System: Inherited

Chapter 86 - The Guardians (Part One)

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Ben and Merlin were taking in the information that was shared by Sally. "But how? That tactic is definitely done by him", said Merlin. Ben nodded his head and looked around. "If what she said is true, it means that this Omega, is apparently run by him. He is alive even after twisting his head out. Then what other means do we have to kill him?", said Ben.

Merlin began to think, and Ben laid down on the Bed. They both hadn't transformed back to their human forms. They were still in their Beastman forms. "Maybe we can ask them?", said Merlin as he looked at Ben. They both smiled and Ben dived into is Eye of the Mind. He went into the meadows, and he saw a man seated in the middle.

"What do you look like without the transformation?", he asked as he looked at him. The man smiled. "Seems like you have learned something about us", he said as he looked at Ben. He then turned off his transformation, and the only things that changed were his hair and eyes.

His hair turned into a green color, and his eyes were the same. "You can 't be him", said Ben as he looked at the man in front of him. "It can' be... You're one among the Guardians", he said. "You do remember, little Benjamin", smiled Michael. Ben had his hand over his mouth, and an inexplicable amount of awe and sadness was seen in his eyes.

"What happened to The Guardians?", he asked. "After our demise, seems like they hid deep underground", said Michael as he looked at Ben. 

(A few hours before Michael's capture)

"Are you positive about this? That they are now targeting the Beastmen?", asked Michael as he analyzed a heap of papers and plans in front of him. "I'm positive", came a lady's voice from his side. And he turned and saw a ebautiful woman walk towards him. She was twirling her hair around her fingers, and a playful smile was on her lips. 

"Cassandra, this isn't the time to be flirty, you know that right?", he asked in a stern voice. His voice carried a tinge of authority, but it was also filled with love. Cassasndra walked towards him, and she placed her arms around his neck. "And what will you do if I don't stop it?", she asked. 

Michael sighed as he looked around. The door was knocked and in came five people. They were all Elite Beastmen like him, and they were a part of The Guardians. "I have recieved some disturbing information. I will be leaving for The Kingdom, and consult His Majesty for our next move. I know we have the authority, but I need this trip", he said.

Everyone nodded their heads. Michael smiled as he packed every available papers, and he put them in a small briefcase. "With my speed, I will be able to reach the Kingdom in a few hours", he thought as he packed. 

He looked at the team he had put together. "Cassandra, Alex, Denver, Elle and Iris. Make sure to protect this place and The Kingdom. I'll be back in a few hours. And Denver, no snooping around", he wanred in a stern voice. "Yes, Captain", said everyone in a stern voice. 

Denver was a handsome man. He was tall, and his hair was brown. His ears, were slightly longer than an average human, and it was due to his unique Beastman Transformation, The Brown Earth Hare. And next to him, was a woman who had yellow eyes.

Denver smiled at her, ans she smiled back at him. "Iris", he said as he looked her in the eye. Iris smiled back at him. She had red hair, and her eyes were yellow. She was short in nature than him, and she too had the same type of ears like Denver. There was a bushy tail behind her, and it was a deep red with a white end. 

This was due to her Beast Transformation Ability, The Fiery Red Fox. She had tried to hide her tail multiple times. but she ended up getting uncomfortable, so she like to keep it out in the open while in the Tower. 

"I still can't believe that mortal enemies like you two, ended up falling in love", came a man's voice from his right. He turned ands aw who it was. "Alex", he smiled as he embraced the man.

Alex was tall, and had a burly body. His eyes were sunken, like he was sleep-deprived. His skin was dark, and his hair was a mix of both black and brown. His eyes were blue, and his pupil was a straight line. He had a brown beard, and it was trimmed neat. There were two humps on his forehead. This was due to his Beast Transformation, Water Wildebeest.

And next to him was Elle. She was a short and beautiful woman. She had small eyes, and it was green. She was the second fastest person amongst the group, and she had small horns protruding out of her forehead. This was due to her Beast Transformation, The Wind Pronghorn Antelope.

Together, these six were The Guardians of the Kingdom. This squad was a secret sqaud that protected the Kingdom from the shadows, and it was comprised of these tribes. This squad had been present for a long time, and they were handpicked by the Third Ancestor. Michael was the squad's thirteenth leader.

Beastmen live a longer life than an average human. And these people accepted the task that was handed down to them by their ancestors. But now, the danger that they were facing was not a threat to just the Beastmen, but to all the people that were residing in the kingdom. Thus, Michael needed to consult this in person.

He left the place and went towards the palace, to meet the current king that was ruling. It was Christopher Heart. He ran as fast as his legs could carry, and he reached the palace within mere hours. He entered the throne room without any announcement, and he saw the king playing with a little boy. It was none other than Benjamin Heart.

"My king, I bring bad news", he said with a serious face. Christopher nodded his head and motioned for Benjamin to leave the room, and he listened to the news in a serious manner. After the briefing, Chris's face turned crimson. "The audacity!", he bellowed in a deep tone. He released his Aura, which began to form cracks in the throne that was behind him. "Your Majesty", said Micheal.

Chris didn't think for a second. "No matter what, defend. And if things go South, Initiate 'Protocol X' ", he gave his command. "But Your Majesty, Protocol X is...", he paused. He knew the depth behind the simple words that he said.

"Yes. Your lives are more important to me than this person who is coming towards me. No matter what, we must prevent the person from obtaining the things he wants", said Chris. He knew if the person had achieved his goal, then not this Kingdom, any Kingdom in this country will not be able to face them. 

Chris smiled at Michael. "It was great knowing you, Michael", he said as he placed his hand on his chest. Michael did the same, and did a salute. The both of them had respect for each other, and Michael had other pressing things to attend to. 

"Captain, they have arrived earlier than expected. They are attacking the towns that we live as we speak. What should we do?", came Alex's voice from a device that Michael had. His eyebrows creased. "We may never see each other again, My Majesty. Are you sure about Protocol X?", asked Michael one last time.

Chris smiled. "Yes, Mikey. I'm affirmative of Protocol X. Don't worry about the Kingdom, I shall protect it in the meantime", he smiled. Michael looked at Chris and he ran up to him. He embraced Chris, and he embraced back. He looked at Michael and gave him a smile. "Now, go and protect your kin", he said.

Michael looked at him and gave his order. "Alright. Everyone is to leave for their towns, and protect them. If anything goes South. Initiate Protocol X", he said and left the palace. As he went out of the throne room, he saw Ben standing there. "Uncle Michael, is something the matter?', he asked in a cute voice.

Michael was about to break down. He wanted to see this kingdom grow and prosper. He had so many wishes that he wanted to fulfill. "This might be the end, so I'll have to let him know", he thought as he looked at Ben.

"This Uncle, has something important to do. Now, if this Uncle doesn't return, I want you to hold onto this", he said as he removed a badge from his chest. The badge was pitch black and had a shield and a sword. The shield had a claw mark on it. "And maybe, you will be able to lead a new generation of Guardians", he thought as he smiled.

"Are you leaving?", asked Ben with his eyes wide. Michael smiled and patted his head, as he couldn't and didn't want to answer taht question.. "Farewell, little Benjamin", he smiled as he left the palace, and dashed towards the Tower.

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