System: Inherited

Chapter 87 - The Guardians (Part Two)

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This time, his transformation was in the Second Stage, as he needed the extra speed to reach the Tower. Just as he neared the Tower, he heard a scream. "Cassandra!", he thought as he moved in instinct. He sensed something around him, and he moved quickly.

He moved towards the direction he heard the voice. In mere minutes, he reached the place. He transformed his hands into blades, and he cut everyone he saw. She had a gaping hole in her gut, and was bleeding profusely. Michael looked at her and his eyes went red. "Cassandra!", he screamed as he ran towards her.

She turned her head towards him, and smiled. "It's okay. You know I can heal faster than normal", she said as he reached near her. Her smile was beautiful, even in the face of death. Michael knelt by her, and he saw the hole closing slowly. He bit his lip, and blood began to flow. 

He then kissed her, and the blood which was transferred helped in the healing. She quickly got back up, and she smiled. "Now, let's get that son of a gun", she said as she looked into the burning distance. As he saw the person that was standing in front of him.

"Who are you?", asked Michael as he looked at him. "Many people call me by different names. But I am mostly known for my eccentric experiments that I do. I am, Fenrir the Mad Scientist", he said as he laughed.

Michael was shocked as he heard the name. "You're Fenrir?", he asked. At that instant, he knew what was at stake as he looked at him. "Initiate Protocol X. It was an honor staying by your sides", he said into the device as he crushed it. Cassandra turned and looked at him. "Who is Fenrir?", she asked.

"All you need to know is that he, is like us", he said. Cassandra was shocked as she heard him say that. Michael made his first move, and he struck Fenrir right across the chest. Fenrir bled, and his Aura changed into a purple one. "You aren't Fenrir. He is stronger", said Michael in an instant. 

This line enraged Fenrir. He laughed like a maniac, and he looked at Michael in the eye. One of his eyes turned purple, and something inside him changed. "Indeed, he was stronger. But, I am the one that killed him. Fenrir died by my hands", he said as he laughed.

Michael jumped back. "We need to run, NOW!", he roared. He recognised the Aura that was surrounding him. "Fenrir's Wrath", he said as he ran. He was running at a speed faster than normal, and he was carrying Cassandra under his arms. "Who is Fenrir?", she asked again. 

"Fenrir, is an anomaly among the Beastmen. Although he was among the Wolf species, he had an abnormal amount of speed and strength. It was like he was a mixture of both the Direwold and Eurasian Wolf. But that wasn't it, he also had the toughness of a Grey Wolf. Amongst the Wolves, he was the strongest. And one of the Guardians", he said.

"Huh? But I have never seen him?", she asked. Michael smiled. "He is only needed in special missions. Missions which require us to face against something like a Portal Break", he said. Cassandra nodded her head in understanding. 

"A few months ago, I recieved a transmission from him. He said that he was investigating something peculiar. He didn't explain what it was, but he stressed that it was something important to the kingdom. I didn't ask him any details, and wished him luck on his venture", he said.

"But after a month, I recieved another transmission, stating that his investigation was going in rounds. That was when I noticed something. If something could make him go in rounds, then it means that they're extremely smart. I warned him"

"In just two days, I recieved his final words. They were exactly this. "The Guardians are in Danger. If you come across a man, who called himself The Mad Scientist. Do not engage. Run!", he finished.

Michael then understood why. "To absorb and become one. That too, to be done to Fenrir", he thought. "Fenrir, if you are watching this from above, I will avenge you", he said in a loud voice. "In this weak frail body?", came a voice from his left.

He turned and saw him running next to him. Michael threw Cassandra to the side, and he threw a Diamind punch. Fenrir blocked the punch. The Aura was spreading wildly around. He then grabbed him and did a suplex. Fenrir was on the floor. "You're too weak to call yourself Fenrir. You will never be him", said Michael in anger.

His whole body was shining like a diamond. He released his hard body, and began to throw punches around. Fenrir blocked them like it was nothing, and he had a smile across his face. "Indeed, I am just borrowing his power. And do you know what else I can do?", he smiled like a maniac. 

He twisted Michael's hand and broke it like a twig. Michael's face contorted in pain, and he was holding in his scream. Fenrir laughed in ecstasy, and he then felt a stab from his back.

"How could I have forgotten about this woman?", he said with the same smile across his face. Cassandra was having a hard time with her stab, and she didn't want to lose focus. "Fortunately for you, I need you guys alive for my experiment", he said as he looked at both of them. "And don't worry about your companions, they will be joining you soon", he said.

The Aura around Michael went wild. He began to control the Diamonds that were hidden around in the vicinity, and pulled them up and put in a barrier between him and Fenrir. Cassandra jumped towards his side, and they both were recovering from the damage that he had given.

Michael's hand was now completely healed, and he began to feel the ground to find the whereabouts of Fenrir. But he couldn't feel anything.

"That can't be. Why can't I feel a thing?", he thought as he lowered the barrier. He couldn't see Fenrir nor his Aura. He had completely vanished. But something inside him told him that this was not the end, and the danger was still lurking around him.

He then felt something wrap around his leg, and pull him into to ground. He tried to control his body, but he couldn't. He couldn't control the elements and himself. "Where is he? He is now controlling me!", thought Michael as he looked around.

"My, my. Look at what the Guardians have become. A bunch of lab rats", came a scoff from his right. The purplish Aura reveled Fenrir to be hiding inside, and he was snickering at Michael.

Cassandra was furious, and she rained down her feathers on him. Fenrir just jumped in and out of the Aura, and appeared at different places around. "He's using Teleportation", said Michael to her. 

Cassandra understood the meaning behind his words, and she took flight into the sky. With her wings, she never stopped raining arrows down on Fenrir. 

Fenrir laughed out loud. "You will never be able to catch me", he said as he looked up at her. Cassandra smiled back. "Neither will you", she retorted back. "That's where you're wrong", he said as he teleported behind her.

"But how?", she asked as she looked at him. Fenrir laughed again, and he stabbed right through her heart. "Now, let's see if I can stab through a heart made of Diamond", he said as he neared Michael, and began to grow his claws.

Michael had lost control over his body, and he was now waiting for his death. All he wanted now was for his comrades to be safe, as he had already initiated Protocol X. He smiled as Fenrir neared him.

"You will never be able to get every one of us. The Guardians wil always be here to guard the Kingdom", he said as he looked at Fenrir, straight into the eye.

"We'll see about that", said Fenrir as he stabbed a needle through Michael's heart, and the next moment he felt himself getting dizzy. His world was spinning, and was close to the ground. 

"Not now. Not until I make sure that the team is safe", he thought as he stood back up.

"Oh, tenacity. An interesting thing indeed", amused Fenrir as he looked at Michael get up. Michael released his Aura, and he lashed at Fenrir. "This will buy the necessary time", he thought as he began to kick and punch straight to his face.

Fenrir now felt the force behind his punches, and he wanted to run away. He bid his time, as he knew the medicine he had injected will begin it's work in a few minutes. "Protocol X is complete", came a report from Alex to Cassandra's device. After hearing that, Michael slowed down his assault.

"Fenrir, mark my words.. I will come back, and when I do, I will have your head and present it to the real Fenrir", claimed Michael as he fell to the ground. 

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