System:Of The Ugly

Chapter 2 - Rebirth : Phillipi And The System - Aeyai

Phillips - All he knew was his consciousness fading as his body falls deaden on his wet floor.

Oblivious he was to his stiffened, lifeless body as he was feeling the drugs kicking in which brought him a jiffy of a moment of unparalleled high but not long after Phillips felt as if he had fallen to a land of encumbering darkness, a place so living as the cold cloud air he breathes and the blackend grains of sand to where he sits, 'I'm back again.' he thought, to this sea of sands, darker than the eerie void that reigned in lieu of skies.

Plentiful of times he had been here, many stories of overdoses to just bring himself here, just so he could see a treasure that none could ever claim as one, and as some of those grains of sands rises, they circled Phillips.

Then as he had already twitched and readied his ear for voices that would always come,

"Ohh!! there's our little hero."


"Say hello to your little sister."

Faint murmurs and giggles echoed in the void black desert, they called from the circling waving sands, come to jog him lost, familiar memories.

"His heart stopped!"

"No! Phil!"

"He's alive?"

"My child I thought you were..."

"You were very brave Phil."


"What should we name her?"



"P-H-I-L-L-I-P-I!... Phillipi!" a voice then echoed more clearer and heard.

"Mary?" he shuddered, as he turned his widened eyes now saw a manifestation of a memory as the sands rises, build and took shapes, they molded themselves playing out a moment from his past.

Like moving dolls built of sands with colours and all, his younger self enjoyed a jealous moment with his beloved younger sister.

"I think the 'I' should be bended to an S." teased a younger Phillips in the memory.

"Noo! I liked Phillipi better plus he's,, umm!, not you silly??! He is Phillipi the Grand magus!" his sister Mary, tongue out and bit, focused on her scribbles.

"Okay okay! what are his powers then?"

With a river of tears he longingly watched.

"He is a power-born and he has the bestest perk of them all... a strong System and her name is Aeyai, also also she has many many abilities.... here I've written them all!!" cheered Mary, jovial and proud, two tender mellow arms showing her brother a drawing.

"Hmm! Aeyai?? Neat!"

"I know... teeehee!.. now the powers, now the powerssss."

"Okay chill!!! Blink, fire bolt, hex and... are these from the games I played?"

Mary winked, her little eyes as Phillips saw were still angelic and pure forevermore so.

"These are a lot of skills Mary."

"Duh!! He's suppose to be the strongest after all."

Cracking a weak smile to the visually real memory he saw, Phillips holds out his arms reaching towards the pink smudge on Mary's little plump cheeks.

Reluctantly he halted his shaking arms, though he yearns for a touch, the many experiences he had, now have had him known that a touch would always abruptly crumbled the moving figurines of his sister and family.

"Mary." he then whimpered, softly with despair.

Fate was cruel he very well knew, it was now even more cruel as the vision he saw warped and faded to falling sands right before his eyes.

"No not yet!"

"Fucking bring her back!" cracking in his tears with nearly a torn throat.

"Bring them back..." he whimpered and on his knees he wept and cursed.

The silent dark desert grew even more eerie, his sobbing heart now filled the sands with broken despair.

But not a cruel long after he heard sounds of rubbles, shockwaves of pressured air and desperate screams of terror coming from another moment of his past, acted out most hated and cursed as every detail was shapened breath to breath and not even horrid deaths were spared.

Those blaring sounds Phillips very well knew, a past he tried burying now rang back, diabolically to trample at his dismay, forcing him to re-live his horrors.

"No.." he barely made a sound.

"Fuck NOO!"

Covering his ears he shouted loud words of gibberish nothings, cursing at what the sands had him offered.

While the sands showed a massive, brutal fight between two power-borns, punches and winds, thunders with lightnings, each shocking and ragdolling the other.

Leaving but only a wake of destructions behind, piles and piles of rubbles, cars burnt to a blast, lightnings and winds broke buildings, crashing a death rain from above and with no shy numbers of crushed and mangled corpses and among them Phillips and his family were not spared.

Then he heard a voice squeaking in amidst the butchery, sweet, slurred and teary, "Phil!?" she uttered barely.

"Mary?" Phillips exclaimed to the memory, her voice calmed his anger.

"I can't find mommy and daddy." her dress was torn, her pinkish cheeks muddled with dirt, on her little hand she dearly held a white sheet of paper, her treasure.

Phillips now lost all senses, filled with emotions he now begged his legs to run up amidst the rubbles, but in his struggle and his dismay the vision showed him the last death his tears would never be dried of.

As he hesitantly looked on above, chunks of concrete: an impending death and silent black in a form of a cursed rubble, it was death's untimely call.


With a resounding scream the sands then stopped as silence again reigned.

His head then shoved and buried itself underneath the sands, all the trauma, despair and loss had came back, haunting and torturing his tender mangled mind.

In a sense the sands were an architect, it never fails to summon his grief, neither did they fail to temper his anger, the sands had already molded a beast to come against the power-born who murdered his all, "Murderers!!" he growled gritting his teeth, clenching his fists tight as though they were barred.

<Setup Finished!>

Amidst his growls he then heard a lady-like voice: of perfect diction, synthesized and without the weight of any soul.

Amidst his curses he saw a clear blue yet a see-through rectangular screen where it showed what the voice had just spoken in letters.

<Rebooting in 3,>



There it spoke again and messages he saw yet again but all Phillips had still felt then was anguish and despair, and two head he yearned to see torn, a jumbled cocktail of emotions as his eyes could truly only feel black.


All the while the voice count down to '0' as his consciousness fades to a darkened slumber, fainting there in that dark desert.


"I'm back?!"

Phillips with the same voice, raspy and all but more lighter than before.

He awoke with a cold body as if he was still in that place but the white and black checkered tiles of his bathroom and the white lights from above proved otherwise.

"Mary, mom, dad." he mumbled, still large on his past.

<Good morning! Master Phillipi!>

<You have 1 Quest!>


<Do you want to vieww the Quest : Drink Water?>

It was the voice he heard before with the blue see-through screen he clearly knew he saw.

"Am I still high?" he groaned, wet and still on the floor.

<No! As the result of the reboot. All foeign bodies mot required for functions are expelled from master's body using Gluttony!>

Clearly seeing the screen he winked and blinked to see whether he was hallucinating, at a point reaching out to try and touch it, he then saw his hands now curiously smaller, lighter than what he was used to and rather cold and wet as light pokes rained from above, 'Boy, I'll be having a cold huh?'

Set straight on being hallucinated since the place he often goes to when he seemingly dies from overdoses was always pitch black and without any weather only eerie black.

'A little boy's hand? Boy that drug is a mess and no hangovers? My head doesn't feel like it wants to kill me.'

"Gotta get me those again.." a sudden change of mood, he yearned for more of the drugs from the night before.

But then his fragile mind in a rush shifted, driving him to the side of pain, guilt he felt of his horrific past, he then stood bare, a frozen statue, "I'm sorry.. you guys.. I'm really sorry." grasping his heart and slowly his knees folded, they were weak, drizzled by the rain above he wept for as long as it took to cry his lungs off of his lingering pain.


"Huh?.. Still hallucinating!"

Standing in front of the foggy bathroom mirror; his small rather lively body, his younger face and even his curly hairy intimates which were now but a barren desert with freckles of soft cacti for hair.

<Correction : Master is not hallucinating. The setup installation morphed master into Phillipi. To see more Info say or think about more Info. To see Stats say or think of Stats!>

"The fuck you talking about Brain.. Pfft! I don't have time for this, I need to head out."

<Affirmative! Do you want to change my name to Brain?>

"My?... whatever."

Peculiar, he pondered that this system or whatever was rather concious for a hallucination.

"I really looked like back when I was eleven or something."

<Correction : Master Phillipi is physically thirteen years old!>

"You're like a butler huh?!" he smirked, still on the assumption of being hallucinated.

<I am more than a butler. I am now the System called Brain!>

'Hahah! Why does it feels like its being sassy to me.'


"What the fuck?.... Why don't none of my clothes fit... they're all way long and loose!!!"

In front of his closet he stands buried knee deep by his clothes and in a panic, digging for more.

<Master's body Is reverted to when he was thirteen years old.>

"Could you just shush!!! I'm freaking out over here!"


"What?? really?? are you?... Sassing me?!"


"Why am I seeing this dots??? you're not even saying anything."

< . >

'Haaaaa??! Am I dealing with a girl??'

He thrashes and trampled the piles of clothes, as he personified an angry pole and a waving, flowing flag with the shirt he had thrown on his little body.

'Calm down Phil... You're just hallucinating!'

'Ye, ye ye ye ye! It's the drugs... bad drugs bad drugs.'

"This will fit.. It's just my imagination, just my hallucination making me think that it doesn't fit!' reassuring himself while staring at the mirror.

A big plain black hoodie, oversized with hills of folds he was riddled with, "The hoodie's sick but hahah! man those pants and shoes,"

"thirteen huh?! I was like 4 foot 7 back then, A little shrimp!" a lighthearted approach to what he thought was an hallucination.

His pants were hanging way low, like wet folded towels they stacked up under his knees and his plain black shoes were like two boats racing and flopping with every footsteps he took.

Then the system showed another message.

< ???????? >

"Is that an emoji?"

< . >

"Mooody!! Fuck this.. better call Paulie." reaching for his phone at the couch where he had tossed on the night before.

"Hello? Paulie?"

"Sup!! wait who you?... lemme talk to Phil."

"I'm Phil you dick! Don't fuck with me man. I have,, aa very rather annoying morning."

"Listen kid, I'm too busy for messing around tell Phil to call me when he can... Ciao!"


"The fuck?" cursing at his phone.

His rather annoying morning was only getting boiled up by the minute, all the while getting more convinced and nervous for his situation being real.

"Fuck that troll!! He's prolly high."

A moment passed as he stood, deep in the chamber of his thought which now wrestled the reality of his new young body.

"Only way to test this is to go outside."

Taking a deep breath as he pulled his door open.


Almost a minute after.

"No way!! You're real?... and I'm real?" the door was struck open.

In came an awe-struck Phillips.

<Affirmative! I am Brain, a System only for Master Phillipi>

"Phillipi!? System!? am I?"

"Wait! I know these names,,"

He scurried to his little safe, there he took out a paper.

"What in the,, Mary is this your..?"

Connecting the dots it was getting clear, the name that the system had called him and a perk which is the system and then his age when little Mary drew the drawing.

'It adds up.' Phillips came to a realisation.

"Syst.. System? Brain?... Is your real name Aeyai?"

<Affirmative! Would Master like to change Brain's name back to Aeyai?>

Awe-struck and stunned he look at his now younger self in the mirror.

"I'm Phillipi?"

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