System: Inherited

Chapter 73 - Reaching The Top!

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"Those old bastards trapping me in here", he thought. Sarah began to transfer some of her power to Robert. His clothes were fluttering with the wind that was surrounding him, and his armor was shining a green halo. "Now, you can wield the wind as you wish", she said as the halo faded away.

But then Grummsh began to laugh. "I haven't been this excited for a long time. Come. Domain of Futures: Open!", he said. Then, a box appeared around him and Robert, and Robert saw all sorts of futures in which he made many different moves. "Domain Authority: Lock", he said and locked a future in the domain.

The same video kept playing like it was on repeat. Robert was pissed. He was pissed at being toyed at. He knew he was no match to him, but he wanted to try. He made a move, but it turned out to be the same move that he saw. "But how, I was making a different move", he thought.

Once again, all kinds of futures were playing, and he locked onto one again. The same thing happened again. "Just what kind of a twisted domain is this? This is more like making sure that everything goes his way!", he thought. He then looked Grummsh in the eye. "You're a coward! Hiding behind this domain and making sure that you don't die. That is the way of a coward", he said.

Grummsh paused and he placed his fingers on his temples. He then began to talk. "Long ago, there was a world where the orcs and goblins left peacefully. Though we fought a lot and killed a lot, we did not disturb the economy of the world. Then one day, one of the goblins decided to explore something far beyond. And he was noticed by one of the gods", he paused.

"The Gods decided that we were somewhat hideous, and decided to eradicate us. The goblins were killed and the orcs were killed. And with the people that remained, we sought refuge in a world unknown. There, the humans began to hunt us down. They began to skin us and use us as weapons to kill our kin."

"Then one day, we were granted this power to exact revenge upon the Gods that did this to our kind. I am Grummsh, The God of The Orcs!", he bellowed. He then locked a future once again, and this time, Robert did something he didn't expect. He began to fly in the air. "Woah! This is awesome!", he said as he was flying in the air.

"Maybe, I can defeat him now? But how do I break his domain?", he thought. "You make a stronger Domain. But you don't have one for now", said Sarah to him. Robert sighed out loud. "Guess I'm going to have to do this the old way", he thought.

He then took a stance, and he began to channel his Aura into his katana. "Sarah, channel as much Wind as you can into this strike", he said to her. He then began to feel the air around him being sucked into the sword. The green light that was in the middle began to pulse. "Tell you what, you break my Domain, I will admit defeat", said Grummsh.

"Muramasa Blade: Forbidden Technique. Sunpō kiretsu", he muttered. He then took out a space stone and channeled his wind element into it. The stone broke into dust, and he began to control that dust. A slightly purple halo was beginning to envelop the sword. "No, you can't. The place will become unstable", said Grummsh and Sarah simultaneously.

Lucas didn't think that Robert would go as far as to create a dimensional crack. "I don't want to be stuck in some other dimension", he thought. Robert smiled as he looked back at everyone. "It might get unstable, but I have a way", he smiled as he released the slash. It went across Grummsh, and into the hologram that was playing his future. The future that was playing was not there on his list. 

"But how? He shouldn't be able to create an alternate future. Unless he wields the power of some other element like time, or foresight", he thought. The Dimensional Crack formed, and it was sucking everything out of the tower. Lucas and everyone was inside a house made from Earth in an instant. 

He then looked at Robert, who had begun to run towards the crack. He stood in the crack, and he was holding it with his bare hands. He then cut his hands, and blood began to drip into the dimensional crack. He then quickly began to use the same footwork, and he began to draw a sealing formation.

"Seal!", he said after he finished. There was a gaping home in Grummsh's Domain, signaling the defeat of him. Grummsh sighed out loud. "You're the third person to have broken my Domain. You are strong for a Mortal. And you, young spirit, have a lot to learn. I look forward to the adventures you will have. Ho ho", he laughed.

'Grummsh has admitted Defeat. Moving to the next floor'

Lucas heaved a sigh of relief. "Next is going to be me. I hope he isn't as troublesome as this guy was", he thought as the floor began to move upwards. They had reached the final floor, and the boss was standing right in front of him, even whilst the countdown was happening.

[King Tier Beast - Kik Jiki, Mirror Breaker]

[It can use Mirror Magic. It can create copies of anything it wishes, and make an army out of it. It is also a Commander and thus has a superior intellect. A Master Magician, and can manipulate minds, by creating illusions]

'Time left until Boss Round, 01:02:53'

"Seems like there is about an hour left until the round starts. Let me see if my weapon will be effective against it", he thought. He began to analyze the situation he was in and the pros and cons of this fight. "Just how powerful is this thing, to be able to be above an Orc God?", he thought. 

"You're mistaken. He isn't more powerful than the Orc God, thus he is killable. But the only problem would be, to counter his Mirror Magic", said Valentine. He knew how hard it was to counter a counter that was the replica of your attacks. "How will you face this challenge, kid?", he thought as he saw the goblin.

Kiki was laughing and cackling, as he placed a finger against his throat as a provocation. "You cannot win against me. Just give up", he said as he looked at them Everyone was exhausted from the climb, and they had finally reached the top of the tower. Lucas had one nagging doubt. "What was the record set last time?', he asked the tower.

'The time, excluding the breaks that were given, is 06:12:37'

"And what is our time?", he asked.

'Your current time is 05:33:58', replied the tower. Lucas smiled. "Alright, I will finish you, and set a new record. Prepare yourself, stupid monster", he provoked it. Kiki began to cackle again as he heard the provocation. "Very well, human. Let's see who will win", he said.

Lucas smiled didn't fade, as he began to play a particular move in his mind. "Master, allow me to borrow one of your many moves", he muttered as he closed his eyes. He pulled out his Exploding Ice Blade, and he took a deep breath.

"I can't go from the first this time, let me begin before the countdown starts", he thought as he began to perform the move. He moved and weaved, and Robert was watching his moves closely. "Who is he imitating? That isn't one of my moves", he thought. After he reached the Fourth Form, the buzzer rang.

"Copy Style: Fifth Form. Devour and Unleash", he said as he moved. His footwork was like a dance, and he was gliding as usual. But this time, the gliding seemed like a pattern. "Is he making a formation as he is fighting? But why?", thought Robert. Lucas was moving the way he saw his Master move, and he was cutting everything Kiki was throwing at him.

"You call us humans weak. You call us pathetic, Yes, we are weak and pathetic. But do you know what makes us humans?", he asked as he dodged another attack from Kiki. He cackled. Lucas didn't stop talking. "Is that we evolve. We grow from our mistakes, and we learn and adapt. That is what makes us humans formidable", he said.

Kiki just laughed it out and pulled out a mirror from his left. He chanted something and the mirror began to grow. "Prepare yourself human. You are going to be sucked into this spell of mine, and that would make me stronger", he laughed as he began to chant once again. 

"Domain Of Mirrors: Open!", he said and Lucas vanished from everyone's sight.

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