System:Of The Ugly

Chapter 16 - Twelfth Gear!

"Ye-yea-yea-Yeah!... Yeah yeah!.. Now! before you asked.. What the fuck is this guy writing? Am I right?"

"15 chapters in and we ain't even past level 2 and it's still boring day 1.. and my hair is still blonde??? and its the lame old rouge pink hair in my adrenaline rush?!!.. like why in the fuck is he writing a turtle race?"

"People want me knocking everything in the twelfth gear, they wanna see me fucking go nuts on stuff... which is why MY Dear readers! beloved beloveds that I am happy to say.. *Ahem* Your faithful MC decided that He should helm the play O'very well instead!!!!"

"See what I did there? Helm?? ah!! nevermind you get it, I know... I know you do because only badasses reads this novel.. So...."


"From here on out..."


"Will now write his own story.. BECAUSE it fucking seems like none other are fit to do it."

<This is a very Phillipi idea!>

"Way to introduce yourself.. Oh! and ladies and gentleman I'd like you to say your most sarcastically happy 'HI!' to Aeyai, the most Tolerable A.I system of them all... And my dear Aeyai? there SHOULD be a Master somewhere before my name RIGHT?"

<Master! Aeyai suggests not to proceed further, it is not of a profitable idea!>

"Well it's the only idea."


"Then who? It's not like we could kidnap George R.R. martin,, he's too chubby to move around, rolling him around would do the trick but we're outta time. Can't call up Christopher Moore either or even bring the dick-daddy of literacy himself back to life... and you know why? cause we're broke. It's no money no life up in here and I can't hold my arm and shout looking like Brad Pitt and resurrect the fallen like Anduin did in that cinematic either!!"

<Master, The Author?>

"Dude's sick as fuck... just look at him!.. eew!! and I came out of that??"

"Wait!!.... Yeahh! It was his story that killed my family..."

"You motherfucker!!"


<The Time Of Anubis effects all>

"Oh? so that means... damn! I'm sorry..."

"I'm sorry but I'm still writing this shit... so here we go.."



"Okay! so yeah.. I got my buff on, the first buff was kickass! Am I right?.. okay getting sidetracked here sorry.. So there I was.."


Standing handsome, blue eyes with the deepest allure that would never fail to lure any who dipped in it, my baggy hoodie which I love waved against the damned Sir-woman who just descended upon me, your handsome hero.


<At least do it properly!>

"Okay!! You and that nagging, I swear!"


There I stood, crazed was my grin for I was deeply throbbing with excitement. Before my eyes slowly walked Fiora, thinking back she was dignified and her whole demanded respect which was truly right for any to be giving.

But I was crazed, I will be Honest!

Oh! What a marvelous tall beast of a sizable woman she was.

"I could cure myself with some spoiler alert magic but that wouldn't make me ME!! now would it?? motherfuckers!!."

"Sorry!... I'll be honest guys, I'm a little bit but awesomely MAD!!."


The Lioness came with the most heavy pressure that I could've ever felt, yet even in this predicament my grin of menace did not cooled down. Yes! My adrenaline rush perk gave me some streaks of pink awesome hair but I was mentally excited that the most burning yet humble Motherfuckers of them all came to my doorstep.

Raul was like Raul, he was timid, nervous and all. Shaking in fright but still worrying for me, he was hidden ofcourse, a coward but a friend to die for with a perk which only suits him best.


"*Wait! Guys? You might wonder how did I know about what I can't see. No I didn't used Gluttony to sense his mana. I knew because the author told me so, Yes! Him and I are working hand in hand.. I am totally not pointing a finger gun at him hahah!! If I would how could I write right?...okay so back to the story.*" *fireball.. lol!*


"You are not bandits!" asserted Fiora, not a question not an order but just a simple statement which declared us loud and clear as, 'not bandits.'.

I knew Raul was late to disappear himself in his tongue stuttering panic, so did Raul himself knew too but still he hides and Fiora seemed not bothered by it.

With ever the poise of a soldier. Strict, scripted and stern. I could feel her gaze scorching me deep down to my baby maker, she holds no intent to harm me as her eyes suggests nor did I feel the burning thirst of wanting to make me her lover but back then I still felt the burn of two suns when her eyes befell me. My deep ocean seas :dried and were laid barren but even there my menacing grin of excitement did not refused to falter nor was I willing for my heart to stop banging its noise for thirst, the thrill excites me.

Rianna drops her play pretend to be her captain when Fiora came, she stood straight and up like an iron statue, then she stomped a foot and yelled, "Captain!" I could still see a faint hint of pink in her shy cheeks, I'm still proud to be her first, **"FBI! This is young Phillipi talking!"** Wink-Wink **.

Thinking back she was cute then too.

"Rianna! Who are they?" Fiora ordered an answer, still her eyes did not budge from trying to further dry my eyes.

Leaving me to wonder was she trying to burn me dry?

"Two Ki- Children... hitched a ride in the back, they were the ones who sent the bandit flying."

reported Rianna. Cute as ever, her little tongue nearly slipped to unveil her facade.

"Who are you?" the fierce Lioness spoke a second time to me.

It was always an order, an order even for questions she allowed herself to need whatever answered and a command when dull and simple were the talks.

I could feel then that my eyes gave out from her presence alone but still I managed to moisten my blue oceans with a grin and a crazed heart which falls in love with the thrill Fiora would bring if we were to fight.

With cloudy being my thoughts as my mind raced and jumbled I blurted, "Bad hair day?"


'Are you for real? Thanks though!'

Yes indeed! Fiora: as powerful as she was, she was also the most tamed, composed and righteous there ever was.

The Captain; Burke was one but he falls short on disciplinary.

However she too was distinctively untamed with her fierce and wild hair of fire and eyes that burns like sun.

That was what I saw and was overwhelmed by, when I stood in her presence my grin felt nothing but cheap barbaric thrills yet my body refused any freedom to move, let alone to try an assault nor was I planning to.

And Fiora just stood there after I let loose my little tongue. I could tell Raul sweated his piss out from what I muttered and the Lioness's silence if she had kept the gloomy air into lingering mute dead silence Raul might not have felt a warm moist sensation in his pants.

"You got spunk Kid!" she commanded, give it to Fiora to command even just words that are not by any means or even a distinct relative of a command or an order. Words which I'm sure shred a breath-taking sigh of relief from Raul and even my Aeyai.

I too remembered well that I did not utter any more words after. Was it my tongue had finally been frozen? or were my mind subconsciously aching my neck to nod and smile in order;; for not to let my loose lips to pompously wreck my start of Aeyai's Epic Quest.

And like a maniacal fool I grinned and nod.

I was confident standing there like an overgrown patch of grass but I was also honestly confident to know that my awesome strength then was not close to even be enough to touch a strand of her wild hair. I understandably was only still a newbie, only still a level 2 with only a three digits points on health.

And as I could tell, this was right when the representatives in Maw : the town where they held an auction for the new descent drew an end to a conclusion.

Nagata Li - his pompous fucking royalty finally chose where he would reside in after nearly half a day of his Descent in The Hand.

Outside the hall of plain and dull, a facility of sorts for nursing the Descents, County Zack stood on the edge of the rocky 'Hand' with his own hand caved in his pocket. I always see him as a rugged man of cool and calm with a hint of badassery.

Grabbing himself his signature pipe as he showered under the greyish heap of smoke.

Behind him crept a startlingly small little Doctor Quack with always an eerie giggle and an even eerily wide smile.

You can't not unhelp yourself but be fascinated by his everything, his aged white long hanging beard, you would never like him but he was golden and begrudgingly entertaining to the eyes.

"County Zack... why ofcourse you and your toxic fumes!" he giggled with the most annoying upbeats in between his words.

"Doctor!! I was half expecting you." retorted Zack with slight a huff.

"Only half? hehe!! yes I wonder why not fully?"

"Well we could tell and feel to only what we can perceive... I could only feel half short of anything coming from you.. My doctor!" poked Zack, turning his brown eyes of a glittering marvel towards the doctor with a crooked smirk.

"Ahh! Yes! And if not County Zack then who?" clapped the Quack.

"Formalities aside! I heard talks of a tall hot figure with all coloured eyes roaming about on my county!"

"Ahh!! Have you indeed!! You have didn't you?... Well I heard talks too.. little talks like myself here!! heheheheh!! Yes that a bat stole a very precious item that I spawned, a product for the skin against the BURNING sun... Ahahahahaheheheheh!!" chortled the doctor.

It was never just to me. That! I'm so fucking sure because the little Quack always had that messed up brain to mess and creep and crawl underneath anyone's skin and it twerked its ugly magic on Zack.

And something of what the Quack quacks crowed and alarmed Zack that he find it appropriate to simmer his calm respectable poker face he kept on as he excessively bend his tall knees down to the level of the little doctor's thick bushy white beard and whispered, "Leave my county alone. Everyday I see you my thirst to turn you into a husk grew more and more and more and FUCKING More... and don't ever tempt me again.. My Doctor!"

Zack then left the ears of the quack with two taps on his little shoulder and putting on an immediate angelic smile of the most of innocent and purest of hearts.

While in his whisper the guards, two of them and neatly dressed which the little Quack left to stand further back felt the presence of an even more ominous and bone-chilling air reeking from the man they called County Zack. Alarmed and on guard they stood while Zack walked away, taking leave from the doctor.

Watching on with his googles and with no shred of fright was the doctor, leaving me to always wonder, 'Was he too fargone to feel threatened in his happy maniacal giggles?'

Then, he pondered as he likely was tranced as his eyes gawked way yonder 'the far invisible 'Throat' with his still and ever lasting short happy little giggle, "Oh my dear Zack! You don't know, you never knew nor they knew nor I knew nor everyone.. hehee! Yes! But this world will turn into something happy and no one will know why and how.... only booms and screams of everyone!! and Yes!! that's the only symphony they will hear."

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