System:Of The Ugly

Chapter 15 - The Many Face Of A Temperamental Coin.

A voice of a system, which at first thought and by definition would seem to have no emotional tone.

Aeyai was different, although she falls under the monotonic tone of every system Phillipi ever heard and read in his comics and games, Aeyai was different for she can conjure mild comical temper from her master, a sassy undertone without any emphasis and by definition synthesized and monotonic. And now a rather faithful friend with a shoulder to lean on.

Such was as such when Phillipi bared witness to the boundless strength and the sheer pressure of intensity the higher Echelons all had in their leisure, he fell into hopelessness when he saw the rain of chaos which would dust away his meagre fireball. In the brink of despair as his eyes saw none but delusions of the horrid past, his dream of vengeance like specks of night in the twilight -they crumbled to nothingness, a hopeful want for a change gone with every crash of the rain of magma.

When he was briefly in his dark grim cocoon that was then Aeyai swayed her master back to a light of hope and yes indeed Phillipi the Grand Magus was only level 1 still and his legend had just started spinning his stupendous wheel.

With the voice which brings him incomplete infos and sassy remarks, Aeyai now impressively drove away his demons in a way which was indirect and with precise details that would bend and mend his feeble broken mind.

His eyes of blue then woke from his tears of hopelessness, there he was knees bent and crushed he sat and pondered, "Mary! Mom... Dad!" his lips of pinkish mellow mumbled along as he grasped on the slight hint of hope Aeyai had lesson'ed him, "Mary! Thanks for this.. Thanks Aeyai!"

His weak knees right then and there he commanded to strengthen their stance. On and clothed yet again with his smile of aloof and getting up and back as Rianna and Raul gawked at the questionably quick shifting rollercoaster of a moody kid which was Phillipi.

"And you're right! I'm only just a fucking newbie, wait till it's my Endgame bitches!" a gnarly grin he then wore, as he stood and regained his demeanor of a happy little maniac, with fluffy hoodie of black and short kiddie pants and a pair of black shoe, Phillipi the black Grand Magus was brought back.

"Y-You okay?" came and asked a nervous smile, the timid Raul towered over Phillipi and in the eyes of the confused Rianna her first thought that came was that the two boys were siblings, the caring big brother Raul who crawled on the road like a worm jolted in a breath worriedly to the littler Phillipi who just before was visibly having a meltdown.

"Hey you! Tall boy! what's with the shrimp?" asked Rianna, her belly as she felt was still ticklish.

"Shrimp? ain't that ironic coming from a Bob-cutted Kid!" with the same grin from at first their battle, the loose baggy kid countered the lion cub.

Phillipi ravaged Rianna further, his ever mumbly voice slipped in an added insult, "Kinda gives me the vibe that you're... you know straight?! with those uncooked noodles you call hair.. I ain't surprised."

Red steamy anger thawed from her nose, however Rianna was rather dumbfounded at Phillipi, first he was rowdy and quick was his temper, after their accidental kiss he was docile and shortly he was visibly breaking at sight and now he was back as the first they met with a whole arsenal of verbal insults, "Your words meant nothing. I will simply ask you what's your deal being here?"

"O'nothing much! I just felt like kissing a straight line into a beautiful curve." smirked Phillipi.

All the while Raul stood still, unsure of what and how to be and without the use of his perk too -he was hidden.

Rianna shook her bangs and shrugged Phillipi off, "Your words will not poison me... You! Tall boy! why are you and your brother here?"

Raul was startled as the famed Lion Cub fell her black gaze at his timid self, "Me? U-Us? Brother?.." he stuttered then to a stop when Phillipi stepped in, "WE!.." he turned at Raul and continued, "Are just some kids on a free ride to Wilhilm."

"There were no one when we checked, when and where did you stow-aways hitched this ride?"

"Hitched?... we did no such thing, we just simply obliged to an open invitation.... we're not dumb to take wholesome freebies you know!" replied a jolly Phillipi as Raul shred a horrid smile to match.

"Are you saying the driver lied to the Captain?"

"No!" shouted Raul, the honorable diffident.

"No one lied to anyone.. we saw the back was open and we took it as an invite to board the truck." continued Phillipi.

All the while the massive chunks of magma rained down on the flaming dome at the other side of the road.

"Word salads won't do you good, you are stow-aways and that's a minor offence." Rianna explained, with her utmost copy of her Captain's orders and commands.

"Waaait~ a sec! are you saying we are criminals for accepting some invitation cards?" Phillipi then looked at Raul with a calm face that in turn invoked a sweat of worry, "Then every guy who stuffed their mouths on the all you can eat buffet in every weddings EVER! are criminals." Turning back to face the little cub he added with angry swaying arms for extra dramatic effects, "Then that means Your Parents and Eeverybody elses are on a one way ticket to that chair that fries your circuits.... MEANING!! Kid!! you are born of two fucking no good criminals!! Ahahaha-haaa!"

His laughter -sadistic and deranged, which puts Raul and Rianna to question his sanity and on they stared at this highly volatile and temperamental shifts a little kid was never thought to play off.


The asphalt quakes and quakes, not once and not twice but many -deafening his maniacal laughter and with almost all the quakes the three kids were encumbered with pushing winds, likely shockwaves which blowed from the other side of the road, of where the dome of black fires crept as a cloud of death followed and rained.

Phillipi - as he felt this surge of destructive force and now -, purely filled with menacing hyped spirit from what Aeyai reassured the little kid, his mind snarled and claimed, 'O'Halleluijah! This! Ahh yes! this is the real deal.. Just wait for me bitches. I'll show you what a real fucking Magus could fuck up.'

Fiora who still stood on her high pillar of molten black rocks, had her eyes told a story of a failed mission, her brows slanted in anger as the dome of black which she bombarded dissipated only to show Kurt and the bandits vanished into thin air, 'How?' she thought, her savage lips curved in anger.

The rest of the Sunflower Plateau were too left speechless and frustrated, for an enemy which likely rivaled their Captain showed up out of nowhere and then with a massive and masterful display of his eerie perk of black flames vanished along with his near battalion of men.

The unknowns they discovered and the power they felt exempted them with no peace of mind.

That was then Fiora spied in the corner of her scorching eyes, Rianna and four bandits. The youngest of her pride she was motherly quick to tend to her, a quick burst of a smile when she barely could tell that her littlest felled two bandits, precious prisoners the little cub had secured.

Fiora lept off of the pillar she built and thrusting bursts of flames flushed from her limbs as she in a flash dashed in the air towards Rianna, her cloud of black smog disappeared and the molten rocks crumbles shortly after.

"Eeeeppp!!! Tha-- she's -- death is coming!" shivered Raul, tugging Phillipi's baggy hoodie by the hood.

"Captain?" Rianna watches on.

Phillipi just smiled at the sight of the coming Captain of the Sunflower Plateau.

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