System: Inherited

Chapter 93 - The Survival Round (Part Four)

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The Lava was rushing faster than before, and he was trying to do the same thing. Sweat was seen on all three of their faces as Robert was having a hard time controlling the Mana. "Don't worry. You have the control part ready. Now all you need to do is increase the capacity of control", came Sarah's voice to his head. 

Robert smiled as he heard her voice. "I always tend to forget that this spirit is almost a hundred years old", he thought. The voice was that of a little girl, and that always made him think that she was a little girl. But according to the spirit world, she was nothing but a child. He began to follow his instincts, and he was doing the same thing on repeat.

Emilia and Lucas on the other hand could now hear each other's thoughts this time. "I have to help him lighten the load. I do not want to be a burden anymore", he heard Emilia's thoughts. A smile formed on Lucas's face. "You aren't a burden. In fact, without you, I think we would not have been able to pull this far", replied Lucas to her.

"They have reached the first stage of Synergy", thought Valentine as he could hear both of their thoughts. This time, the controlling of the Mana was much easier, and the both of them made a considerable split, which still had to be further split by Robert.

But when they began to hear each other's thoughts. that was when the true essence of the formation began to show. The flow and the control of Mana became much easier, and they could now move the Lava a little bit according to their will. After the split, the maintaining of the Lava was much easier, and thus came the end of the Lava.

A hologram appeared in front of them.

[Please choose the Survival Terrain]

[1. Lush Forest

2. Cold Mountain Range (Visited)

3. Steamy Volcano Island (Current Terrain)

4. Underground City]

[Note: Terrain will be changed every one and a half hours]

Lucas smiled. "Michelle and Tobias have the most energy, and the Underground city must have roads and buildings we can use as a cover", concluded Lucas as he selected the next terrain. The terrain began to shift, and there was a moonlit city in front of them.

"I thought Underground City?", asked Michelle but then noticed the hole in the ceiling. "Maybe that is through where the monsters come in?', asked Tobias. "Maybe. We cannot conclude anything about this Portal, as it is quite abnormal", replied Lucas as he looked around. He was making a map in his head, as that was needed if they needed rest, and advantage. 

After a few minutes, a buzzer went off, and as they had guessed, the monsters began to pour in through the hole at the top. "Everyone, use your long-range attacks to kill off as many as you can before they reach the ground", he ordered and everyone pulled out their skills, and began to kill the monsters while they were in the air. "Advanced Tiers", said Lucas as he saw every monster.

"Why are they the same ones? Is this some kind of Den for Goblins? And are we trespassing it?', he began to think.  His train of thought wasn't wrong, but it wasn't entirely right either. Everyone was shooting at the top when Lucas felt the hair on his neck stand. He ducked and he saw a blade just whiz past his head and slightly taking some of his hair. "Dodged by a hair's length", he smiled as he quickly thrust his sword into the gut of the monster goblin.

Michelle had no problem manipulating the Darkness to her will, and along with Death merging with her, she made throwing knives out of Darkness and threw them at every enemy that she laid her eyes on. Tobias was feeling bored, and he thus began to yawn. "Is there no job for me now?", he thought as he looked at everyone killing off the monsters.

"Maybe I just fry them in the sky, and weaken them significantly before they reach the ground", he thought. Lucas looked at him and smiled. "The next round, you will have your turn. I'm feeling beat", he said as he was panting from using too much Mana.

"Don't push or else you will damage your Mana Channels", came Valentine's voice as a warning. They quickly disposed of every monster, and they waited for the signal of the next wave. Lucas went to the back and he sat down. "Tobias, do your thing", he said and flashed a smile at him.

"I shall not let you down, Master!", he said as he puffed his chest out and went towards the group. "Always saying the funniest of things right before doing something serious", he smiled. Lucas went inside a building, and he climbed to the top of the building. He began to scan around, as something was wrong. 

"How could a monster creep up behind me? I had my guard up", he thought as he looked around. He knew that there was some other spawn point for these monsters, and he wanted to make sure where they were coming from. "Let's look around now, shall we", he smiled as he activated [Mana Vision].

He then saw another spawn point at the back of the city, inside a tunnel. "What is that place? No wonder it took them so long to reach here. And also, it seems like some of the intelligent ones are waiting for the others to be fully immersed in the fight. Time to use the Art of Stealth", he muttered as he jumped down from the building. 

"Now, let me try to remember the route in which I have to reach the back of the city", he began to recall. He began to run in a straight line, and at an intersection, he turned right. "There they are", he smiled as he pulled out his blades. He moved swiftly in the darkness, and he slit their throats clean. "The Art of Stealth truly is a terrifying technique", he thought as he proceeded on his way.

He began to follow the route he had mapped in his head and he slew all the Advanced Tier monsters he saw. "Sneaking up on them does work to do a one-shot kill", he concluded as he killed the last of the monsters that were around. He had reached the tunnel, and he stood there in wait for the next wave of monsters.

Emilia had noticed that Lucas wasn't around, and she assumed that he was somewhere nearby resting. But as she looked around, she couldn't find him. "Where did Lucas go?", she asked in a voice filled with worry. Robert looked around and he smiled. "Seems like something is lurking around us. And he has found the source", replied Robert as he looked around.

After hearing his reply, she panicked. "He went alone? But that will kill him!", she exclaimed out loud. Robert smiled. "You have seen his strength. You and I both know that he will be perfectly fine. I think you should stop worrying about him, and concentrate on the incoming wave of monsters", said Robert as he pointed his sword upwards.

They began their round of shooting their attacks, and the monsters fell quickly. And with Tobias creating a frying chain that reduces the HP of the monsters significantly, they had an easy time killing them off in the air. And for the few that reached the ground, Michelle killed them off with a single strike.

Lucas looked in front of him and saw the monsters appear out of the tunnel. He wanted to use the Chains Of Hades, and he activated it. He threw the blade towards a monster, and he felt it pierce through its head smoothly. He didn't let go, and he kept pushing it forward. The blade kept penetrating the monsters. 

He pulled it back, and along with it came the monsters that had died. There were about ten monsters, and he threw the other blade in the other direction. "Now, if only I could block the tunnel's opening using the chains", he thought. He pulled back the other blade, and he looked at the entrance. 

"What if I do this?", he thought as he placed both the blades in the opposite directions, and him in the center like the anchor. He then released his Mana through the chains, and fire began to spread from the chains. To his right, it was fire, and to his left, it was Ice. He was in the middle, channeling the Mana and maintaining the barrier.

He then called upon his [Icicle] and began to kill the monsters one by one. Lucas was keeping the monsters in check, and one of the monsters decided to pass through the barrier thinking it was some kind of illusion. It ended up getting burnt by the fire and died. The other monsters were now wary of Lucas.

The smile on his face grew wide. "You thought you could sneak up on us? Well, think again", he laughed as he looked at the monsters in the tunnel.. Every monster felt a sense of dread and shiver under their skin. 

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