System: Inherited

Chapter 80 - The Rematch With Mantis! (Part One)

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Lucas couldn't believe what he was seeing. The possibility that he could only see it using [Mana Vision] confirmed the fact that this thing which he was seeing was no ordinary foe.

[King Tier Beast - Humanoid Praying Mantis (Inferior Mana Beast)]

[This Humanoid Praying Mantis has exceeded the level of Beasts and has become a Mana Beast. They have formed their Mana Cores, thus making them a terrifying existence in nature. Weakness: Mana Core]

"Well, seems like I will be having a rematch", smiled Lucas as he pulled out his sword, and he felt his HP go low again. "This is going to be a tough match, thus I will have to get ready and be in top shape for this one", he thought as he pulled out a recovery potion.

[Advanced HP potion consumed. 200 HP points gained]

[HP: 335/350]

"Not in top shape, but I think this is manageable", he thought as he smiled wide. Everyone that was around him was confused as to why Lucas had his sword drawn, and what they were facing. "What is wrong? I see no monsters?", asked Robert. Lucas turned around and pointed his fingers to his eyes.

"Channel your Mana or Aura into your eyes and you will be able to see what I am seeing. But whatever you do, do not interfere in this one", he said in a stern voice. Everybody was confused. "But your condition...", began Emilia, but she was cut short by the look on his face.

"Very well, I understand. Just stay safe", she said with a tinge of worry in her voice. Lucas smiled as he turned his head back to the beast. He then spread his arms wide. "Looks like we meet again, Mantis", he said in an enthusiastic voice.

The Mantis looked at him like it was looking at some insect. "Human. Who are you? Have we met before?", it spoke. And this time it wasn't via telepathy. "Wow, so now you could speak?", said Lucas in astonishment.

He was still taking in the fact that the Legendary Beast that he faced for the first time, now had a tier upgrade. But he wasn't afraid. Instead, his body was trembling with excitement. He wanted to face the first opponent that he had lost to.

"Well, it was partially thanks to you that I was able to get this system and awaken my Magic and Aura. So I must thank you for this", he thought as he smiled. He then closed his eyes and did an [Aura Slash] to test the waters of the Beast that was in front of him.

"Pfft. Weak", it said as it slashed across it and broke it in two. Lucas wasn't surprised. Instead, his resolve to face it grew stronger. "If this becomes a battle of attrition, then I won't be able to win. I will have to kill it, and quickly at that", he thought. He didn't know where the Mana Core was, and he had to find that to defeat the beast.

"Now, how will I be able to find the Mana Core?", he thought. He was already using [Mana Vision], so he was still confused as to what to do. "Well, if this doesn't work, then I will have to think of a way to make it expose the weak spot", he thought. 

He channeled more of his Aura into his eyes, and now he began to see some of the nerves of the mantis. "For me to use this much Aura, and still unable to see the weak spot. Guess I'll have to go old school", he thought as he looked at the mantis.

He then made his move. He didn't use any styles, as he had to feel out the strength of the beast. He moved towards it swiftly, and he kept running in a zigzag fashion. The beast readied itself for the attack, and it brandished its blade-like hands, ready to rip Lucas to shreds.

Lucas made a feint from its left and made a strike from its right. The mantis didn't fall for it, and it parried his strike. Lucas's smile widened, and he struck again. This time it wasn't from his left. It parried again. "The Dual Blades won't withstand against this type of blade", he thought as he looked at his sword. 

The Mantis was slowly chipping away at the durability of the weapon, and clangs were heard as Lucas hit to his left and right. The sword now had cracks across its surface, but Lucas still smiled. "His sword is going to break", said Michelle and Tobias in worry.

Robert was the only one who had a smile on his face as he knew of the weapon's abilities. Nobody noticed his smile, neither the glint that momentarily flashed across Lucas's eyes. "Playtime's over", he thought as he leaped back. He then began to channel his aura throughout his body, and his demeanor changed.

He channeled his Mana into his Sword, and it began to repair itself. "You're the only blacksmith that could make a self-repairing weapon. This means that the weapon is indestructible", thought Robert as he was, once again in awe of Lucas's feat.

Lucas, on the other hand, was analyzing his attack patterns. "Whenever I near his right side of the chest, it seems like he is tightening his defenses over there", he thought. He smirked as he had found the clue he was looking for.

"This time, I shall win. With my strength", he thought. He moved fast and kicked up the rubble of The Maze. "This time, allow me to introduce you to something. I call this Advantage of the Terrain", he smirked as he jumped from wall to wall, and built his momentum.

He then somersaulted in the air, and cast an [Icicle], and used it as a springboard to use the momentum against the Mantis. The smirk on his face grew wide, and Robert saw that he was enjoying himself. "Go, Lucas. Go all out", thought Robert in glee.

Lucas then activated his Rage Mode. The mark spread across his forearm, and he thrust the sword right into the right side of the mantis's chest. But the mantis deflected it easily. "Not yet", muttered Lucas as he felt his hit go off the mark. But he quickly cast another [Icicle] and jumped off it.

He went behind the Mantis, and he stabbed it again. The Mantis just disappeared, using its camouflage. "These tricks work on me again", said Lucas as he looked around. he had some experience in dealing with camouflage from last time.

He closed his eyes began to listen to his surroundings. He felt a move coming from his left. He dodged it effortlessly. "Come on, Mantis. You're faster than that", said Lucas. The Mantis was mad now.

"You human! You think you're all high and mighty?", he said in a loud chittering voice. The Mantis's blade began to glow green, and it began to slice the air. Lucas sensed the Wind Blades and dodged it. Lucas smirked. "Come at me as you did back then", he thought.

He remembered the clip in which he saw him using Magic and Aura. "Let me try to recreate that situation", he thought. "I cast [Icicle], except it was from the ground, and each was larger than my average [Icicle]", he thought. "Maybe if I try it with my feet instead", he thought.

He then smirked as he plunged his sword into the ground. "[Flowing Ice Bind]", he activated the skill. The Mantis was trapped in his bind, and Lucas didn't step forward. He closed his eyes and stomped his feet as he activated [Icicle].

A small spike came out from the ground, and Lucas smiled. "That was what I was looking for", he thought as he looked at The Mantis. But he couldn't see it anywhere. He then felt a sense of danger crawk under his skin. He rolled on the ground in front, and he stood up again.

He saw the Mantis in the place he was standing, and the blades had missed his neck by an inch. "Guess you do have to trust your instincts", thought Lucas. The Mantis licked the blade. "Dance, Human", it said. Lucas got frustrated as it reminded him of something it said in the past.

"I'm not the same anymore", he seethed. "Let me empty the Rage Meter", he thought as he unleashed the full strength of the Rage Meter. His movements were tripled by speed and force. Robert saw him move and he was astonished. "There must be some price to pay for that strength", he thought.

Lucas struck The Mantis this time, and The Mantis felt threatened by his strength. "This Human is growing minute by minute?", it thought as it eyed him. Lucas saw the look and smirked. "Prepare for your funeral, Mantis", he said as he jumped back. 

Lucas smiled as he then placed the sword back into its sheath, and began to load it with his Aura again. 

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