System:Of The Ugly

Chapter 10 - Not Right!

Moments before Phillipi shot out his eye sparkling -epic burning ball of fire.

There were first sounds- From thunderous steps, all but extraordinary -from two unbelievably large feet leaving its mark on the ground, once, twice with every quaking steps.

The earth, stones and even the grey paved road surrendered their form and accepted the colossal bandit charging rampant at Fiora.

Making little quakes with every footsteps he forced onto the ground, he stopped as his thigh abundantly rich with glorious muscles tightened and compressed themselves and with a massive thrust scattering the asphalt below he leaped, incredibly high and impossible to comprehend, the giant then fell a meat meteor at Fiora.

The truck driver -frightened he was to see the hulking giant near the size of the compartment in where he sat was diving feet first at Fiora who stood patient and unwavering, with chattering teeth he predicted, 'A fucking meteor..!!' closing his eyes as they braced for impact.

A long nervous moment passed yet he heard no sound, no quakes no signs of any crashing but just a generous pushing wind which blew fast, abundant and mean.

Curious he took a peek just to see a massive right hand of blazing lava even bigger than the gigantic fists of the giant which when clenched were more than a foot.

Even more impressive still was the scene where the colossal man like a littler child was held up in the air, the boasting smirk the giant wore grew dim for the moment.

Still the Lioness was unmoving, she stood mighty and justly dignified with the massive drooping lava, her untouchable armour -coating her right hand, meeting the giant's shattering stomp in the air.

As the scene for the driver's eye slowly unfolds, he was stunned to see the infamous Domain in real life as the ground beneath Fiora morphed into a puddle of burning lava which was simply but with the utmost respect named the Lioness Domain.

A vine of red and darker lava flowed from the puddle to her thigh all the way to her fist powerful to null the massive meteor crashing stomp burning the soles of the giant's massive boots.

"FIGHT TO KILL!!" all in a sudden a loud command from the lioness, roaring to her pride, a kill order she ordered at the giant and his men which amount to near or rowdy'ly more to a hundred of masked, rowdy outlaws.

Within a burning second, all in a second -the bandits burnt, nearly all the unlucky first of them fell charred and blacked on the road -all within that burning second.

The four ladies Fiora commanded were as the people on the world knew -a team of power-borns with fire perks, all different in their ways but all belonging to a single burning element.

The four lionesses charged and burned their enemies with beautiful choreograph and co-ordinated teamwork, a perfect dance in a rhythm of massive waves of flames, concentrated blasts of fire, limbs set ablazed with whirling embers which instead burnt the bandits in many arching kicks and punches.

An onslaught from the fewer, yet with fine crafted techniques and blazing fire the tide of the battle flowed in their favour.

Fiora however was slightly bothered, not that she would allow it to show.

It was a well known fact that bandits only raided when they need supplies and to her knowledge this could be the first for the bandits attacking with such manical ferocity. Especially strange since they dared to try and prey upon the convoy which she the Lioness took pride in escorting.

Sure they have a giant pile of muscles leading them but what of their motive? - her mind ran a series of calculations, the wine 'Montella'? but who dares tries to loot what I'm guarding!?.

Sure the giant was a power-born she knew but that would not be enough to give them confidence over her and that she also knew -'Me who is in the top echelon of power-borns in the world?' she thought with a slight touch of pride, rightfully earned.

Sizzling the soles of the giant's boots she knew something eerie and unforseen was afoot but didn't knew what to expect, all she has on her side was time which she and her men had already grasped to control.

His pride -The Giant's took a hefty dent, he felt his feet searing, the lava had already burnt and ate his soles all too quickly, his eyes shook to see his might was matched and in this case instantly out-done, with a massive quaking fall using the gargantuan fist to throw himself away he disengages from the losing parry.

Hoarding his shattered pride back, losing face was never an option, especially when his men of heinous likes were loud in the back and rather he was quick to play a facade of a menacing composure, he spoke with yet a proud thunderous voice, "Heh!"

Although he felt his league falling short much ironic to his standing in face of the fiercest Lioness, he: a fighter, a bald brawn made hulk built only for fights and there he stood as is, a hulking bandit with the love to fight and not with a will to back down.

"Name's Ramstein... Twat!" he tried to threaten.

Fiora then allowed to let flow her lava down beneath her feet, melting the huge fist away, down her thigh they flowed where it merges with a killing bright red puddle of molten lava, burning all of who and whatever unlucky stumbling there below her feet.

She paid no thought to the words of Ramstein nor a blink of awe for his massive, towering size and as always she ordered, "Come quietly!"

Ramstein tried to shred some fear into Fiora as she does his heart but he soon find the fire was too fierce to kill, as his eyes yet again shook as they meet the reds of Fiora.

"Twat!" smirking again but now more clearly a facade as a droplet of sweat crawled down his chin.

"I! Don't show pity!" Fiora commanded a stern warning.

"What is Pity?" Ramstein bellowed before he flexed and surged power from within and slowly his already humongous arms grew more branches of muscles, his skin stretched for the bulging rage filled muscles to grow.

His already large arms now were more tremendously absurd, his waist down remaining unchanged. There he stood -gruesome with half the pair of his boots missing.

The giant's perk was a sight monstrously rare to always see, even for Fiora who was rich with experience in the sights of the many bizzare perks she had seen and then comes an even more rare moment,- As it had been a common sight to see a blazing victory for Fiora and her men the air which then in a twist suddenly changed to eerie, the sudden shift in the air bothered Fiora's brows and her men now skipped slightly away, smelling the sudden ominous change.

Following the que of Ramstein's monstrous perk, the bandits then in the multitude revealed their hidden perks, a trump card they held onto and now threw in play.

Different perks, some arms armoured with rocks, small tornado flying the user, a man morphed into a wild boar becoming a, 'Were-boar.' a comment by the truck driver. The perks then grew only more bizzare from there.

"This is strange Sir!" remarked one of Fiora's men, a lady of short straight blonde, with eyes as blue as Phillipi's scanning the masked bandits.

Now locked onto a intensifying stare-down, the massive numbers of bandits now seemed threatening than before.

"They have.... perks?" queried another, the tallest lioness and she too was fierce, black eyes with wide glossing black hair twirled behind her slim waist.

Lack of moving for both the parties in their stance allowed a more clearer view of the bandits, "Their Eyes!!.... it's not right!" claimed another lioness, red as a theme she dressed herself like her comrades, with loose bright golden hair straight and silky, her eyes were beautiful and life giving as two golden like suns glowed in her eyes.

With no time to let the mind figure why these outlaws were armed with these many perks she let show -a smirk, which hailed its curves from the thrill of the many perks arming her enemies, it was an incredibly rare sight to see as Fiora was well known to be the utmost disciplined and composed individual among any peers, her messy thick and bushy, curling and burning hair now too resembled a fiery mane on both her sides, "Soldiers! Prepare the Hunt!" she now roared with emotion, so was her soldiers, all lionesses smirking and hungry for power-born preys.

"Kill'em all!!... but leave me the TWAT!" reciprocated Ramstein, their many snickering echoed like crickets with a motive for menace and a newer cocky itch for battle.

That was then they heard ,"FIREBALL!!" Coming from way behind the truck, a wholehearted scream captivating all, as all turned their curious eyes towards the heartfelt shout, they saw another bandit, masked with armless dark grey shirt -sent flying high up the air with what seemed as the name suggests a fireball shoving him up in his chest.

A trail of faint smoke was left behind as the truck driver saw two stowaways, the smaller on the iron floor of his carrier with a finger gun, the taller boy hunching scared arms shielding his soft shivering face behind the many piles of boxes.


Aeyai notified her master.

<You dealt 200 dmg!>

She continued and bringing the damage chart up in the eyes of Phillipi, for him to also see.

"Woah!!!!! Phillipi Likes!!" he roared, an accomplished grin than ran wide from ear to ear.

<Do you wish to see the battle statistics of the enemy?>

"!! Do it!" said Phillipi quickly, high and carried away on the thrill, his sole focus still on the flying bandit, taking another but now with a closer aim from his finger-gun.

"FIREBALL!!" with a comical and slurred snicker, he casted a second fireball in a beat, after a short delay hitting the bandit a second time, before the first fireball even ran out of flames.


<You dealt 200 Dmg>

<Opponent has 75% Hp remaining>

Echoed Aeyai and she showed a battle chart of the enemy, where there it wrote the HP with red bar, MP with blue bar and their status effects.

<Chatchom Lok-chāy>

<HP : 630/840>

<MP : 330/420>

<Level: 11>

<Status : Knocked Up/cc-ed>

"Cool!!" starry eyed.

'His crazy!! Yu-Yup he's definitely insane!' thought Raul with sweats of unease commenting on Phillipi talking to himself.


<Enemies will not die when their hp is zero>

"Oh!! Noted... Fireb--" Phillipi stopped mid-cast, his index, the barrel of his gun he retracted, reloading his gun, "Wait!... show me my mana!"


<Bringing Master Phillipi's Stats>

Then in the blue screen Phillipi saw,

[Phillipi The Grand Magus]

[HP : 444/444]

[MP : 480/567]

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