System:Of The Ugly

Chapter 22 - Lose Myself

Darius Mikel; 30 years of age, black with a strong build with thumbs carrying him on a many crime spree in the statistics charts. A murderer with no regrets; My! Do my heart beat to a rapid ecstasy to the idea of torturing his mangled soul. Was I evil for having a vile taste for consuming and with the itching urge to butt-fucked evil?

More importantly he was my scapegoat and my goal of being in the prison, I strode my way with a rather lazy stroll inside the prison and then comes a little need to exercise an expertise for my first espionage.

A single rather poorly guarded blue'd out door made of Ozymantium act a sturdy barrier between me and the cells.

'There, inside! my path lies!' As I stared blankly my mind surfed as my body statued, taking me on a mental trip far on a wave unknown, in the loop of one of my bizzare journey; I took that moment of silence to bid farewell to my lazy unmotivated past for if and when I went through with my quest my future will greatly differ but that was a change I had always tried jerking my desiring heart to but now I had flowered with gifts and tongue, I now fling to scourge the asking.

<Aeyai advised Master to hurry.>

I did then as told and as always in the nick of a crucial moment Aeyai had never failed to sway your handsome Magus to the yellow paved road of a right path, as then I - snapped back to reality.

** "Ope! there goes gravity." **

** "Ope! there goes rabbit, he choked." **

** "He's so mad but he won't give up that easy." **

** "I Love this world's music." **

'Was Lady Fate in love with a magus?' was my thought when I spied a neat sign besides the door which highlighted and arranged every cell with the prisoners who rented those cells.

"**Hahah! Rent!**"

Darius Mikel (#1309) : Cell 13.

"Found ya!"

In all dues of honesty, my smile of an ever gnarly curve was always drawn to and from any acts of violence and an angelic curve to all innocence. On numbers on a scale that which I cannot afford to rate on -, it was not heroic but my mind had always found a throbbing pant of desire and release when any thoughts of thrashing a spur of violence to any who begs for it comes to a darkened light.

It was yet another gift of a Magus that these plebeian found right to frown their faces upon. Weak pretentious stomachs they all were.

I was focused, bidding my time for all guards as my eyes saw; they took me no heed but were glued to their posts watching the many placed apart screens above; like a siren, channel 9 captivated their longing attention. While my ears were numb from it, no sounds came through.

What they spelled fell only to my deaf-ed ears; where-else the guards saw and heard an alarming news which reported the rising concerns of Hellspawns of tier 4 and below crawling a menace near the outer walls, these were threatening news-, for the longest that they were seen this close to the walls was years ago before the cleansing.

A new waves of change had fallen our towns behind and off the walls, the new lesser known rising weeds of abnormal power-borns, the breach in Ensfield and now the crawling Hellspawns. One would be ignorant to assume that these were all coincidences and not an alarming tics of change for not better but for worse.

Call it a Magus's intuition but I felt all eyes were occupied and I was free, even to dance naked monkey; who would stop and see me, their eyes were as I stressed, concerned and affixed.

The little bars they installed on the door gave me a view inside, a darker shade of white were the ceiling, dark and possibly damped as I hopped for a better scenery of the insides.

I peeped left then right from the corners of my eyes, the coast was still clear, nothing but empty hallways and dumb clueless guards.

"Blink!" In a moment I was pass the door.

Cell 13 was rather untrue to its place in the value of numbers, it was way far-off on the end but this serves me a 'good.'

I took my first step, taking my time with every steps from my littler self, I was rather an eye candy to these yellow clothed inmates.

"-Phew- would you look at that!"

"C'mere I'll give you a taste of heaven, little boy!"

With every laughably menacing calls as I passed them; cell by cell, a rather unfathomably questionable sinister grin, smirked itself upon me from ear to ear, one wider the curve of which I never had shredded before.

I felt a rush, 'what if I kill them all?' the thought alone gave me thrills, I lust for it, I love it, I craved for it, 'Spilling spoilt blood,, who would miss them?' I wondered, as I turned left to right to see the sorry scums of the world reaching their arms out at my naive steps.

'Yellow? Perfect! But yellow with a splash of red? delightful!'

<Adrenaline Rush : 1.90 Percent>

"Pinky come here, let me give you a good time."

"Desert baby!"

"Come to papa!" rowdy they were.

'Ahh! talk more, more, I love it!' my smile grew wider, they served me fuel so I could willingly blunder, Yes! a blunder of sweet murder with red bloody wine.

<Adrenaline Rush : 3%>

As rouge pink grew on my hair from the left, My steps began to sound more reluctant to move and heavy, they were aching for a quick stop, and the calls of scums did my mind more a temptation until the moment I had halt. Like dogs to treat, I was now ensnared-, seducted with their charming calls for rest, rest but the kind where breathing was not part of, the kind where red was the water which they would drown their throats.

"Yes! Dat's right, come here little boy, I have something for ya!" an inmate with a single crazed eye, calls for his death with drools from his scarred lips.

"Aww! Beautiful eyes!!! Lemme show you fun little boy!"

To these ears of ecstasy, it was a cry, begging for his end.

An angel sent from murder heaven: I turned my widened eyes which dearly craved for a look deep into his soul as it leaves his lifeless corpse.


Aeyai called but only fell to a dead-end to another deaf ear as I reached my youngling arm out which shook in an euphoric rhapsody at the bulging throat of the inmate.

<Adrenaline Rush : 4 Percent>



Aeyai cried or were it a resounding scream, that I'll never know, but it was then - of a cry; intimate to me back even then. Its roots ran deep, paying me a passing flash of a moment from my past - spent time with Mary. I felt the weigh of emotions from Aeyai's voice much deeper than all the sass she had sneered but louder was her cracking plea, it rang loud in my head, bouncing amuck in my dome which woke me up from my state of seeing only red.

<Adrenaline Rush : 3.12 Percent>

<Master, time is short>

<Your Quest awaits>

"Huh? Yea right!" I shook my head.

"The fuck yer doing.. c'mere already!" shrieked the inmate, his crime roughen-ed fists shook the bar.

I lunge to the ceiling; arms raised for a deep calming breath, whispers of temptation lingers but my mind was slightly rid of bloody fog as my rouge pink hair dissipated yet again.

Aeyai was right, It was only a matter of time until Touka told the Sunflower Plateau of my little mischief, "There'll be time for you all!" Said I as I led myself on towards Cell 13; I sighed; slightly might I add to ease me-self of my itching fingers.

<Adrenaline Rush : 2.50%>

"Get back here ya little cunt!"

There were more curses but my quest comes first so I tried my best to act a prude to his measly calls.

Back in the interrogation room, hurried she was but peculiarly in order and neat, I'd then figured me a prediction that -a two or more feathers would stay embroidered on her neat red coat but expectations aside, a well composed soldier was hard to crack.

"Captain!" reported Touka, her eyes were rather calm as she entered the interrogation room. Albeit void of any wriggles of struggles.

There where all of the Sunflower Plateau stood behind their captain who sat against the cowering bandits, sweats poured from their worried brows; amatures, "If you sway towards a side then follow through." Is what I'd say.

A report was made, making sense for the commotion, my appearance were explicitly sold out; hard-workingly most by the little cub, Rianna.

My was she obsessed and I loved it, as much as I've fallen for the sports of blood; O'The sweet sport of bloody murder.

In a corner, cold dark and rather lonely; as though in a solemn weighty blank-ness of reflecting his own deeds, Mikel sat on his scum fit of a bed, not moving, not acting a ruckus as the rest.

"Hello there,,??" Only letting a head peeped through the many Ozymantium bars of his cell, my smile then was still wicked, so I figured he would've made time for a sudden second of a scare in a jolt.

Disappointed I was as he sat through my entry, 'How dare he sat through my epic entry?'

Guess a dark heart was mended as not to feel fright from any heights and my height was rather short, well my and myself was but a child.

"Fuck you want?" he scoffed after a breather.


"I made no order for chicken legs." he said.

"Well I rather like them."

Like The Ol'Great Cheshire cat, only a grin of wide bloody crescent moon served Darius Mikel his last rites for a last meal.

"Your voice sounds dead." Mikel fumed a slight.

"Oh they do! Do they!?" I yowled in an upbeat, I could barely held my twisted exultation; Were it twisted? No but needed it was to word in for the weaker stomachs.

I was rather pleased with a heavily adulterated bliss from the compliment.

<Adrenaline Rush : 3.4 Percent>

"Heh! Fuck's a kid doing here." his eyes finally met mine and they called me to murder.

"Oh I came here for chickens." I chuckled.

My eyes dyed their blue seas to the hue of the future, where yellow splashed with red which they predict and craved.

"This a prison, crazy motherfucker!"

"Oh I know, I know,,,,, I know,, and I also know that this is a neat little hidey hole for chickens... And I spy a little old one!"

"Get your bozo ass outta here b'fore I smack you the fuck up." he tapped his lap in a fit.

Impressive, a murderer with claims on insanity would've already acted a crazed ape by now and that my genius mind had never agreed to believe.

"Ha-hah!...Ahahah! you're funny!" I lost the wheels on my driver seat before I even knew, I had not but only later realiazed that I had let out a gnarly laughter.

To which Mikel found it right to stand in a fit, he was sure a huge jock, as my eyes scaled the size of my scapegoat, way towering over me; but the bigger he was the more my heart throbbed.

<Adrenaline Rush : 4.4%>

He walked steps and steps closer; from where I shred him a grin, a sole head with a crazy smile which I only led stuck out, "Too scared to talk now?"

"No,, Ha-hah!!" I wailed, nearly a droplet of drool fell from me mouth.

"Then talk!"

His eyes were bloodshot, short fused were his temper.

"Well,,," I slurred,

"I'm, here,... to Kill YOU. Ahahah!!"

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