System:Of The Ugly

Chapter 11 - Combo.

"He's way up there!!.... I fucking knew I'm OP!" heart racing a many beat, Phillipi's wide grin played an adrenaline inducing rhythm, "Hey Aeyai... what's that bullshit about cooldowns... I just shot the dude two times."

<A bonus buff for completing your first Quest>

<Quest : Drink Water>

<Buff : The Magus Awakening>

<Status : 21H:11M:38S REMAINING>

<All Damaging skills cooldowns are reduced by 80%>

<All hits to a target are granted 100% Knockback. Knockback Distance two feet>

"Okay!!" said Phillipi, short and abrupt.

His eyes still on the bandit who now fell back down from gravity's call.

"Aeyai?!" he called calmly, "Shouldn't this be.. you know!!!....just for me to know!!... a FUCKING IMPORTANT NEED TO KNOW??" and as foretold and called, the storm follows the calm.

<Screaming won't help!>

Replied the monotonic Aeyai.

It was, 'A trigger to trigger the easily triggered.'

"What did you say??" right enough was the phrase as Phillipi bickered and averted his gaze away from the falling bandit.

Watching Phillipi bicker with Aeyai was Raul, who came to a nod and accepted that Phillipi was rather mentally insane, 'But he's not really bothering people!' he thought, 'I guess he's having a hard time... poor kid.' as his mind ran a marathon of comments ranging from pity to admiration for the little Phillipi's power and now his comical delusion as Raul saw was questionably mental yet entertaining.

Little that they knew, all eyes in the intense face-off beheld the flying bandit who now fell back down to the carrier.

The truck driver couldn't scream out a word only his eyes twitched for fear for the stow-aways or were it the fear for thinking they all were bandits.

While at the other side the intense stare-down between Fiora and Ramstein and their men took the moment for a pause, various variants of perks had their moment taken away by a single word, FIREBALL!.

"Enemies at the convoy! Rianna go!" ordered Fiora to the littlest of her pride, a girl with black hair, short, strict and uniformed with straight even bangs and ends, the fastest of the lionesses - her slender arms and legs twirling in flames of yellowish red, she with beautifully crafted slanted eyes of focus-black hurried towards the back of the truck.

"Uhh!! Phillipi?!!" slowly cracked Raul, his nervous arm, weakly reaching towards the bickering little magus.

"YOUR LIKE THE HOARDER OF INFOS!!" hot and loud his throaty voice yelled at the system only he can hear, "The changer of messages.... the the thee... ahh-I don't even know but YOU'RE IT!!" stomping his foot.

As his companion was still busy in his delusion, Raul continued, "I think we're..." turning around meeting the truck driver's eyes, "We been damned and caught!" he yelped.

Phillipi too then caught a glimpse of the truck driver, "Hide Raul!" he screamed fearing they might be arrested or worse in leagues with the bandits, a rather quick thinking which continuously would impress Aeyai, albeit unwillingly.

"Huh?!" replied the stupefied Raul, his body frozen in fright.

"Disappear.... Go nonexistent or something.. do the thing you do!!!" yelled an unimpressed and mean eyed Phillipi.

"Oh!" smiled Raul nervously.

And as the driver could see, the sickly boy simply dusted all of himself off with the wind in a blink, except he didn't blink an eye and Raul disappeared in plain sight.

Phillipi now couldn't care less of whose eyes he would allow a peek into his prowess, his little gaze of beautiful blue as the driver felt oppresses his own, the adult man submitted to the confident eyes of the littler, the smirk Phillipi carved disregards the driver as any threat to him.

Turning up to the bandit above, 'Short CD's huh?' and again with a grin that spelled of none but menace.

*Ah-Ahem* clearing his throat, with a deep breathe, "So moles can't fly.... well that'll be your prove!" he reported, an imitation of Harvey, poles apart as you would imagine but the spirit was there even more so than what Harvey would have ever let show.

"Now Folks!! let's see how these blind rodents think about a little date with snow!"

"Combo time!" he grinned.

With three impressively fast and unnecessary finger signs he shouted, "Blink!"

In an instant he vanished and reappeared in thin air slightly predicting where the falling bandit's wide opened belly would then be.

'Neuton's laws bitch!' he assured himself a praise for his right prediction - and there they were, one with an overtly prepared motion for an attack, two palms in the side cooking up an invisible ball of energy and the other falling unconscious.

Small lines of shining magical waves of blue-white winter ice flowed under his palms, with the fastest of moments the ice formed into a gooey ball of killing frost.

With a thrust, a dragon palm, he with his utmost scream for an attack shouted "ICEBOLT!!"

The ball of frost, with the extreme speed of its cast formed into a sharp arrow-like bolt of ice, hurling itself into the side of the bandit.

A point blank hit, which knocks the bandit away,


<You dealt 175 Dmg>

"Damn right!! It's a hit..." still mid-air he casted blink, this time too with the prediction, blinking to where the bandit would likely flew.

"Ands heeere's desert!!"

An already triggered kick, which aimed to plant the bandit's poor head at the road.

"Andd.. Guess what... it's another fucking HIT!"

<Enemy Defeated!>

<Status : Knocked Out>

<You have gained 300 exp for your first win in a battle>

<Reward Recieved : First Win>

<+20 Stats Enchants>

<+1% CD Reduction>

<+2% Dmg output increase>

<You are now level 2>

<You gained + 2 points for skill upgrades>

<You have unlocked passive skills>

<Do you wished to see your passive skills?>

"Rewards?" he smiled, "Give me the loots!!" exclaimed Phillipi drunk in the thrill, the unmatched unstoppability he felt in his indubitably overpowered buff.

<Adrenaline Rush : 1%>

"So another lines of pinks? big deal!" Phillipi brushes off the message that only presents themselves in his sight. His eyes would rather feast on, 'Ponk -whatever his name was.' falling down impressively with his mask still intact.

That was when he heard the sweetest yet fiercest, obnoxious yet most flowery voice of Rianna the littlest lioness, "Hey Kid! Are you ready to let me arrest you?!" she shouted in her most self-esteem stature, an imitation of her most fiercest captain.

Phillipi saw the littlest and pretentious lioness, he knew her well or at least digitally with her unprecedented strength and agility, her unprecedented hand to hand combat expertise and her signature 'Dance of the Burning Dragons' where her limbs were armoured with burning whirling and twirling fire.

With a glance -and truly portraying why she was a record holder, Phillipi saw the unprecedented Fire Cub of the Sunflower Plateau and her glory were all justified.

She was the youngest power-born to be officially enlisted in the Upper Echelon of them -the men with perks. A division approximating their various numbers to only thirty-four in the whole world.

Her little fingers covered in flames fell the falling Phillipi, "Stay there!.." she tried her best for a resounding order, "No! I mean get down here Kid!"

The first "Kid!" was a sharp spear that poked the little magus, the second was now an unbearable barrage of pokes which erupted Phillipi's quick triggered temper.

"The calling KID!!" yelling back with what Rianna could only describe it as a little roar from another fierce yet juvenile lion cub, 'But too angry!' she nodded in her thought.

Phillipi did not twitched nor sweated his brows in the face of the 'Little Cub'. He in turn was vulgar and rude, aggressive would be a word too limiting to describe Phillipi's shout.

Their first little shouts was intruded by a sound of cracking ground, below where the Bandit was sent crashing down.

The little eyes of black and that of blue chased the sudden sound and there they found the bandit -buried down under amidst the piles of rock chunks glued by some black coal tar was his head the rest of the body knelt down and laid unconscious.

'Woah!! That was the bad guy that little kid just kicked!' thought Rianna, rather starry eyed in admiration.

"Admiring my work?... KID!?" then a voice of harsh and coarse crept from behind her, "Who dares named me Kid?" with fire her motivation, she turned and faced her match -which in terms of height they were pretty close as the hidden Raul could see, 'The little beast is taller... that somehow hurts my pride.'

Phillipi was now standing on the road close in confrontation with the Little Cub, as now little eyes of black tried piercing another little eyes of blue, with sparks jolting from both and meeting in the middle, 'Rivals!' deemed Raul the observer and so does Phillipi and Rianna, they were locked in a stare-down, acknowledging and sizing each other up.

"You deaf there?... KID!!?.... You see that!" Phillipi broke their vigorous standoff, pointing at the incapacitated bandit.

"That!! KID!! Is how you plant some weed."

Her burning whirling flames on her limbs then were put out. Revealing a pair of slender little fists which shook as she clenched as hard-she could.

"That was on purpose." she growled, her gaze did not falter in trying to burn Phillipi.

"Was it?" replied Phillipi, aloof he rolled his eyes to the blue sunny sky and tapped his chin a many -with his finger.

"Take it back and I'll let it slide!" ordered Rianna, "It's a generous deal... even if three count is the strike."

"Tempting!" smirked Phillipi.

"Good!... now let me hear it!" as she releases her tight grip on her palm.

"Are you sure?" shrugged Phillipi.

Yes! nodded Rianna, as her bangs followed her motion straight and disciplined.

The moment the two shared -they felt a sense of rivalry, no shred of fear, no shred of respect but just an urge to out-do each other. Albeit childishly but still with massive powers.


"K!" blurted Phillipi overtly emphasizing it with wide pouting lips. Not with the proper sound of the letter, leaving no pause and following soon with, "illed.." making an improper sound for, 'Killed.' words which likely came from a toddler.

"the dude.." he quickly again followed but more clear and distinct.

"I!" another emphasis but now even more clearer than how it was meant to be said.

This time however he earned the slanting eyes of mean and black -Rianna's.

"D!" yet another emphasis, another set of overtly teasing tongue which tapped away from his little teeth.

"-id not!... Phew!!" wiping an imaginary sweat on his forehead.

"There!.... 'K'illed the dude 'I' 'D'id not!"

"that was the fourth..." quietly she stuttered, "no-one talks like that.." her pent up temper held back her words.

But then suddenly she screamed, "Four!!??... You LITTLE SHRIMP!!!" that was then the Dance of the burning dragons whirled yet again on all four of her limbs.

"SHRIMP!??? SHRIMP???... Well here's your fucking fifth serving... Call it the baby dessert.. YOU FLAT CHESTED KID!!!"


"I DON'T CARE!!! KID!!!"


"YOU SPEAK LIKE YOU LOOK.... A FUCKING KID/SHRIMP!!!" they shouted in a single beat.

And there they were two little heads pushing each other, when and where and how they got this physically close was shrouded in the mystery of their loud resounding bicker.

Two little alpha bulls pushing their heads, as a show of strength, the air then was comically filled with rage.

'Wha-Wat?? How? I don't get any of that at all!' mumbled the mind of Raul as he questioned the little battle that was to shake about but more so he wondered what was the spark that was enough to lit up the candle for the start of the dire fight that the littler power-borns were hell-bent on thrashing out.

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