System: Inherited

Chapter 95 - The Survival Round (Final Part)

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Lucas was hiding in the forest, and the monsters that entered were vigilant as they knew such a structure wasn't supposed to be here. They looked around, and using their sense of smell, tried to pinpoint at least one person. But everyone was hiding, and they were looking around.

Emilia grinned as a monster came into her view. "Steady... Fire!", she muttered as she took her shot. A headshot and the monster was down. Lucas was stealthy, and he was treading among the trees carefully. He wasn't on the ground, but was using the branches of the trees and jumping from one to the next.

A monster sensed his smell, and it instantly looked up, only to see nothing above its head. It tilted its head and began to sniff earnestly. It quickly turned to the left, and it only felt a slash across its neck. "Well, you're the first one to smell me", he said as he flipped the blood off the blade.

He then moved swiftly away from the place, as he sensed a few more monsters coming down his way. "Time to pick them out one by one", he smiled as he moved swiftly. With his increased agility, catching him was hard. The moment he moved, only a blur could be seen. The monsters that were coming down the way smelled him.

Every monster looked in a different direction, as Lucas running around made it hard for them to detect a standard direction from him. The monsters huddled together and had their backs against each other. Lucas dashed across the group, and one of the monster's heads rolled on the ground.

The monsters panicking increased. They huddled together and stood next to each other. Their heads were turning around constantly. "Panicking only makes the situation worse, for you", muttered Lucas as he moved once again.

He then made his move, and the next head was rolling. But this time, he didn't disappear. Instead, he took advantage of the panic and slashed all the heads off their bodies. He once again jumped and landed on a tree, and he was lounging freely on it.

Michelle was standing at the center of the forest, and she had spread her awareness throughout the whole dome. Her darkness element helped in making her sense of every monster that enters, and the ones that have fallen. This time, it was her turn to watch the back of her friends.

She was stroking her scythe, and she was also keeping her awareness up. "I wanted to ask. Why me? You could have chosen father. He is much more capable than what I am", she said. Death chuckled and said, 

"Well, I did want to choose your father at first, but later I also understood that he was an old man, and would reach his end soon. And I saw you. That day...", he paused. 

"That day when I saw you skillfully swinging the scythe, I wanted you to wield me. I saw the potential within you. But only after wielding me did I understand the things that you were hiding. The sorrow behind that beautiful smile of yours".

"I wanted you to let them all go. I wanted oy to become free. So I decided to be harsh on you. I wanted you to get fed up to the point that you would begin to live life as it was meant to be. As a weapon of the Guider of Souls, I have seen the resentment some of the souls have when they are sent to the afterlife".

"And I did not want you to have those resentments. I wanted you to have that beautiful smile on your face as you are sent to the Afterlife. And you, Michelle, might be the first person that I have chosen to reveal all of these. I am not this chatty, haha", he laughed as he finished his words.

Michelle had a smile plastered across her face and she looked towards the ceiling of the dome. "So I am the new Guider of Souls?", she asked. "No. Or not ye, should be the right answer", he replied to her question. Michelle then sensed something near Tobias, and she summoned a Dark Scythe right at that position. 

"Well, let's focus on the task at hand", she smiled as she killed the monster behind him. Tobias saw a head roll right next to his feet from behind, he was about to scream when he saw a scythe spinning behind him. 

"Thanks, Michelle. I haven't done these kinds of things ever", he said the scythe with gratitude. He was looking ahead, and he almost forgot that people could attack him from the back. "I must train myself for situations like these too", thought Tobias as he cracked his knuckles.

Robert was walking around stealthily, and he was killing off the monsters with blades of wind made from his strikes. "So Sarah, you're the daughter of my father's spirit?", he asked. 

"Yes, that is correct", she replied and became silent. Robert wanted to converse more with his spirit and get to know more about her, but he was skeptical to ask. he took a deep breath and was about to ask when he felt something from his right.

He quickly hid and pulled out his blade, and cut down the monster in a single strike. "They're harder to take down only when they are in combat. Stealth killing them is quite easy. But that can't be said for all the situations", he said as he jumped a few steps back.

He then saw something standing in front of him, and he heard a huffing from the place the monster had landed. "The Big Muscular Green Monster", he said as he readied his grip on his sword. "I need to take this out quickly to not alert the nearby ones", he thought as he looked at his surroundings.

There were no monsters around him, and he was confident in taking it out single-handedly. The confidence stemmed from the combat in The Tower, in which all of them had taken down several of these monsters without a single second of rest in a wave.

He readied his stance and he made his move. A wind slash was seen, and it cut the monster in two halves. "After the spirit allowed me to use some of its power, I am beginning to see improvements in my Mana handling", he smiled as he sheathed his sword back inside. 

He looked around and saw nothing, and he began to move around and guard the area. "We all have a role to play, and no one shall cause havoc in my fortress", he muttered as he patrolled the area. 

The next hologram came up, and it signaled the beginning of the next wave. A smile was seen across Lucas's face, and everyone began to move more quickly, as he knew that this would be the final wave. 

The excitement of clearing this portal made his blood bubble in excitement, and it was the same for everyone else. Their movements became more known, and Tobias was having the time of his life. Every monster he laid his eyes on was fried to a crisp with his lightning. 

White lights could be seen at the places he was frying them, and Michelle was now using her scythes to keep the monsters that were about to ambush her friends in check. A buzz went off, and the monsters disappeared.

The Lush Forest disappeared, and the dome in which they were in was called down. The crystals which they had used had a bit of the element left in them, and everyone stored it back inside their bags.

[Congratulations! You have cleared The Survival!]

[Rewards have been calculated]

[The crystals shall be distributed now]

A bag of crystals came out as the last time, and there was a bustling atmosphere around them.

[Points have been calculated. Each person has 58,940 points. The Portal has been cleared at an E+ Difficulty]

[Due to setting a new record, you have options to choose from the following Rewards.

1. Elemental Mana Cores - This can help improve the Mana Potency of the person with the said Element. Will receive a bag of all Elemental Mana Crystals.

2. Advanced HP Limit Breaker x2, Advanced MP Limit Breaker x2

3. Devil's Chestpiece x1 - An Armor used by the Devil Damien

4. Blueprint of [Shocker Gauntlet] x1 

You may choose two among the above]

Lucas turned around and looked at everyone. He then chose the Blueprint and the Mana cores, as he wasn't sure how much Mana Cores he will be needing for the process of crafting the Gauntlet. 

[Individual Rewards:

Robert Van Hueston - Aerokinetic Constructs (Skill/Manual)

Emilia Burnheart - Elemental Summoning (Skill/Manual)

Tobias Brown - Electrical Telepathy(Skill/Manual)

Michelle Cooper - Shadow Mutilation (Skill/Manual)

Lucas Smith - Supernatural Leap (Skill/Manual)]

Everyone was happy at what they had got. Then another hologram appeared in front of them. A smile was seen across Lucas's face. "Well, everyone. Seems like my prediction was right after all", he said.

[Select your choice:

Congratulations! You have cleared the tutorial for the Portal.

You have two choices now. 

1. Close this Portal

2. Leave the Portal open for the Future]

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