System:Of The Ugly

Chapter 26 - "Rawtato."

'Star?' I pondered, 'Phillipi?... he knows my name and that look of... whatever, he knows my name.'

It might have been easy to doubt, though not for my gleaming eyes, and if truth need be said ; real men nods only to real men and Him! he knows my name and so did I.

** <A very sly take on admitting that you are A fan-boy> **

"**Stop popping out of nowhere, spouting bullshit no less, just shush**"

I was led by the ear as Samara planted me in the middle of the two captivating juggernauts in the world of power-borns, standing in close quarters with these monsters reminded me of how small I really was, how vast was the sea and its monsters; of where I was but a mere prawn claiming a chef with bizzare techniques to cook blue whales, they were on a whole impossible league but I rather was motivated by the fuckening challenge.

However the air here in the lot was a mixed of insurmountable colours as Fiora stayed true to her Virginity, Burke smiled with not a care, Samara's ever leering eyes seemed to slant more, lastly; lost and nervous was Rianna and in the centre of them all, I stood with a dumb smile of satisfaction, a little kitten feeling mighty and adorned as all eyes scanned yours truly.

With not a lasting moment of all our awkward busy silence - Asserting dominance, "You've seen him!" Fiora said sweeping the jumbled air, hoarding it into a pile, joining her serious matter.

"That I do, I believe most of the entire world had seen him." revealed Burke, not that it was not known about me.

It was as though war was on the doorstep as my eyes caught a glimpse in their flutter, a glimpse of Rianna and Samara standing more and on-guard.

Burke was rather calm still, with a naive smile, eyes closed and unwary.

"Leave!" provoked Fiora, with not ever a body language and ever and always an order.

"Okay if you would let me with the boy."

"The little Magus is under our escort!"

In their verbal exchange, my eyes shift from left to right to whoever talked, 'Leave with the boy? Escort?' might I believed what my ears beat their drums to?

'They're fighting over me!!' I rejoiced, I need not show it for I sensed the mood demanded professionalism.

<Master is right but not right in his assumption!>

'What the fuck does that mean?'

<You Will See!>

'Then why'd you talked if you're not gonna... nevermind, I'm too damned a star to hear you spoil the mood but I knew they saw my feed why are they so nice,, let's see here!'

"Wait! Dear respected elders!" my well-mannered prick on play and I forced a coughed then I peeped, "What's this all about?" scanning the two quickly to and fro.

"You're really famous now but I guessed you already know that but what you did was very daring young man,,,"

'Youngman? Oh he knows his ways.' I commented on Burke as he worded on,

"so there's a lot of angry people who wants to see you." he chimed.

"Well mister! I know that." I tried an act of a shy naive youngman.

"You're really smart aren't you."

"Mm-hmm!" I nodded.

"And a smart man knows what enemies to make and you just made lots of them but a smart man also is wise on his allies too."

"Gee! you're so right mister." I faked an easily caught out laugh.

"Yes!! Why don't you come with me, I'll take you in as my protege." he avowed.

"But what about the thing I just did?"

"You think what you did was right, you maybe right in thinking it so but that is not real justice but,, you are young and we all make mistakes when we're young." he preached.

With puppy eyes of obedience I lend him my ears.

"Finding the right path is a smart choice to make right now." he held out his rugged palm, it was wider and more roughly stuffed with testosterones than what I'd had imagine.

"Burke!" deafening, Fiora voiced.

From the prison, eyes of near to the hundredths scurried was their blinking watching our talks, packed and shoving they fight for the barred windows, not that they could hear us but the sight of the two and their once and still anticipated throwdown was what they'd not want to miss.

Glad and wanted as I was, my real reason behind me being here was just a curiosity to see what waves they would tried and carry me to and in their rather tensed bicker and Burke's lengthy proposal, I had know came to know of what their motives were.

And I was right to assume they were indeed fighting over my power. Its damn hard to be so popular.

"Hol'up guys!" I now smirked.

Yes! The fuckening hath now came to shore.

"Don't get me wrong, I fuck with what the both of you do, you're the bestests around." I flaunted thy little arms.

"Burke! Captain?! can I call you captain? the 'The' before it is....just plain dumb?!" I chortled.

Fiora smirked not on her lips but inside her hardened demeanor. I could feel it.

Burke was caught aback, that I knew from his brows, his hand he retracted and all this by my sudden shift, well it's the twelfth gear we're speaking here and I don't blame him, seeing me act a foul must have been a shock, I was simply too young a face but what of his face writhing when earlier he would first seen my art at the feed, 'Priceless shock?' I was a tad gladdened.

"You said Justice earlier right? Yeah... Mm-hmm,," I nodded, "See, what makes you think you know justice? Obeying the law and letting scums get jailed and all,, well sure some might call it justice.. wa-wa-wait before I lecture your glorious muscles and Miss Fiora you listen too and my love,," I craned my neck to the left then, captivating a fallen heart as I winked at Samara, I know she wants it with that savage sexy teeth grinding and gunning for my head.

"And my baby too-" Purposefully, I left Rianna off, who you might say and I'm not one to lie; whimpered a soft mewl when I didn't gave her a tease.

"Justice! It's just a simple word.... let's call it Potato for now, just for now!! And hypothetically let's call a potato a potato, so BOTH of them are potatoes,," they all listened to my rant, meeting my eyes of blue as I further lessoned,

"we all love potatoes but, sometimes you want them fried, sometimes boiled and machine fucked the starch in them for chips and sometimes some butthead somewhere wants to chew hard on some raw!!,"

"..and we all have our taste on how we wanna peel our potatoes and we don't want to potate any or, or all potatoes, by, by,," stuttering at times, I stammered on, ",,by how they're made right? try giving a child a rawtato when the little fuck wants chips, we're talking a duet of *Wehhh* and curses from the mother and thats bad juju for the ear right there. And now Justice!! some! people call an eye for an eye justice but they can't get that at all, don't tell me you don't agree?" I scanned them further but all were as though stones but with eager ears,

"They can't get what they want and all because those scums who did a wrong are judged by a belly in the court based off his warm and, and violent studies? Pfft- don't make me laugh,"

Lost in the waves of my own beliefs the back of my hand slapped to the other open palm to stamped my truth, trample theirs with mine.



"It's like the scene when you give a 'rawtato' to a child. They, people!!! want their own justice and if it's deserved they have the right to cook it however the fuck they want, they could lodge it deep in their butts, who the hell cares?"


"The only reason why they coined Justice as, as putting someone in jail or something fucking else amen'ed by the courts. The only reason,, is so They! could keep up the facade of being humane, They! don't want to get ugly cause it's bad for business, with the, the, notion that revenge is bad? The fuc-- "

Swaying my arms with every word I emphasized,

"You don't insult a man and the way he wants his potato, you don't get to decide who eats what and which potatoes but nobody can decide to take their Justice into their own hands because of your Laws!!"

I paused,

"but guess what? I am the ugly, Yeah?!"

A finger at the heart to point the truth I believed, nodding slightly to my own words,

"I am the potato maker and EVERYONE deserves any potatoes they want to fuck if they're on the right,, Fuck me!! if I'm wrong!! and Fuck you if you're wrong!!"

My little chests jumps and pumps for air, my heart I spilled with a smile that spoke its truth.

"How - How OLD are you?" Burke stressed after a moment of taking it all in.

"Does it matter?" I said and huffed, I did not falter my eyes in his gravitating glare, a sight which he might have not dared to prepare.

"Where are you from?"

"That don't matter too, all YOU need to know is that this is just the start of me."

"Alright!" He nodded his own, "You're very complex and there's truth in there somewhere, among all the,, potatoes but I just can't let you cause trouble."

"Trouble? I Fucking killed a dude, blow him up and made meatballs rain, trouble, really? trouble?" I emphasized for it dented my pride.

"Where'd you find him?" he shifted towards Fiora, which a Magus did not took lightly, "Ay!, don't look away!!"

"Classified!" stated Fiora.

*Haa!* sighed The Captain, "What did I ever do to you?!"

"..... Okay, listen here boy! the little show you just did attracted you a lot of unwanted attention and a many bad apples scurrying somewhere in our towns will also be looking for you and there I have to stand in, I cannot let you loose." calmly he tried persuading yours truly hardened heart.

But this pampered temper train was still caught up on my gore galore intro being reduced to a mere juvenile word, 'Trouble?.'

"Nah! Na-Na--Na-Na-Nahh!! You don't get to change the subject. Pfft - Trouble? I'll drown your bed when you sleep motherfucker!! Trouble!? look at this sorry ass, this is way beyond Fucking trouble!" There and done, I cursed, I held out a picture I took of Mikel, unconcious, done and did with bruises.

"*Haa!* this is getting nowhere!" massaging his thick brows.

The absurdity of Burke with rumors and tall tales now claiming their myths; by a sudden pushing, heavy, breathless gusts of wind tackling me off guard, the sudden force knocked me slightly and back dropping my phone my heart then skipped a beat in fright for the screen likely to crack.

And might I englighten you of how this suffocating gust came to be in a sudden?

Well it was from a blink of an opened eyelids.

Motherfucking Burke with a sudden quick and impossibly stupid blink, stormed me a wind which blasts and knocked me back near a foot.

"Now let's see who you are!" he breathe, picking my lucent unlocked phone off the ground.

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