System: Inherited

Chapter 90 - The Survival Round (Part One)

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(Back in the Portal)

The sun was shining through the window and a young man could be seen working out. "And done for the day", smiled Lucas as he looked at the notification. 

[Daily Task Completed]

[Do 150 push-ups    150/150

Do 150 sit-ups        150/150

Do 150 pull-ups      150/150

Run for 5 Km        5/5 Km

Meditate for 1.5 Hrs    1.5/1.5 Hrs]

[Rewards - +3 Strength, +3 Agility, +2 Perception, +2 Stamina]

"Now, let's look at the stats", he thought and pulled it up. 


[Name: Lucas Heart]

[HP: 350/350] 

[MP: 350/350]

[Level: 16]       

[Job: None]

[Title: Defying The Odds, Master Of Stealth]

[EXP: 7950/20,000]

[System Level: 2/10]

[Strength: 49]

[Stamina: 47]

[Agility: 49+19]

[Perception: 45]

[Magic: 43]

[Stat points to be used: 30]

"Let me just wait until the whole Aura thingy is over", he thought and he looked at the time. "Well, there is still about an hour before everyone is up, let me train my Aura", he smiled and began to channel his Aura. He knew he was far behind compared to everyone at the party. He couldn't use his style due to his body not being able to handle the backlash.

He continued from where he left off, which was his ribcage. Valentine kept the progress check, and he let him know when to move to the next bone. The process was extremely slow as this was a vital process and needed to be done slowly.

"For the kids who have been training since they were kids, their bones were at the stage where they weren't fully developed. And thus, they could use the opportunity to fuse it quite easily. As tender bones tend to absorb Aura faster than a matured bone. Don't force yourself. Every body has its limit", said Valentine.

He knew why Lucas wanted to do it quickly, but he also remembered the way he was discriminated against since he was little. "It's a good thing he had a good family that surrounded him with love, or else who knows what kind of a path he might have walked for the sake of power", thought Valentine. 

Lucas kept reminding himself of the words Valentine told him. "Strength doesn't come in a day or two. It takes time", he reminded himself whenever he felt frustrated. He also reminded of the companions he had surrounded himself with, although it had been just a few days. "Maybe life isn't so bad after all", he thought as a smile formed unknowingly. 

"The kid is finally learning to enjoy himself, slightly", chuckled Valentine as he heard his thoughts. "You're really annoying, you know that? My thoughts are private. You are not allowed to look into them", said Lucas. Valentine laughed. "I don't care, kid", he said nonchalantly.

In a few minutes, the door opened and Robert stood at the door. "Never stop training huh?", he said as he took a seat next to Lucas. He probed him with his Aura and smiled. "Seems like you are progressing quite well, your highness", he said cheekily. Lucas smiled. 

"You know I am banished now, right? I am nothing more than a mere commoner", replied Lucas. "You think so? Wait till the commoners catch wind of this. Then you will know what kind of treatment you get after the banishment", said Robert with a chuckle. "Just what will they do?", he thought as an alarm blared through the whole place.

[Survival mode will commence in one hour]

The hologram pooped up, and with it, everyone woke up. Robert and Lucas smiled as they left the room and went outside. They saw all of them prepared to fight against the coming wave. Lucas pulled up the Quest to see how long they had to survive.

[Quest Incomplete]

[First Mission - Portal (E+)]


Clear the Tower 10/10

Solve the Maze 1/1

Survive for 6 Hours and Escape the Portal After 0/6]

"Six hours, huh?", he thought as he looked around at everyone. He then opened the bag and pulled out every potion he had. He began to distribute them amongst everyone evenly and smiled. "The survival round is as plain as the term. Survive and fight. Every moment, your lives are in danger. A small mistake will be the death of you", said Lucas.

Everyone nodded their heads. Lucas looked around and everyone had nothing but determination in their eyes. Tobias was smiling wide. "We have to make up something cool, like a war cry. Something like Portal, Here I come!", he said. Everyone looked at him and smiled.

After a few seconds, Lucas chuckled. Then began a round of laughter. Everyone's nerves had calmed down a bit, and the tense atmosphere was gone. The buzzer went off. The building in which they were staying began to shake, indicating the time allotted for rest is over. They left the building, and they stood outside. 

[Please proceed to the circle]

The hologram appeared and along with it came a red circle. Everyone went towards the circle, and another hologram appeared in front of them. 

[Please choose the Survival Terrain]

[1. Lush Forest

2. Cold Mountain Range

3. Steamy Volcano Island

4. Underground City]

[Note: Terrain will be changed every one and a half hours]

"This is quite an interesting option. This means we can have the advantage and not get overwhelmed with the numbers. Let's make a smart choice here", smiled Lucas and he turned around. "Emilia, can you control plants?", he asked. She gave his words thought and she looked at him.

"I can, but it's very minimal. I haven't trained myself in the compound elements yet", she said. Lucas creased his brows. "This will be a problem then. For now, let's go with the easiest one. One that I can control quite easily", he smiled and chose the 'Cold Mountain Range'. The surroundings began to change, and Lucas saw a range of mountains covered with snow.

The chilly winds were hitting everyone, and Lucas smiled. "This is the best choice for now. If we have the power to change the terrain again in one and a half hours, then I think the best would be to go to places that are easy for each of us to control", he said to everyone.

Everyone nodded their heads and acknowledged his decision. They got ready, and a hologram appeared before them. 

[Wave 1 will commence in 15 seconds]

Everyone's hands were trembling. But it wasn't due to nervousness. It was rather out of excitement. Lucas pulled out his dual blades, and he then got ready. "Remember, SURVIVE!", he said as the countdown ended. And spawned an endless number of Goblins.

"Tch. All Basics", said Lucas as he moved like the wind. His body response was slowly getting faster as he injected more aura into the bones. The lesser the impurities, the faster he was. "The efficiency of the numbers is finally beginning to show", he smiled as he charged into the crowd. 

Lucas began to cut down the goblins, and everyone did the same. Emilia was running through the mob, firing to her heart's content. Tobias was ripping them apart as a barbarian would. Robert was using Lucas's slipping footwork, and he was slowly getting the hang of it. "So this is why he was able to slip through. It's because of the ice element he uses", he realized as he smoothly evaded the strikes.

Michelle was slicing them apart with her scythe, and one of her eyes had turned red. "Is it because Death has now acknowledged her?', thought Lucas as he looked at her fighting style. Compared to before, it was much better by leaps and bounds. "It must be", he thought as he looked back at his fight. 

"Well, let's make sure that these things don't get to me", he thought. "Kid, let me teach you how to use your Mana in terrain suitable to you. Follow my instructions", said Valentine. "Well, you do need to improve a lot if you want to be on par with them", he thought as he looked at the people around Lucas.

"Close your eyes and feel the Mana around you. Mana is something that can be manipulated by anyone. And for you, Lucas. You have the biggest advantage here as you are already familiar with this chill", he said. "Yeah, I think I don't have the luxury to close my eyes", replied Lucas as he slew another Goblin.

Valentine chuckled. "Very well. Then try splitting your concentration in two", he said. Lucas did the same and began to focus on both the fight and the Mana that was surrounding him. He slowly began to sense the Mana that was around him, and he felt a sense of familiarity as he did with his [Icicle].

"But that can't be?", he thought as he was surprised. "Yes. What you're sensing is indeed not an illusion. The Flowing-Ice is something that has both Water and Ice Mana in them. So, to be able to sense this is nothing. As these are made out of nothing but..", he was talking when Lucas interrupted him.. "Water particles", he completed the sentence.

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