System:Of The Ugly

Chapter 20 - To Make A Name For Myself.

"He's not in the records and a whole bunch of power-borns in the Out-lands?!... Hmm!!" Lyle contemplated with a palm massaging his chin.

The fox dared to steal my tell when I'm thinking?! I made that move prominent and marvelous but O'well there will be admirers who would imitate, even grotesque toilet habits.

The news of bandits with perks who were in abundance seemed to heavily bother Lyle after he and the Lady O'Virgin had a lengthy talk of our journey, aside we stood waiting for their boring to end. Yeah! Like my time wasn't worth a cent and they preached on how time is gold? Hypocrites!

Not to justify the two from keeping a magus waiting -, and since there were no records of such magnitudes of power-borns forcefully casted out of the walls, on their tongue's verdict it was as they agreed - a catastrophic event, these new and mysterious power-borned outlaws could indeed shook the balance of the world.

A belief Lyle's bastard tongue wiggled in a forthwith in their boring talk and with haste he seemed aching to make fall and stumble - which is to rid them off as in the nigh instance before those weeds grew to a forest. And right he were, for in these reckoning times, where crisis knocked under the high walls, unknown bandits with new perks are very much a threat.

However, something about his ear and the way the fox scratches it tingled my belly right the moment he claimed his act of cleansing.

Had I a reason to spite the fox?- but our talks were gnarly but fun or was I hungry watching boredom or were I sensing a fledgling hint of deceit but why and how and from who, there was no such talk of chicanary here and not a topic for hoodwinking lies in the air but maybe just maybe this young Magus was just rightfully hungry. But was I hungry? My tingling feeling I then lead instead to laugh a hearty at the lizard down the tiled sidewalk of where we stood - whose cold eyes were now squiggly twirls, poor guy in all his rotations he'd be halfway round the earth by now.

Which leads me to ponder all in my little mind, Lyle was mundane, all in all a sly dude with sharp tongue and he as I scanned was a plebeian, albeit a weak one at best. Even after a second scan much reluctantly obliged by my sassy butler during his act of a master and his tamed pet with the lizard, he was still as he was, weak and dull and perkless with no new spices on his stats; overall he was shown as still a plain flour.

Thus how was he capable of such a feat? Pray do tell me, anywho?!

As I tweaked my brain my head ached a bulging tumor the more I poured thought into it, but I was already convinced: Lyle Kennedy Lyeire was a curious one.

I foretold there be no right answer if my gullible younger image asked for how the fox does his magic. Lyle was tad a tease and I knew he was bound to only surf on near truths and teases if I ask of how he could do the 'Round the world,'

Then a Magus mindset of unmatched intellect came with a plan and thus I wait for their talk to end -, and as the idle time allowed me freedom, I as a wise sage made used of it to tease Rianna with two-fourths of puckered lips. My blue eyes whispered she missed our kiss, if not why the need for those red steaming cheeks and with feet thumping mad the tiles, all for a more closer step, she was aching for another I knew.

"Move Out!" Lord! Finally.

Fiora commanded a march, Lyle faced the other way from where the prison stood firm.

Now presented a time to hopefully let slip his tongue,

"That's a neat perk Mister." I tried my best talk for younglings.

"Mister?.. You're peculiar youngman!" his eyes peeked from the corner.

"I was told to act my age."

"What a load of crap! You be you and none other... and I rather like your spunk, it's charming."

"Not as charming as your lion act." I smirked. In my eyes he was obvious on how he ragdolled the poor lizard.

"Oh you noticed, don't squeak a word at the pride!" he winked.

"So how'd you do it?" I asked.

"How'd you do yours?" he countered.

"So she told you?"

"All but everything, sending the other guy in the air.. that's not what any other kid could do excluding your girlfriend of course."

The word 'Girlfriend' invoked a growl from Rianna, 'Hehe!' aloof we both acted at her.

"A Gentleman never tells." I then said.

"Then a Magician don't as well." he rebuked.

Our tug of words were exemplary but all fun has ends, some bitter and some a teaser for more.

My first meet with the nasally fox hath come to pass but my Epic Quest had only neared its epic tale.

"Put these two in a cell!" Banged open a door of steel, Fiora never wavered her demeanor not even in a town where she was not of.

However her standing in the Upper Echelon was a card she played in her commanding nature-, inside the prison of where we now took a foot in.

It was large but far from the gloom that I'd presumed a prison would be, bright lit and fresh where blue and blacks, ate their donuts in unison, various mean eyes of power-borns beheld as we followed the Sunflower Plateau.

Raul was quiet like a mouse in high alert but he a good heart stayed on my request, I always wondered why he was always so full with jittery fear ; his perk was a certain get out of anywhere situation card but a boat sailed on its own sails and I'm not one with no flaws - but only if awesomeness was a flaw.

While I let wander my eyes, not yielding my mean gaze to the glances of the power-borns. In the dead of the moment I was enthralled with the call to kill, it mattered not of can't or consequences. My head made no room for any other thoughts but the temptation to murder.

If even one of those fucks who turned my life to hell was there, I'd let my finger trigger a flaming ball of fire and ice, be it my level was low, it will be a moment I will never let idled by. Much to the sigh of unseen from Aeyai I saw none of the two whose behind I yearned most to skewer.

I was then calm in a breakneck. All folks had their Yeas and Nays, so why make me wonder why they bickered on how my momentary miserable gloom of dark sadness were won instanter by this smile of angelic descent?Idiotic to critique this little Magus they all were. For Believe me-, My temperamental coin was a blessing.

On we were led, deeper in the hall of white and bright.

I would have never scratched the itch in my bum had it not for the silent and utmost discipline the other two lioness practiced. Like dolls they acted on command, begs me to wonder; will they be dull too in bed? Move your hips, bend down more and the like of a dull night life?

Like mannequins they were, Touka and Reina but they aced the dream of a rotund man of grotesque desires, of two beauties seemingly without free will.

"Little Magus!" ordered Fiora.

"Yes dear?" I chuckled as Raul shivered.

My joke fell to a strict ear, no slight curves of a smile, no nothing. Well my unsung capabilities of a fool who jests was wasted.

'Great Just Great, way to laughed at a joke Virgin!'

"Follow me!"

"Wa-wait we need to tinkle our winkle if you know what I mean." My little fingers poked at the male restroom.

My scapegoat was merely a further sneak inside this prison in among one of those cells. So this moment stroke the sole opportune moment to break free from the vice of the Sunflower Plateau, the pigs and power-borns; I did not fear. I could just act a child if they caught onto my schemes.

"Touka! Bring them in when their done!"

Our request granted, me and Raul went in but there inside we only saw injustice or were it more truth for in their rightful name declared - a beautiful one called Pigs of blue and black in Liendry, so their litter was a dirty crime in itself, with stains of corroding yellow and toilet papers scaled on the floor.

"Okay! This is how we'll do." said I, resting my hand on Raul's shoulder.

I needed him to know how down to earth I am with dead focused seriousness in my plan.

"First : Cover your nose, this place smells like a sty,"

"Second : Do nothing, use your perk and hide."

"Third : You've been a good pal Raul! And if you run into any bad jujus, just ring this little Magus up.. you got a phone right?" he never touched a phone, not once since we met.


"Here take this card." Sure I have a business card, I was 30 years old; at that age everyone has one.

"A-are you sure about this?" asked the concerned timid Raul as he grabbed the card.

"How sure is a pig when given food to chow down to?" As I stare heroically at the rather clean celing above.

"Really sure?" he squeaked.

"No.. I'm Damn sure!"

"If you're worried Raul, just pray for me man."

"...." I in my pose expected a reply, an encouragement or even a quaint good-bye but,

There are always 'Buts'

All my ears twitched to were murmurs that urged my determined eyes to falter down its heroic stance; Raul the good, the gullible, the cowardly courageous did so as said. He prayed.

'The fuck!' I broke a damned vessel for I don't know why; my temper just flushed in then out and away at the catharsis of the moment or so just as to sound pretentiously profound.

"Amen!" he ended with a deep breath out.



"Why'd you pray?"

"Because you told me to!"

"But -- Not now you idiot... later... all the way later!" I sighed but there was no maddening happening in his honest sorry eyes.

"Sorry?" he pleaded softly.

*Haa!* I sighed a hopeless laugh.

"Don't - don't apologi-- Okay anywhos--" I patted his weak shoulder to shake.

"Just hide and go do your stuff okay?"

To which he nodded to and then it was time,

"I'm off!"

To make a name for myself.

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