System:Of The Ugly

Chapter 23 - The Ugly.

Let me walk you through on how I became this handsome and as a side dish on why you see me as this blood crazed maniac; you already know about my favourable Short-Comings on how I was morphed into a little Magus so that's not one I'll elaborate on.

First, it had a beginning with my beloved family, my life was fun, gay and loud with roses to wipe our asses and we got everything your mundane happy family could have been.

In a sudden storm, you all well knew how my life slid to the slippery landslide and down to hell. From there you can pray tell on how guilt burdens yours truly, "Why was I the only one?" to survive; and that was what led me down to the aesthetic, toxic embrace of hardcore drugs, Yes! from a fragile young age.

The nightmarish hell that I lived through that solemn day ass-fucked my hole to bloody spewed shreds.

Then comes the bittersweet nightmares with every over-doses of punishment I gave myself, suicidal was I but my body always woke to the abyss of all coarse sands of black, a desert which toyed with my ever tortured soul but the dreams, the all too real sights it enchanted me were the real drugs that I was addicted to.

The pills, the concoctions of high, the weed they were all but a gateway that leads me there.

But in that same place where I found peace, where I get to be tear jerkingly glad to enjoy our happy little moments, my eyes were forced to grow dark on seeing that day again and again and butt-fucked infinities of agains, first there were tears of fear and remorse then anger then through a perfect attendance, vengeance; all the blood, all the screams, all the crushed, splitted and twisted torn corpses and the two faces which started it all toned me to this cringe spirit of vengeance or whatever name you wished, 'Ashura is one that I smiled upon.'

My eyes, my senses and tastes inured to the scenes, my mouth now simply yawned at the continuous gore of red sporting leaks which flushed from falling sharp glasses on necks, how bodies were mangled but how I lost my dearests never wavered its pain and those fuckers and all those who are alike from then on bore my thirsty fangs which yearns for poetic justice.

A poetic justice of violence to those that breathes violence, my body now ached to get high from it and with a little dare from my Perk : Adrenaline Rush, I was what I want me to be and Darius Mikel was my first, my dearest start to a blood tracked journey.

"Ha-hah BLINK!" I slurred, highly pitched as I cast thy trusty here-then-there skill with a short abrupt mirth of eerie.

** "It was always short but at times begrudgingly stretched." **

"The fuck?! where'd you go?" he was spooked. The floating little head he saw vanished.

I blinked past Mikel standing behind his towering back.

'He's like two of me.' I giggled. My head bent sideways a tad, I didn't knew I had this habit but at the time it felt right to do so.

Grasping his spooked attention as he turned around only to see my short littler height who smiled wide, deranged and gnarly with a twist of fuckening sparks of handsome-ry.

"Ah! yer one of em power-borns but that don't mean nothing. Yer nothing but a brat and ya just came to yer fucking death."

Oh! and he rhymes at times too and my crazed state took that as a challenge.

"He-heh! I'm so SCARED, Yea! this FEAR I FELT couldn't comPARE to your ass-shaped EAR.. YA HEAR?" mocked my tongue, wiggling with spits on every rhyme while my lips were viciously still of the mentally gaga.

** "Not Lady Gaga FYI." **

"It's only you and me now, whatcu gonna do now. Boy!"

"Ha-hah! This!" my signature gun aimed high at his head.

"Wahahahaha!! Ya got a neat little party trick but what's that glock gonna do? finger me?" My! was he hysterical.

*WAHAHAHAHAH!!* he rapped a whole bar of laughter.

"Ha-hah, Ahahah, Aaahahahaha-Hah!" I battled back and the sweet scent of the rouge pink color grew more on my hair.

<Adrenaline Rush : 5%>

"I,, I-,, I really came for chickens." I caught my breath amidst my laughs, hysterical; I joined his party, wheezing to a bend from the laughs and still my gun aimed a red dot in the middle of his brows.

And all in a sudden specks of pink sparks, I casted Hex on Mikel while he was on his hysteria.

Turning his unexpecting ass into a black feathered cock.

"Ahh! so there it was, chicken!"

<Master, Aeyai's retro-active scanning function is fluctuating with minor errors>

<This is due to Master's increasing Percentages of Adrenaline Rush>

<Adrenaline Rush : 5.3%>

"Don't worry about it Aeyai, I got it all under control." I assured, all while and wide with a grin.

Choking the neck of the cock before he chicken's amok. Acting a little executioner I aimed my trusty finger gun at his head, "Didn't I say I came here for chickens?"

Now I imagined myself as Mikel, was and did my face back then reminded him of the face he made when he killed his victims.

All hells, I wished he did.

"Fireball!" I chanted burning his feathers to a frisky scent, my harsh, low voice was all too sinister and I loved the throat which barely let free my words out and the yellowish red sparks which came first from the cast; I love it even more: and a fried chicken? One would be fargone to not drool over it.


"Rianna! you go that way." pointed Samara, her finger directed towards the inner cells.

All but the Virgin baddie captain of the Sunflower Plateau were out to get me, spreading wide to cover all grounds, maybe my little mischief on Touka brought them eager attention. Well a power-born with two or more abilities were rare.

"No way! he's probably headed towards the door, I'm going." Rianna harrumphed.

"It's an order RiRi, besides captain wants to see him and after that I'll guarantee you your date, I promise."

Samara wasn't all too wise with what words she had used, leaving Rianna with not but a piping, hot, steamy red cheeks, "Sa-Maraaaaa!!!!" an angry little cub growled, her teeth grinds at the word 'Date.'

"Op!! sorry RiRi, just go please!! before he gets away." begged Samara.

"Fine!! you better keep your promise and Ice-cream!"

"Sure! I'll treat you to the biggest Choco-Vanilla bomb ever."


"Let's see here, hmm! go to snaptube,, make new account,, click on live video and mention channel 9,, that'll bring me my quest!" I mumbled, placing my phone carefully in front of a tied up Mikel; bruises like small purple hills, here there making a whole frontier, with clothes partly burnt to a torn, he was a planet housing purple landscapes.

Mentioning channel 9 in a feed on snaptube was sure to go viewed and in dire times the leaders of the towns encourages folks to do so, their reasoning was for a live video feed, for evidence of any crimes but if there were any who misused this mention, a certain jail time was the verdict; And to yours truly this was the only way my name will be heard worldwide.

My phones on his lonely bed, sheet'less; which I tore and used to tie him up on the bars of his cell and there I am live all round the world.

"Hmm let's see, 28 immediate views!! Wow they weren't kidding..." Said I.

Twenty-eight people around our small world saw my feed, live on their phones, "L-look this is crazy!"

"Is that, is that a prison?"

"W-wait I know that dude."

"Ye-yeah that's Darius Mikel the killer."

"Why's he tied up? is he beaten?"

"Who's that other guy though?"

"Is he a guard?"

And among these random folks, fatefully watching this were the two brothers.

"Jerome, Jerome! L-look look!" stuttered Marcus, "Is that him?"

"Damn right!! that's the fucker!!"

"Who's that guy with him?"

"I don't know I can only see his legs,, wait is that a kid?-"


"Well would you look at that!?.. it climbed to 32 in a minute,, Hey Darius?" I called out to Mikel who had passed out.

"DARIUS!!" I yelled, all for my live audience to hear.

"You passed out from that??" I gave him a whole hearted plethora of kisses on his cheek with the sweet hard embrace from the back of my shoe, once, twice and a couple more of twices.

Like a maker I raised those brusied purple hills plumper.

"And you call yourself a killer?... You're!! fucking!! embarrassing!! me!!" and *thudding* kisses etched in between my pauses.

<Adrenaline Rush : 9 Percent>

A couple more of dedicated love taps later, his nose flushed sticky blood, squirting on his badly torn yellow suit.

And finally he was awake, barely and riddled with bruises.

"Good, stay awake!"

All the while my audiences grew and they questioned who this mysterious perpetrator was, since the front camera of my phone had captured only my shorts and below.

"Hello! World!!"

I could not had ever cared less for my bloodlust to be displayed on public, so with my signature smile of gnarly I bent towards for a close up shot and greeted the world to meet for the first ; meet this little bloody Magus.

"This fucker here is Darius Mikel."

I then grabbed my phone, waved it careful like how camera-men caresses their devices and showed light to the world on my ugly vengeance.

"Say Hi! Mikel." I hollered, squatting near his blackened eye.

"I said, 'say motherfucking Hi!' " slapping him with all disrespect.

Mikel groaned, it sounded like his broken will obliging to my harsh bully but immensely troubled and mumbled likely from my many kisses.

"Now! we all know this dude right? killing a mother of two sons and getting away with it?, tch tch tch! That don't sit well with me... and what did these pigs and righteous fucking cunts of the courts do?.."

"Well! they gave him a love tap for the murder, all because this fuck face and his lawyer claimed insanity... See! this is how man-made rules are easily bent and guys like these and silver tongued lawyers are the scums of the world who thrives on it and all of you cunts with two tons of bellies just sit there like everything is done right, right?"

"But you see, WE! exist and WE! don't want none of that bullshit laws, what's right is right, right?.. "

"So! Guys, ladies, gentlemen and scums, when shit is loosely dealt with, when these pigs and pork-bellied lawmen are afraid to get Ugly!! Well. that's when I come in..,"

I stood up with never a facade of wading moments in my live feed, with the most epic of smiles to introduce my anarchist self, I basked to the views which piled up to the thousands and more.

"My name is PHILLIPI and I am the ugly."

<Quest Completed!>

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