System:Of The Ugly

Chapter 1 - Pilot : Death.

"**Only the most, the boldest of them all starts slow, so before the pure high octane fuckery you came here for, there is a need of a slow start to oil yourselves up.**"

-Yours Truly, Phillipi

P.S: Come meet me in Chapter 16.


"What mood.. you drinking?!" the bartender asked, his voice was low and simply blasé.

Just across his shining wooden bar stand sat a man, still and seemingly out of life,"The usual please!" huffed the lifeless Phillips, leaning a sloth across the long bar-stand.

His voice doing him justice, it was lazy, raspy and hoarse almost gibberish like his throat was barely letting go of any sound he did and would continue to make.

Another long day of whatever Phillips does.

"And that'll be the,?" poised the bartender craning his neck closer to the weary soul.

"Humor me Rich as you do so well." Phillips retorted, all with the husk energy of a corpse, his head buried in his arms and only his brimming messy blond- like strains of corns danced in his motionless stead to the beat of the swirling wind from the squeaking ceiling fan above.

"One Cocktail of numbing the pain with a touch of Alzheimer's coming up!" waving his hands to a maze like closet, filled with resting bottles, his proud arsenal of rarities.

"Thaat's the one!" drawled Phillips with a poor scrawny effort for a thumbs-up.

Frisky Bear was a bar at Liendry - a town cutthroat and cruel but still a safe heaven nonetheless from the nightmares that haunts beyound the walls.

Richard owned The Frisky Bear and he finds himself encumbered by men-women of all natures from every damned corners of the six sisters towns.

And here they flocked together and why you ask that this rowdy and barbarous men brought no trouble to the dish, simply put his name is Dooke, a soft and loyal huge flesh of a man who stands and aced his role as the bouncer, power-born and powerful you'd be right to assume where together with Rich and his monotonic tone: they sang a blunt duet of a stern yet loose reign.

As it was commonly known this bar is home to many explosive men and on this particular night came one of many regulars who would kickstart the wheel of change for the world.

"It's a new dawn, it's a new niiight.... And I'm feeling good~" in came Paulie with an entrance so loud with his eyebrows dancing along with every word he sang and the bearer of the deafening voice even more hyper and blatherskite.

Ironically however his theatrics was none but falling short to simply a tolerable noise buzzing in the background, unimpressed in turn by his audience and as the yellow dimmed lights of the bar allowed him a sight, he without a turn to any other men headed straight to Phillips in the stand.

"Phil! Boy will you be glad to see me." he nearly sang a second verse, sitting besides the sloth, a sharp tongue breaking any ice but not the massive iceberg which was Phillips's dead silence.

"Oh!! So it's downer Phil today." humoring himself.

His confidence and smile however wavered when Richard with a glare that was ever dead-panned all round-the-clock interrogated the hyper, "Paulie.. Dooke told me he saw you dealing with a tall shadowy lady in the alley." jerking a larger than usual shaker all the while, with each shook getting fiercer, and more fiercer then to a life-threatening menace.

"Was it me though??!!" squeaked Paulie, a puckered smile for a wheedle, yet flattery need not charm a blunt brow as Rich glared dead and dead'er.

Sweating brittle brows met a chilling killer brow. Rich then sniffed his stout nose a couple but to Paulie it was a death threat.

Paulie gulped down a heavy air forcing it down his throat, his sneaky fingers then gently pulls a many times at the lazing zombie's hoodie, getting more intense then to a full on tug of war, shaking and quaking the lazing sloth.

Until finally the pressure from the ever dead-panned stabbing glare cracked Paulie, "Okay.. it ain't my fault Rich.. but I'm very very sorry." leaning back as far he could, 'This would be safe enough!' he thought.

"I said no dealing anywhere near here or were I not clear?"

"See, look.. I done tried getting her inside but the broad insisted it wa-."

"Do I look like I give a damn?"

"No!?" wheedled Paulie cracking a tiny smile and a speck of a flash from his eye glinting innocence at Rich but he was ushering innocence against the glare of a dead man which only still vexed the loud-mouth.

"Sorry Rich! My bad man, ca- can't we just chill? let bygones be bygones? Ha-Hah!"

Amidst their verse of blame and tame, the sound of channel 9 brought a news and the deep soothing voice of Harvey narrated a recent event on Ensfield, "A grim news for our world. It was around 6:45 when a horde of Hellspawns were seen inside the walls, this marked the first since-"

As Harvey went on, Phillips cracked a slight peep at the noise and the incessant quake that he was trembled with, "Fuck are you two doing?" he grumbled, low and unheard.

Half-lidded dungeons they were, sunken they were as two sapphire blues hued in lieu of his dreary eyes: up down and rapid they bounced along the rhythm of the shaker on Rich's hand, while the bartender never did ceased to prey on Paulie, a glare alone killing the poor lad as he shook and shook the shaker fifty times over more than well-done.

"You done Shaky?" asked the raspy cranky Phillips.

"Yo Phil! -heh heh- You're alive!!" cried Paulie, his roaming cowering eyes begged an escape from Richard's gaze and in a zombie he finds little solace.

"Fifty times over!" Richard bellowed.

Reaching his arm- a weak elder for the drink, Phillips then sat upright, his faced seemed rather fresh yet he blinks a tired soul.

Blue eyes charmed by the tall drink, with a quick blink he drowned his throat, a single gulped and the glass was drained.

The two other men had always marveled on his erratic demeanor and his sniveling little quirk:

His shallow, deep throat which seemed a mighty well to sink and let flow any beverage. The innumerable high narcotics and drugs he simply chewed in lieu of candies, not just little but a whole mouthful, ones which would and could end a life in an overdose.

At a point Richard even assumed that Phillips had a perk, an useless one yet the only perk which drunkard and addicts would painstakingly yearn for.

As Phillips unknowingly gave the two men a show Harvey was now on about a news which pierced the drums of Phillips's ear anew.

"Murder is a crime most red and hated. Given!the power-born fighting and the mournful incident of 43, adding the puzzling break in of today, as many said and begged and as do I, I proudly quote along with many, 'War not us!'."

Harvey paused for slight a running nose and continued, "We from channel 9 as before sincerely bring our heartfelt remorse to the two boys who were victims to a horrific crime, Channel 9 news will be donating for their future and just today after a single day, thankfully the alleged criminal was caught."

"A court session was held in Wilhilm where the two boys Jerome and Marcus were indeed present today as the accused Darius Mikel the murderer of Chanel Preston was trialed." reported Harvey and the news just as Phillip's fatefully turned, the screen showed a video of the court where in a sudden burst of adrenaline, the two boys pounced at the leering smirking murderer who sat with not a dull look of regrets.

This moment was of pure rightful vengeance or so Phillips smiled, heavily adoring the boys or so his then devilish smile suggests but then comes a moment that straightened his smile, the boys were abruptly tackled and bouldered by a policeman who used a perk - one which summoned a white foam which grew large to a size that incapacitated the brothers and hardens soon later pinning them to the floor.


Bringing the news abruptly to an end was a sound of the T.V screen shattering.

In a fit, Phillips threw the glass he held right at the screen making a crater in the middle - a Bullseye.

Dooke in a beat stood up, a very capable man in his duty but then calmed by Rich who nodded at the Giant.

The culprit of the broken screen Phillips was now at the bar stand, standing and widened was his smile, "Everyone!! Now that I have all your undivided Fucking attention.. A toast!!...but first of all, How's that for a wedding toast?!" looking at Richard still ever bland on expressions.

"Rich!" Phillips exclaimed, "Name any who that would make a toast like I just Fucking did!"

Rich made no effort, a resting face of blunt blandness.

"and... I'll pay for that... ALSO A ROUND OF ANY FOR EVERYONE HERE!!" words which was met by thunderous cheers.

"Motherfuckers!" eyes like sapphire daggers they stabbed at the shattered hole of the T.V.

Paulie then fetches Phillips, dragging him down from the stand.

"I got what you been looking for." whispered Paulie.

"I want it!" as quick as Paulie could smile.

"Why'd you think I came here first.. but see man?! The lady who gave me this was very shady, beautiful and sexy trust me but she's somehow off and uhh!! it also stinks like a shady new kinda drug buttt... knowing you... strange as it is... I think you can take it!"

"What is it?" Phillips prodded, he was the most intrigued as he had ever been the night.

"No clue!"

"You're joking!"

"Not even a single letter... only a name.. Euphoria!"

"Sounds perfect... but you sure this'll get me there?"

"It better or I'll change the name to Richie Rich."

"Hahah! Gimme all you got."

"I only have six man and I gotta get them circulating around if you know what I mean... but here! take three... I'll have more later next week... I'll ante you up then."

A hurried moment of laters and goodbyes Phillips headed straight home, walking a lanky hooded figure across a dark alley, beneath the half lit street-lights of Liendry.

With its rightfully claimed name as the town of vandals - the noise busied streets were reeking of petty crimes from little boys to gangs of no-goods sniveling and ricocheting about to silly motives of tomfoolery and all its other petty cousins.

"Dangerous huh?!" exclaimed a lady in the dark, seductive with her slurs, she stood a leg up high on one of the many downtrodden buildings along the chilling, busy street.

"I have an Eye on him." she moaned, a lustrous voice.

"Yes Sir!" to an unheard order as she observed and followed Phillips from above.

A sizzling rain from a showerhead. Phillips was home and solemn in a bath, drizzled and wet he held out his arm away from the pouring shower and in his palm were three pills he bought the night younger, "500 a pop." he huffed.

"Oh well! You better get me there."

"That idiot!" shrieked the lady, a watching eye from the high dark of a flat building.

With a beep she tapped an earpiece lodge deep under, "This one's a goner. Took three of them at once."

Her eyes still at Phillips, the walls of the building in between served as no cover from the lady. To her dilated eyes of purple, the dark of night were but another lighter shade of bright and obstacles were simply see through screens.

"You could've lived a tad longer.. Ohh!! what a waste and tastefully handsome too.... Oh well.. mmmmh!"

A deep breathe as the lady moaned, "I still get to see you die.... beautifully!" as she spoke, Phillips fell dead, buried by drizzling rain on his bathroom floor.

Leaning in a tad, her large chests on top her knee were squeezed hard to nigh a bounce, purple eyes moaned as a white light of life left Phillips's body.

"Ohh! Im so jealous of mistress death!!"

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