System: Inherited

Chapter 81 - The Rematch With Mantis (Part Two)

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"What is he about to do? And what kind of a beast is that? For us to use the Aura in our eyes to even have a look at it", thought everyone. But Lucas didn't falter. His concentration to the max, he looked at the beast in front of him. "I will overcome you, and grow myself", he thought.

"I don't know if this will work. It is said that only after the unification will it work", he recalled the words from his family. He was trying to bring out something that he was forbidden to do. "Well, I am really curious as to what will happen if I do it", he thought. 

"Heart Family: First Form. Explosive Stance", he muttered as his whole body shook. He felt his whole body erupt with Mana, and his Aura was overflowing. There was a slight amount of blood that began to trickle from the ends of his mouth. "Indeed, never try to do this again", he thought. 

His blood vessels had erupted. "Unless I go through 'that' process, I can't handle the backlash", he thought. "You sly kid, you are cunning. You know that I wouldn't let you die, and to heal yourself from the damage, you decided to do this", he said. 

Lucas smiled wide. "I'm caught. Thought I could fool you", he said with a chuckle. He coughed out blood, but he didn't falter from this. His eyes were bloodshot, and he crouched. His Mana and Aura began to intertwine, and it formed a bluish orange hue. He then made his move.

He took a step forward and the Mana in the air surrounded him. His Aura was also rising to the point that everyone was trembling slightly. "Just what kind of a technique is that?", thought everyone. "I'm coming, Mantis", he said. He moved like the flash, and all everyone saw was an orange line in his path.

The Mantis, on the other side, could see him move clearly. His movements were only visible to Mantis, all because it was a Mana Beast. "Trying to use Mana against me? Too Weak!", it said as it moved just like him. It then used its blade and tried to slice Lucas in the abdomen.

"Ah, alright. I'll use it", said Valentine in frustration. Lucas smiled, as he felt the pain from his body alleviate slowly. He then saw the notification he wanted to.

[Regeneration has been activated]

[Regenerating Torn Ligaments and Muscles]

[Regenerating Broken Bones]

[Regenerating Nervous System]

[Regenerating Mana Channels]

"You happy now? Even the broken bone is going to be healed now", said Valentine in frustration. "To be able to manipulate me, the one who is bound with this system", he thought. Lucas, on the other hand, felt the warmth of healing spread through his body. 

The Mantis and he clashed, and The Mantis felt itself being pushed back. "What kind of power is this?", it said in astonishment. Lucas replied with a smile. "A power that is passed down through the generations of our family. Even I, being a strong person in sword combat, can never bring out the full potential", he smirked.

The Mantis acknowledged him with his strength. "Human. What is your name?", it asked. "My name is Lucas Heart", he said as he stepped back. He didn't change his stance and he moved once again. His movements were like water, his strikes like waves. They were crashing against the blades of The Mantis, damaging them slowly.

Lucas's focus was shifted from his surroundings to only the fight. He couldn't hear anything from anyone, and the looks that everyone was giving. Every breath he took, he could hear it. His heart racing, his adrenaline pumping, and the swinging of his sword. He felt everything. He could even hear slashes that were being made by The Mantis.

The Mantis was also concentrated on the fight. He didn't care about the time and any other worry. "This feeling... it's exhilarating", he thought. "Just what is this feeling?", was his train of thought.

For Robert and the others, they saw his eyes being filled with Mana. And his movements were leaving behind lines like they were moving too fast. Robert was in awe. "He has entered 'The Zone'", he said. Everyone was surprised like him. "Seems like it was unintentional. But how did he enter that state? Even I have entered that state only thrice in my whole life", he said out loud.

Lucas slashed, and along with it came his explosive Aura. it cut the blade of The Mantis in two. He then thrust his blade into the right side of the chest, and it pierced into the Mana Core. "That was a good fight", said The Mantis as it faded from existence. Lucas was feeling fatigued from the destruction and regeneration of his whole body. 

"Never do that again", he said as he placed the sword into the ground for support. He then heard Valentine's stern voice. "Never use that technique again. Not until you have finished the process of 'Channel Integration'. Got it?", he said. Lucas couldn't speak, so he just nodded his head in agreement.

"Don't want to ever experience something like that again", he thought as he looked around. He picked up the key, and he placed it near the gate. A keyhole appeared, and along with it was a riddle. 

"What is the most precious commodity?

That which when needed seemingly is never enough,

Yet otherwise can be boringly plentiful.

While waking is oft dreamt of,

Whilst pining can scarcely be thought of.

For beings, is allotted in finite but indefinite quantity.

The more that's given, the more is wasted.

Freedom is akin though this is something more simple,

Not related to virtue or sin.

Unless perhaps, without freedom, or it's limit.

What is it?"

He read it out aloud. "How many minutes left?", he asked Robert. He looked at the time and smiled. "We have ten minutes remaining", he said. "Maze, What is the record time in which this has been cleared?", he asked.

[It is 2:58:45]

Lucas smiled. He knew he can solve this in under a few minutes. But still, he needed to be faster. "Tobias, can you strike me with lightning, but not too potent. I want my brain to process faster", he said. Tobias was taken aback. "But that would fry your brain, and you would turn into a vegetable", he said with worry.

Lucas knew his worry. "Just do it. I have trained myself in manipulating it internally", he smiled. Tobias nodded as he struck him with a very minuscule amount of lightning. Lucas closed his eyes as he brought the whole lightning to his brain, and constructed a net around his brain.

"Now, let's begin", he smiled as he placed his hands on his chin. "Alright let's think. Line one, What is the most precious commodity? If this is a question and the next lines are a clue, then we will have to think about this very carefully. That which when needed seemingly is never enough, Yet otherwise can be boringly plentiful", he paused.

"So, something we have in abundance, but we never use it well. There are plenty of things that we, as humans never use properly. Age, time, money, like there, is so much more. But what would fit these criteria", he pondered.

"Which in abundance, we find it boring, and if rushed, find it less", he thought. He then smiled. "There is only one thing that we always find not enough, and yet enough at the same time. It all adds up. Age, Money, Reputation, anything you take, the base of it all. Time", he thought.

He then put the key into the keyhole and wrote the answer right next to the riddle. The gate unlocked with a thud. The timer countdown stopped. And Lucas looked at the time that was remaining. 

[Congratulations! You have cleared The Maze!]

[Time taken - 2:51:35]

The time Lucas took was only a minute to solve the riddle. All thanks to the lightning given by Tobias. It helped in speeding up his thinking process and ended up being a big help in him setting a record time. "Now, what will the rewards be for setting up a record time?", he thought. 

[Rewards have been calculated]

[The crystals shall be distributed now]

A bag of crystals came out as the last time, and everyone took it heartily. 

[Points have been calculated. Each person has 26,800 points. Requirements for the next course have been met. Initiating Survival Wave in 3 hours]

[Due to setting a new record, you have options to choose from the following Rewards.

1. Elemental Mana Cores - This can help improve the Mana Potency of the person with the said Element. Will receive a bag of all Elemental Mana Crystals.

2. Advanced HP Limit Breaker x2, Advanced MP Limit Breaker x2

3. Angel's Chestpiece x1 - An Armor used by the fallen Angel Beelzebub

4. Blueprint of [Staff Of The Elves] x1 

You may choose two among the above]

[Individual Rewards:

Robert Van Hueston - Unlocking your Sword Intent (Manual)

Emilia Burnheart - Domain Fusion (Skill/Manual)

Tobias Brown - Strengthening Mana Channels (Manual)

Michelle Cooper - Void Portal (Skill/Manual)

Lucas Smith - Thermo Reception (Skill/Manual)]

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