System: Inherited

Chapter 74 - Clearing The Tower!

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"What? What kind of a messed-up domain is that? It took him away!", exclaimed Robert and Emilia at the same time. "Ugh! Can you stop being so noisy for once?", came a voice from behind them. They quickly turned around to see who it was.

"Tobias! You're up!", said the both of them at the same time. Robert was about to reprimand him, but seeing the fatigued look on his face, he knew it was better to reprimand him later. "Using Blood Magic is forbidden", he thought. But then he remembered the reason of use. "Maybe the magic isn't bad, but the caster has to be of pure intentions?", he thought.

"I'm sorry about making you guys worry. Can you not talk about what I did here to anyone outside? It's best if it stays secret. I'm not allowed to use it, as it weakens the seal on me. Until Raijin-sama thinks I'm worthy, he would not allow me to undo the seal. And I'm not the only one, or so I have been told", he said.

Robert nodded his head. he knew some stuff about some of the Elemental Gods choosing someone to wield their powers. "They sort of become overpowered basically, and their powers can be taken away anytime. But there have been instances where the power that was given wasn't able to be taken back. And if that happens, Tobias will have to face the Trials of Raijin", he thought. 

But right now, everyone's concern was Lucas as he was missing from their eyes. But everyone could sense him. "Let's just hope that he could defeat that thing alone", said Robert in a reassuring tone. He knew of his strength, but he didn't know to what extent. "If he isn't showing his cards on purpose, he is a very smart man indeed. But I think it would be best for me to befriend him, instead of making an enemy out of him, and everyone else here", he thought.

He was always about benefits, but this time something inside him was telling him that there will be something more than just mere benefits for him in this group. He smiled as he looked at everyone around him. "A person is chosen by a God, a Legacy Weapon Wielder, an All-Round Mage, and a swordsman on par with me. Maybe I have been lacking in my training. Find the way of my sword", he thought as he sat down.

Lucas on the other hand had finished his formation. "Copy Style: Sixth Form. Insight", he said and then dropped a small amount of his blood on the ground. The ground then gave a slight red hue, and the ground began to shift around. A clock appeared from below, and Lucas was at the center of it.

"You can control Time?!", asked Kiki in shock. The only thing he couldn't mirror was time. Lucas smiled. "No, I can't. But with this formation, I can control a fraction of time in the way I want to. From this point on, I am in control", he thought. He decided to bluff it through. "Yes, I can control time", he said with a smirk.

"When bluffing, one must believe in the bluff wholeheartedly to make it seem real", he thought. This was something he had picked up from Sam. When playing poker, one could never beat him. He was a schemer and a very good one at that. "Well, if Sam was here, he would bluff much better. Maybe I should become him", he thought.

He closed his eyes and he thought of moving Kiki to the right, and he moved him by forcing him. "I've shown you proof", he said.  Kiki now began to think about his options. He knew he can't mirror time, and if need be, Lucas could reverse time back to before he got into the domain, or so he thought.

Lucas still stood there, building up the momentum. "Just a small push and he will take the bait", he thought. "After that, Hehe", he thought as he smiled. Kiki then looked around. "Screw this. If I'm going down, I'm taking him down with me!', he thought. He began to channel his Mana into the Domain, and Lucas smiled.

"Just like I wanted to", he thought as he began to move to the final form of his self-created style. This time, he said it out loud so that Kiki could hear it. "Copy Style: Seventh Form. Total Exploitation!", he said and Kiki shivered to the very bone when he heard that.

Lucas began to move and he slashed at Kiki, but this time he missed it on purpose. Kiki was stunned. "But he didn't miss all this while. What is the plan?", he thought. Lucas began to use his Aura in each strike, and after it reached a certain distance, Lucas placed his hand on the makeshift clock on the ground. 

"Reverse Strike", he said as he began to reverse time, but only for his strikes. The first one hit Kiki in the back, and it followed like a chain. He couldn't avoid any of the attacks that were about to hit him. It was like he was stuck. "Stuck? But how?", he thought. He then looked to his legs and saw Ice binding him to the ground.

"[Flowing Ice Bind]", smiled Lucas at him. Now, Kiki began to bleed and he was about to beg for mercy. "Domain Authority: Countless Reflections", he said as he looked around. Reflections appeared, but they vanished the moment they appeared. "Now, time for you to meet your maker", smiled Lucas.

"NO!", screamed Kiki as Lucas his Combat Skill, [Cryo- Blaze]. Kiki began to freeze on the outside, but the Ice began to use his body's heat to keep him trapped in the ice. The process of using his body's heat was burning him on the inside. Lucas then looked around and smiled.

"I can't rewind past the point I created the formation, thus I have to break this formation. But how?", he thought. Kiki was still burning on the inside, thus he was considered to be alive. "Take this down, and I will make your death peaceful", threatened Lucas. Kiki was terrified of Lucas. "Is this person even human anymore?", he thought as he took down the domain.

Everyone saw Lucas standing tall after victory, and Kiki inside a block of ice. "As promised, I shall give you a swift death", he said. He placed his hands on the Ice, and he began to direct the water particles in it. He guided it towards Kiki, and he froze him in place. 

"I have cleared the Tower, and I have cleared a part of this thing. Now, if the maze pops up right now, will I be able to solve it. I do need some rest", he thought. "Ah screw it. Let's check the rewards for clearing and setting a record time!", he thought enthusiastically. 

He looked up at the screen that was displaying something, and he was excited to see if he beat the record or not. 

[Record has been beaten. Congratulations!]

[New time 05:58:35]

[Rewards have been calculated]

[The crystals shall be distributed now]

Then a bag appeared out of thin air in front of everyone. Michelle was still out, thus they gave the bag to Lucas to safeguard it. He was waiting for the other rewards that were supposed to come. After a few moments, came the table of points.

[Points have been calculated. Each person has 15,400 points. Requirements for the next course have been met. Initiating Maze in 2 hours]

Lucas was shocked when he saw that. "Time to put my brain to good use", he thought. There was time, so they waited for Michelle to get up. She finally got up after a few minutes from  Lucas's fight, and she was shocked to hear the developments. The scythe in her hand was still the same size, but what she did next shocked everyone.

"Shrink", she said and it became small. "Elongate", she said and the scythe became long. She then brought it back to its normal size. "Well, I guess I have become a Legacy Weapon Wielder now. But at what grade are you now, Death?", she asked. "After the last upgrade, I am now at King Tier", said Death.

She then began to introduce everyone to Death. Lucas just smiled as he saw the happy atmosphere. He was still thinking why there were no rewards when something popped up on the hologram.

[Due to setting a new record, you have options to choose from the following Rewards.

1. Mirror Breaker - An Item that allows the user to be able to cast Mirror Magic temporarily. Only usable once per day. A domain can be erected once a week. 

2. Manual of Fierce - A manual written by the Master Poison Illusionist. 

3. Orb of Future - Allows the user to see the future once every day.

4. Manual of Grenzo - A manual written by the Master Reverse Magician.

You may choose two among the above]

Lucas looked at everyone. He knew how important this moment was, as this would help them in their future endeavors. "So what do you guys think?", he asked. Everyone looked at each other. "There isn't anything of use to us. Not for now anyway", said everyone. Lucas felt the same way.

He looked at it once again, and he decided to go for the manuals. "Knowledge is always of the greatest value", he thought as he chose both the manuals. Although the Mirror Breaker sounded impressive, it didn't have the power to counter all kinds of magic. Thus, Lucas concluded that he could keep these for the future, and if he found someone with the same compatibility, he would give it to them.

After the selection, another reward popped up.

[Individual Rewards.

Robert Van Hueston - The Path of Self Discovery (Manual)

Emilia Burnheart - A Guide to Wielding Mana Efficiently (Manual)

Tobias Brown - Blood Needle Technique (Manual)

Michelle Cooper - Shadow Techniques (Manual)

Lucas Smith - A Guide to Fusing Elements (Manual)]

Everyone was stunned at the prizes they had got. "This is priceless!", thought everyone as they were absorbed in their world of studying their manuals. Lucas was the only one who laid on the floor and closed his eyes to get some rest.. "Brain needs rest, and there are almost two hours on the clock before The Maze", he thought.

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