System:Of The Ugly

Chapter 21 - CHICKEN

Was I dumb than dumber, if I had known I would be Phillipi the Grand Magus in the future; all those OP skills wouldn't be placed so out of reach. Seriously what were they doing way up at high levels, they were next to unreachable, I took offence in this being a dissed at my height.

Did that fucking past me never thought of the future? Selfish spoilt brat!

Invisibility; that was a skill my heart screamed its lusts for, No not for reasons that would water my eyes in young boy's throbbing joy whilst my nose ran a diarrhoea of blood. I as a cultured man despises such blasphemous thoughts.

Tempting my itchy feet for a kick in anyone's behind, Raul's own ass was on the menu. A hated bane of man which is to block thy own's cock and to my fluctuating annoyance, well in my defense, this was the first espionage I set my rampaging foot to. So not to my short thinking I have regrettably met a bottleneck in my plan from my skill called Blink.


No matter how much I tilted my head to the side, the damned skill's stupid (past) Phillips motherfucking brain's description remained so as it is,


<Mana costs : 30>

<CD : 6 Seconds>

<Range : 20 Feet>

<Cast Time : Instant>

<Description: Blink to a target location with 0.44 second delay. The location needs to be in the line of sight of the user>

There was a single ventilation that do gave me a clear view of moist dampened air outside but on close inspection the open space where it leads me was at another concrete wall -, and only a gap of four inches in between welcomed me but solely to my death, as though they were made for mice with the mazes of pipes and vents tucked between the buildings.

Further as my sharp tongue curses was the long high walls these buildings had pride themselves upon, they were out of the range of my Blink.

"So what now?" Raul quavered with a sweat.

Always on the shortest cut of a path to panic.

"Back to thinking," I answered, "What about you?"

"I-I have this." his long thin fingers brought out and revealed me a lighter and a paper.

It always occurred to me how justifiable was the saying on not to judge a tit by the bearer of the chest, and not a cock by how it crows Hell! they could be a fruit-cake -, when and ever when my eyes and ears embraces Raul.

"So you're gonna light a campfire?" I raised a brow.


'You're not helping!' I bickered, it was a running theme with Aeyai.

"**You will see this a lot.**"

"Noo.. This is a Burn-paper, If I light it, it will burn." he croaked, confident with his extraordinarily vile yet uniquely shy of a smile, a benign but eerie smile only the timid could have the talent of.

"Wow! that explains a lot." I nodded at his genius.

"Uhh! this is a spe-special paper. After I burn it,.. it will burn." he said his best.

"Mm-Hmm! That tends to happen when we burn paper... Mm-Hmm! MmHmm! Go on." it was a handsome delight to speak with Raul, Explicit was its taste.

"R-rght! the burnt paper will fly and I will hide on it."

The delivery was off, way off but a swell time since it serenaded my ear. His plan was rather smart as I came to figure. Burn the paper make it light and let any breeze carry it up and away, using his neat perk which allowed him to vanish physically out of sight and completely hide himself onto any visible mass he could see.

So he'll hide on one of the blackened shreds of the paper and then breaking out was as easy as saying, "I-I-I-I-I ca-can-can't be-be- believe it!" which me predicts would be the stuttering shout of success Raul would moan.

It annoys me that his plan was rather smooth, simple and perfect while mine needs a certain Pirate Captain level of off-the-cuff improvisation.

There I stood long and a statue with my young chin elegantly suave as my fingers caresses it.


"I know but why for the fuckteenth time are you always changing,, where's the Master? and the Aeyai this and that stuff??" I had lost it, startling Raul who blinked his bleached dark circle in disquiet.

As I'd had bet, he already had an ounce of doubt on my sanity from my rather audible altercation with Aeyai way back on the road.

"I know damn well what I have... My sister designed these shits, fireball, ice-bolt, blink and ... and..,,"

Well the mouth was busy being the vessel for temper, don't judge it. But the mind was always hard at work, efficient to say the least.

As they would always frown upon-; my temper then cooled itself down as quick as its eruption was, as the mind of this Magus picked up a lightbulb when it figured the most annoying spell you could give to a Mage.

O'what an ability, not the spell which ran on my mind but my instant cast temper with a sudden active time and CD and yet these people antagonizes it.

And too was also the spell,

"And Hex!" Eureka! and there I spoke, the annoying spell.

"I could use Hex, Raul!" I smiled at him, partly for joy and partly to make his heart skip a beat. I enjoyed bullying him.

"G-Good job?" he stammered.

"Okay! Do your thing and get out of here." said I with the poise of a tranquil sage in a hurry for it was near to 6 of all minutes that we had spent inside the room, for if we were longer I feared they might have suspected an act of intimacy to which my wind did not blow strong to, No! to a swordfight in the bathroom? No! didn't, wouldn't and never; it and I refuses to with utter maximum disgust.

Raul then grind the wheel, burning the paper, which then wafted away towards the ventilation, "Go! Do you and be happy!" I bid him farewell.

Starry eyed he then bowed for thanks and in a sudden swoosh he vanished without a trace.

For my timid but loyal friend, I find it right to do my best to assist so I blew the blackened burnt pieces of paper as much I could, probably more than the wolf who blew straw-houses -, and there his plan was done and mine was time to be on play.

O'what an epic play it was or would be.

I stared at the blue wooden door, taking a breather, a huge one - which none could not have easily had done, "Miss Touka!" I yelled my best of a young boy with toilet troubles.

'Please bring that ass inside, bite the bait, bite the bait!' I urged my mind, with unremitting tries in hopes of bending reality so she would come, it was well worth a shot, I need her to take a step in for my plan to come to fruition.

And with a bang from the door thudding open, in comes Touka, her lips were plump but sealed, her eyes stared deadened at my own who stood near her - at the door.

I then pointed a conceivable finger in one of the stalls with little sweaty succour from my brows, a little peculiar but bite-able and Raul having made his escape did me a good, it presented me an opportunity to lure her in the stall. The bait was then laid and now was bit.

Touka walked to where my finger lied.

'Sucker!' I scoffed.

My charms, my littler innocent eyes of blue gave me the facade of being pure of deceit and Touka walked past me with her back wide open for any stab.

A chance I hastily grasped, "Hex!" I casted with careful tender whisper.

Not need be was my finger which was now a perfect finger gun, not need be but necessary.

From the barrel which was my index-, I felt a surge of energy which then formed to a speck of pink little chain reactions.

<Casting : 3 Seconds>

As you would have expected in my eyes I saw what we very well knew as a cast bar whenever a spell is casted in game, it was frustrating to say the least as the slow moment was heart skipping and intense.



'So damn long!!!'


A wave like beam of soft bright pink was shot but damned whores was it slow as my eyes felt. Had it not been for my glorious intellect and a million dollar bounty for acting, I wouldn't have had the chance to aim for a point blank range, a power-born of her calibre would definitely dodge the spell if not.

Then there were waves of pink sea of lights which reverberates all throughout her body from the point of contact as the epicenter.






"**I love sound effects.**"

And there was no more-; the stern, the obediently mute Touka but only now a panicking, screaming, wing flapping, feather plucking wild, flying white chicken; chickening amok in the room.


<Mana Costs : 100>

<CD : 20 Seconds>

<Range : 10 Feet>

<Cast Time: 3 Seconds>

<Projectile Speed : Very Slow>

<Description : A great spell concocted to humor the caster and humiliate the target. turn a target into a chicken for 8 seconds. the duration may vary according to the target's will>

"A chicken! Dammit I love myself!" Humour was a taste I had grown an addicition to.

Fighting hard the temptation to bask on my glorious art of a crazed panicking chicken in front of me, the unwarranted duration of the spell made me kick my time on a rush hour.

My feet moved in haste, no time to enjoy the show no matter appealing it maybe to laugh at the chicken, with repercussions in mind when Touka came to, I hurried my way out of the door to the inner cells of the prison, "Man she'd be pissed,, gotta hurry!"

There were eyes of many, policeman, power-borns and many more underneath the vast white inners of the building, it's a prison use your imagination.

But me, a rather young innocent kid found himself a very appreciated camouflage in a form of naivety, in all manners of crime I was the least to be deemed a threat or a suspect; neat were my black balloony hoodie and my innocent blue eyes; and with the Sunflower Plateau huddling their fire and burning the two bandits on a branch of a different corridor towards the interrogation room far cut-off from the inner cells my plan was running smoother than a well oiled plan, if it were to come into existence.

And how I know where to direct my shorts wearing feet? Well It's a prison and modern folks labelled directions clear and loud that even the blind would hear where to drag his limbless body to, In fact getting lost here in the obvious might have been considered a crime.

"**Sorry for being dark.**"

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