System: Inherited

Chapter 89 - The Beast Wave (Part Two)

He then painted the blood under his right eye, and he moved. All Jason saw was afterimages of Ben. Every place he went, a head was rolling on the ground. The beasts that wanted to attack, had now begun to flee in all directions. "MERLIN!", he shouted and Merlin smiled.

The feathers that were stuck in the ground began to float, and they were piercing through every beast that had begun to run away. Merlin was killing them with his feathers, and Ben was killing them with his Diamond swords. Jason now had to run and keep them from reaching the place.

"Mr. Merlin, leave me some", he said as he ran towards a group of beasts that were fleeing towards the town. "Very well, kiddo", he amused as he made a circle with him and some beasts inside it. Ben and Merlin were done with the Advanced Tiers, and now they had to face the Legendary Tiers.

"I shall not fall, for I, am King of this Sacred Kingdom. And I shall be the one to lead the next generation of Guardians!", he said as he brandished his blades. Merlin was now down, and he had a Tungsten feather that was made into a blade. 

"That looks just like Excalibur", commented Ben. They both smiled, and they just stood there. They were looking at Jason's fight, and they were avoiding every hit that was being made by the beasts. 

"Seems like he does need some training. But with his animal-like instinct, I think there might be something suitable for him", muttered Ben as he squat on the ground. Jason had his hand thrust into the heart of a beast, and he was using it to defend himself against Elemental attacks from the other beasts. 

"Indeed a smart move", said Merlin. Jason was using the body of a beast to thwart off the attacks he was facing. While using the shield, he used his free hand and thrust it straight into the hearts of the enemies, and he was reducing the numbers quite well. After slaughtering the final beast, Jason's face had sweat all over it, and his hoodie was drenched. 

"He still needs to learn a lot from them", said Ben as he turned his head to his battle. He then smiled and motioned Merlin to take the lead. "After you", he said. Merlin smiled and he thrust his sword into the heart of a beast, and it began to slash wildly. Ben jumped from behind and beheaded the beast in a single strike.

They began to weave through them, and the teamwork between them was splendid to the point that the beasts couldn't find any flaw in them. They fell one by one, and one of them escaped. Ben smiled as he threw his sword towards the beast that had escaped, and it pierced through his skull.

He pulled out another sword from his body, and he began to dual wield again. They had finished the charge, and they were now facing a single beast. The King Tier that was commanding them. 

Ben smiled as he sat down on the floor. "Merlin, want to have at it?', he asked with a smile. Merlin took the lead as he readied himself with the makeshift Excalibur. "What are you?", he asked as he looked at it. 

It was a beast that was a mix of a Dragonfly and a European Bee. It had a tail, and at the end of it was a stinger. It was at the height of seven feet, and it had compound eyes like a Dragonfly. And at the back, it had three pairs of wings which were each three feet long. Its hands and legs were both human, and on its abdomen, there were stripes like a bee.

"A bee and a dragonfly hybrid? This is going to be harder than expected", said Merlin as he smiled. "But I never back down from a challenge", he said and moved from the place he stood. The beast with its compound eyes saw Merlin's movements and dodged his sword that was coming towards its head.

It laughed, and it was mocking him for missing his attack. "As expected, compound eyes are a pain in the arse", he said as he switched his speed. He threw some feathers towards its head and he moved towards the hand. The tail from behind came and intercepted his sword, and it crossed its arms. Ben laughed.

"That punk is arrogant. I want to kick him down right now", said Ben as he laughed. Merlin was laughing as well. "Indeed, I too want to do that. But anger always clouds judgment", said Merlin. Ben nodded his head, and Jason had just reached near them. he was listening and watching them intently, as he wanted to learn from them. 

Merlin was striking and the beast was parrying, and Merlin's brows creased. "Seems like this thing is trained as well", he amused as he took a step back. He then took to the skies, and he covered the whole vision of the beast with his feathers. He then landed next to Ben, and he held his sword right above his shoulders.

He spread his legs wide and took a deep breath. "Pendragon Style: Third Form. Dragon's Thrust", he muttered and he moved. The second he moved, the feathers parted, giving him the advantage of covering the whole view. He thrust the blade into the beast's gut, and he twisted it.

"Never underestimate your opponent", he said as he twisted it deeper. The Beast roared out loud and Merlin smiled. He then pulled out his sword, and the beast roared out loud. It began to attack, and Merlin went on the defense. "Such tenacity, that's a good thing", he smiled as he began to parry all the strikes that were coming from the beast.

After a few more strikes, Merlin stopped his play. "I guess it's time to end this", he said and made his move. He used the feathers as cover again, and he circled to the back of the beast. He then appeared from behind and slit it across the throat, and it began to choke on its blood.

"A mission well done", he said as he looked around and saw the massacre that the three of them had caused. Bodies of the beasts lied around, and Merlin took to the skies. He then directed all of his feathers towards the dead beasts, and he began to heat the feathers. "Incinerate!', he cast his spell.

The bodies began to burn, and in seconds the bodies were burnt to a crisp. He then waved his wings, and the bodies that were burnt now began to scatter into the ground. The ashes of the battle were spread into the ground, never to be found again.

"Now, let's head back", said Ben as he got up from the floor. Jason was now in awe, and he vowed to take control of his episodes of anger, and channel them into training. "One day, I might be able to become just like them", he thought as he followed behind.

The sun began to peek out of the horizon, signaling the start of a new day.

(Meanwhile, at the Glasgow Airport, Alexandria)

There were two people on a private jet that had just landed. Ken Adams and his weapon, Moonheart. They had arrived at the country in which they had sensed the weapon, and they were waiting for their ride to arrive to pick them up. Ken was drinking a whiskey from a glass, and he was looking out the window.

"What are you thinking about?", she asked as she sensed something inside him. "Is Death powerful?", he asked his question. Moonheart began to laugh. Her laugh was gentle as she had a hand over her mouth. "He isn't just powerful, he is the weapon of a Grim Reaper", she said. 

Ken was amused as he heard her words. "Well, seems like we are looking for scythe wielders. And I think I know just where to find them", he smiled as he looked out the window. A black sedan had arrived, and they got down from the plane. They boarded the car and headed towards the place that housed the information of all the Adventurers, which was the Adventurer's Guild.

He took out his mobile and made a call. He spoke for a few minutes, and after that, he got a list on his mobile. He began to browse through them and someone caught his eye. "Michelle Cooper. Seems to me that she was the one that was wielding the scythe", he said. Moonheart nodded her head.

"I sense Death's flow from the scythe she is carrying. Seems like he was reluctant to accept her during the time of this footage", she said as she analyzed the video. "Then let's go and meet this person, and see if they can keep it under control", said Ken as he laid back into the seat of the sedan, and enjoyed the calm atmosphere inside.

"Well, I am eager to meet him too.. Will he be the same as back then?", she thought as she leaned back, and closed her eyes to get some sleep. 

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