System: Inherited

Chapter 94 - The Survival Round (Part Five)

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Lucas's smile was like the devil. The monsters felt something sinister from him, and the Aura he was releasing was denser than usual. The monsters felt something inside them stir, and it was evident in their bodies shivering. One of the monsters roared out loud and decided to attack him.

It ran towards him, and before it reached Lucas, a hole was seen through its head. Lucas's Icicle pierced through, and it was hovering right above its head. "Now, let's see what you guys will do", he said in a menacing tone. He then created more [Icicle] and began to kill them.

The monster's coordination was disrupted by Lucas's attack, and because they were boxed in and couldn't escape, they were unable to react quickly. Some came to attack him, while some went to attack the barrier. Those that touched the barrier were either burnt to a crisp or frozen into a statue depending on the side they touched.

Most of the monsters, after seeing their other counterparts get killed by the barrier stood back. They were now afraid to approach the barrier that Lucas had put up, and he wasn't able to move as he was the main link to the barrier. If he let go, the barrier would fall. He was only using his [Icicle] spell to kill them, and he had six individual [Icicle]s around him.

There were still half of them standing, and Lucas's smile widened. "Let's take the [Fireball]", he said and changed the [Icicle]s to [Fireball]s. The monsters were confused as to why the spell was changing, but only Lucas knew the reason.

[Icicle has Levelled Up!]

[Mana Consumption 6 -> 5]

[Damage increased by three percent]

This was the reason he changed the spell. He wanted to keep it even, and he needed to balance them when using. "Maybe next time, I should use three in each of them, making it easier for me to level them up", he concluded as he began to burn down the rest of the monsters. 

Screams were echoing across the tunnel, and it reached outside the tunnel. Unfortunately, no one was around for the monsters to be saved. After a few minutes, Lucas let go of the barrier, and he placed the blade back inside. "And this is why I had to block the exit", he smiled as he looked at the number of monsters he had killed.

[Fireball has Levelled Up!]

[Mana Consumption 6 -> 5]

[Damage increased by three percent]

"Even if I do not have the power, I shall protect these friends of mine", he clenched his fist. A hologram appeared in front of him, and Lucas knew he only had one thing to do. "Let's regroup first", he thought as he ran back to his group, and met up with them. After meeting up, he cleared his throat.

"I saw some monsters sneaking up on us, so I went to find the spawn point for them. They seemed to have been coming from the tunnel down there, so I blocked the entrance and killed them all. Now, we will move to the final terrain, Lush Forest", he said.

[Please choose the Survival Terrain]

[1. Lush Forest

2. Cold Mountain Range (Visited)

3. Steamy Volcano Island (Visited)

4. Underground City (Current Terrain)]

[Note: Terrain will be changed every one and a half hours]

All of them agreed, and they stuck together as the terrain shifted. The surroundings began to fill with thick green trees, and the sun was shining bright. Lucas looked to the sky and smiled. "Finally! Although it is an illusion, seeing the sun just makes me feel much better", he said. Everyone nodded their heads to his remark, as they too felt the same way.

[Wave 8 will commence in 2 minutes]

After seeing this terrain, Lucas smiled. "Alright. I have a plan. Emilia, this place is perfect, and every monster will be coming to get us. And if I look at the pattern, it is going to be troublesome this time", he said. 

"We will be facing a wave of Legendary Tier Monsters. So, we can't be facing them like before. We lack the right pieces of equipment, and we do not have the time to make some. SO, we will be using tactics against these monsters, and killing them off", announced Lucas. Everyone nodded their heads. "So, what's the plan?", asked Robert. 

"We will make a structure, here in the middle. A dome-like one. If it is made out of Earth, and we have some holes to let the light inside create shadows, Michelle will be able to take advantage of the Darkness and kill them all. Every one of us can be sneaky, and kill them all after they enter this place", he said.

Everyone nodded their heads as it seemed like a plausible plan. "But how will they find us?", asked Tobias. Lucas scratched his head. "It seems like before they get spawned, our general locality is revealed. After the spawn, they seem to head in that particular direction, and we will be able to lure them here. Into our den", he said

Emilia nodded her head. "A solid plan. Should we do it like the one from before?", she asked. "I think we will need to create the Power Cores", he said. He knew that to maintain the spell for a long time would take a lot of energy out of her. So, he needed the Power Cores to be made if they needed the efficiency in this strategy.

Emilia then first created the Power Cores, and everyone inserted their Earth Crystals into it. "All done", said Robert and Emilia then raised a dome, with some holes to allow in the sunlight. The trees that were inside cast shadows around, making it easy for Michelle and Lucas to utilize them to their fullest potential.

"We need five entryways. Don't worry about anything and just make it like a star", said Lucas as he looked at Emilia. She nodded her head and five pathways were opened, and through which the monsters would enter. 

"Each one of us will guard an entrance. Remember, you are not to be seen by the enemy. If seen, this whole operation will be jeopardized", he said. Everyone nodded their heads fervently. "We're going to be the greatest assassins", said Tobias as he held his fist up high in the air. Everyone chuckled.

"Maybe", said Lucas as he shrugged his shoulders and disappeared into the darkness. Everyone proceeded according to the plan, and the two minutes were over. Some of the monsters were spawned inside the dome while most of the other monsters were spawned outside.

Michelle sensed the ones that had spawned inside and she went and killed them instantly. "We have to make sure that information doesn't reach the outside of this place", she thought as she looked at the place they had built. "I will defend", she thought as she looked around.

She felt that she had contributed less to the group, as she had passed out during the Tower and become a burden on everyone. "Death, shall we do this?", she asked as a smile rose on her lips. "Well, I am fond of that smart kid. Maybe I can co-operate for this one", he replied slyly. 

Michelle laughed as she skipped merrily in the darkness, and became one with it. Lucas was also one with the Darkness, and his title had activated.

[Agiliy is increased by seventy-five percent]

[Agility: 49+37]

Lucas felt much lighter, and he was running at extreme speed. This was due to him, being in absolute darkness. There was light scattered here and there, but most of the place was dark. Lucas had also his [Mana Vision] on, and he was able to see in the dark. "Am I depending too much on these?', he thought.

He recalled the time he didn't have the system, and how he was unable to use any spells. "I have to train to use the spell without the system. And to do that, I will need to learn from the basics", he thought. Valentine heard his thoughts and if he did have a face, he would have been smiling.

"That is the attitude. Yes, you are strong with the system. But you also need to remember, what you are without the system, and improve yourself. Because one day, you will be passing it down to your descendant as well", thought Valentine as he saw Lucas running. The monsters had now slowly begun to enter the dome, and they were roaming around looking for everyone.

Everyone was preparing themselves for the stealthy mission, and each one of them had assumed a position. Emilia was hiding deep inside with her trusted sniper, and the others were roaming around in the forest inside the dome.

Lucas saw the monsters that were outside had begun to come into the dome. They had a confused look on their face when they couldn't see the humans they were supposed to attack. A smiled crept up Lucas's face as he saw the expressions on their faces.

"Let the games begin!", he announced and everyone got into action.

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