System:Of The Ugly

Chapter 24 - Anarchist

"That kid is badass!"

"Yeah, he deserves it."

"But the law is the law."

"First Hellspawns breaking in and now this?"

"I like him, eye for an eye."

"Exactly what I wanna do If I could."

"He's gonna get himself killed, isn't he inside our town's prison?"

"This is one idiotic idea for a stunt, kids these days are so stupid."

"What if he gets himself killed?!"


Discussions rained as my fame shook the entire world in a quick jab of a storm, viewers poured in, each with their own take on my theatrics, some cheered me on while others called my vengeance a stunt.

As the dark of night affirmed its reign, people tend to find time to embrace their phones in their leisure.

A pop-up from the feed and the mention was one that pop their eyes for more news on yours truly. I am now a celebrity.

My feed grasped the appetite of the deep voice of Harvey, the leaders who had retreated from their verbal battle on Maw, all eyes were on me and all with their own individualistic truths about my lengthy sermon.

Paulie cheered and jabbered with his astounding talent of exaggeration, his lips assaulting a bottle of beer, "eah!! Phuck im up.."

Slamming down the bottle near to a spill in the stand,

"Ay Rich!! get a hold of this little man."

"Kinda looks like our boy ... a little bratty, murdery version... Here look!!"

"Where is he?" gruffly, with no shred of surprises on his brows, the brusque Rich replied.

"Judging from the bar behind the dude... I'd say a prison." confidently; he nods his head a little.

"Phillips! Dickwad, where is he?"

"I don't know... dude's been ducking my calls, he even had his nephew answered me. That jackass, I bet he's still high from the good stuff I sold him."

The stern look of whatever -that Rich had always effortlessly painted were now in a sense more darker from what Paulie said, his gaze then would kill a man.

"What good stuff?" he demanded with near a threat.

"Ya know.. the thing that the lady gave me, ya know the ones that you almost took my head for?" Paulie replied, certainly less than glad to jog himself back of the memory from the previous night before.

"Hmm..." Rich to Paulie reeks of being troubled but with a poker face so mighty that it was a bargain Paulie did not cared to assume and dug further.


"IiiYaa-hahahahaha!! Yes! YES!!! He's perfect, perfectly astounding, I want him... I love his every little,,,, him!!!" crackled the little Quack, he sat a jittery cat with booty shaking syndrome behind his small table back at the uncertain lab.

The lab now was busy, it's once eerie silence with occasional beep removed by sounds of rough faint murmurs, with rowdy bodies piling in the many, boots and feets with dirt scattered on the wide tiled floors. They were the outlaws who escaped the burning wrath of the Ol'fiery Virgin. Listening to the unnerving music of insane upbeat laughs and 'Yesses chorus' of a song.


Underneath the bustling varying lights of the tall skyscrapers, "Heh!!" smirked the nasly fox under the bright - variant lights, still in the streets of Wilhilm, Lyle; fidgeting a white stick of cigarette, "Who are you?" curiousity filled as he too made a smirking attendance on my bloody feed.


<Quest Completed>

<Quest : New Start>

<Status : Complete>

<You have gained + 30 Stat Points (Stat Enchants)>

<You gained +1000 exp>

<You have leveled up to Level 3>

<You have unlocked a new Passive Skill>

<You have unlocked a skill>

<You Have + 8 Stat Points (Stat Enchants)>

<Bonus : you have stamped your place in the history of the world. the name of Phillipi the Grand Magus will now be known by any>

<Bonus Rewards : >

< +4% Attack Boost (Physical + Magical)>

< +5 stat points to all stats>

< +50 HP>

< +100 MP>

The bountiful rewards that only my eyes could see. Bountiful but in the present had tempted me not to drool over their quirks. My Adrenaline had already risen to heights that I had yet not set a foot to and it; a manipulative friend drove me to spill blood. Not that I had already been itching for, the small percentage of its activation was a little boost that played me for it; and I was ecstatic about it.

I had placed my finger-gun back to his temple, Mikel had passed out from the plethora of kisses I gently coerce him with.

If time were not ticking in a hurried pace, my itching fingers enticed my heart to caress him 'a more'. A gentle massacre of rigorous pain but a Magus's mind is one constantly aware so there I decided for him - an end.

Darius Mikel must now say goodbye.

Well, figuratively. Well that too if he could.

On a dark and dampened corner of a cell, face loved to a pulp, "O'what a fitting end!" I snickered.

"Say ta-ta!!"

Just before my thumb cocked fore my smiling lips uttered a chant;



Sang my phone.

It was Jerome, one of the brothers requesting to join my feed.

I instantly knew as my mind etched itself a picture of the brothers from the news the day before, putting my feet in their shoes I heavily sympathized with the two.

"Yo! HELLO?" he stressed.

"Hey Darius!! take a look at the boy!" I was too; Physically a boy, a younger one to be exact.

"Ne-nevermind the scum,, we wanna talk to you.." said Jerome stuttering a little with slight a take shakky nervousness, a kind eyed young man with a glance you could tell he was cared and molded with love.

His brother Marcus was fierce, those eyes of brown I knew were eager for a hand - in on Darius.

And I would love to oblige by them but within this rush hour and my limited skills, it was nowhere a realistic goal to drag his body; to deliver him like a pizza to the boys.

"I'm listening."

"We just wanna say... thanks... thanks for this justice..our mom... thanks!!"

I could spy a young man fighting his tears and I knew Marcus held his anger still but smart they were, careful to show their unadulterated emotions for lawyers could find fault in them but I saw it, amidst their hidden pretence, the vengeful glint in their eyes and me an angel had to deliver through.

"Ahh!! I see, say no more!"

My thumb cocked back for a trigger as I chanted; acting a sharp guillotine - Darius Mikel was to be no more, all within and without even a bat of an eye, "Fireball!"

The impact knocked his many small hills of bulging tender purpled torso and limbs to gunks of crispy blackened spoilt meat, my fire burnt him to the bones, only his legs which twitched their nerves sat at place, "See?! Ha-hah! Chicken."

Then my live feed was cut, Too late! for the whole world had seen the horrid act and my name was one they would now always know; as the personification of the ugly truth.

But I was angered, Nay! furious, No! I was boiling with rage, Nyet! I was deep fried with ten thousand years of infuriating high blood pressure. Why? Because the feed cut off before I had the chance to say a memorable fuckening line, that would be noted down and read by my sperm's son's sperm and anywhere down my squirming sperm line; and the last thing they heard my beautiful, sexy voice say was, "Chicken...?"

This is madness, how dare they defile this young master, I was not granted a chance to save face. They will be crippled!

"**Okay sorry! getting at another genre here.**"

<You have gained an Achievement>


<Achievement Buff : +40 CD reduction and 100% critical hit rate>

<You have gained an Achievement>


<Achievement buff : +13% mana capacity increase and +13% dexterity increase>

'Bloody executioner? Anarchist?... sounds fitting..'


"You!!" huffed a voice of soft yet a fiery red rose;

Before I could breathe in the air for my first taste of a blunder for murder done wittingly.

"You!!" I quoted back.

"You were on snaptube!!" said Rianna besides her were the pigs of idle guards.

The guards whom she halted with a wave of a hand.

My! my sweetheart was fierce.

<Rewards Inaugurating>

"What?" My smile faltered, "Why now?"

A sharp pain encumbered my body, like a masterfully yielded cocoon of golden light, piercing me with millions of sharp needles, they did not even spare my two golden balls, Yes! not even my baby-making dynamos.

The pain lasted but only for a short span and dissipated leaving me with no sore, no pain.

In fact I felt rather light and brimming with the urge to flip.

<Adrenaline Rush : 0 Percent>



"Answer me?" Rianna scolded my dumb self.

"Huh? What?"

I was free from the call of blood; free but only to an extent, to the point of self control.

"You may think what you do is right but this is just.... evil!" she dictated, her little brows slanted. Yet she felt no disgust in the face of the horrid, gruesome scene but in those watery black eyes I felt a tingling sense of disappointment.

'A No-merman.' I had named the legs and butts of the late Mikel, to my innocent thought ; me thinks would call forth the magic of gag on any other's mouth. Especially on a young virgin like Rianna but Wow! did the master of all-Virgins trained her well.

'Magus Impressed!'

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