bound to this tower. And thus, his power is not what it was before", he heard a little girl's voice. "What? Who are you?", he looked around. "Guess the spirit has revealed itself, judging by the look on his face", thought Lucas. He chuckled slightly, and Emilia was confused as to why Lucas was chuckling. 

Robert then looked at his sword. "Are you the one communicating with me?", he asked the sword. "Yes, I am. I will help you this time. But to wield me, you will have to prove your worth in this time", said the little girl.

"Who are you?", he asked. "I am the Daughter of The Spirit Of The Wind, Sylphie. I have been watching you for a long time, and I have decided to join you in your journey. My name is Sarah. And if I deem you worthy, you will be my wielder, just like your father who wields Sylphie", she said.

"Then reveal yourself to me", he said. Robert knew that the spirits can bind themselves to the people they thought were interesting. But to be deemed worthy by a little girl was quite frustrating for him. "And mind you, I am almost a hundred years old this year", she said in a cute voice. Robert coughed out loud.

"Well, I didn't know this esteemed spirit has been watching me ever since I was born. I'm sorry for my insolence", he thought. He then looked around and saw no one was looking at him. "If anyone saw me now, they would think that I have gone crazy", he smiled. Grummsh made his next move, but it was stopped midway.

"I didn't see this in the future's that I saw. What is going on?", he thought. It was like an invisible barrier was blocking him from moving his sword forward. But that wasn't the only thing that was stopping him. He felt something stir within him.. "The last time I felt like this was when I fought against Odin and Zeus", he thought. 

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