System:Of The Ugly

Chapter 27 - Fright And A Warm Tea.

I couldn't allowed myself to believe what just blew me away.

A guy batting his eyelids that strong-armed an element, commanded enough pushing force to send me slightly aback, knocking me away. Should he even be allowed to exist?

I was entranced, blinking rapid and mouth agape, disbelief was all I breathe rather than setting off my temper as I would have always rather done.


I was awestruck. Yes! It can't be something else for, 'I am Phillipi and I lived and dine on thrills but what is this, and why? is this a slumbering part of me? I dont like it.'

While every myths they exaggerated of The Captain like lightning and its jagged tail flashed in my stunned sight.

A kilometre in thirteen seconds, a flick of a finger shattering a huge chunk off a hill, a sneeze in his younger days with a *boom* so deafening that it dug a deep crater in the ground and a massive cracking, diabolical ball with wings, with a sole mean glare; a Hell-spawn of tier 7 - Named : The Yanjing which he landed the crumbling blow in the young age of twenty-three after hours of breathless struggles, all and many more.

Now, that impossibly absurd power-filled hunk had grasped my phone which was laid out bare, my identity were soon likely to be exposed.

"Phones these days..." he muttered, struggling to maneuver through and past the gallery of images.

My long, slender touchscreen which in my grasped was more a thin, slender brick but in his massive palm it was almost completely blanketed, a spit on my face as he found it small and tight to use.

Even in this simple mundane action, as simple as the plain talent you have for walking, with him struggling on my phone even then he took a full-fledged Magus for as none but a juvenile, let alone calling my art of gore, "Trouble." but then a chance for me to make a move now presented itself albeit bitter to my pride but a chance nonetheless.

But still I struggled, my thrill induced heart commanded me to move, my legs were throbbing, shaking for a taste of the absurd, my consciousness riled up and cursed, it was the bravest yet I still was frozen, It was something I dared not ever nor I could ever knew how to admit.

'Move you pussy,, please!! just - a - single fuck you fireball.' I tried and tried-, fuckloads, all my everything wanted him in a barrage of bitch-slaps.

'Aeyai!! speak, just a word and I can do it!!'

But she never spoke, not now as my pride went below its high line, was she too as I am?

I nearly let out a tear, frustrated was I, stressed, any second now and he would know all about me but still the tremor on my legs as though sucked by gravity's anger, I couldn't fathom it but the hunk and his eyes of carefree, I knew, I knew they dared me to move.

But from an unlikely fire my shook body breathes from after a sigh,

"You have out stayed your welcome!" Fiora, Captain of The Sunflower Plateau then came to my rescue, as she walked towards The Captain with foot-sized puddles of red sticky lava marking her steps.

She was worthy even for Burke the absurd, he couldn't do as he pleases, "I am just doing this for Peace." he stressed.

"I am doing this for order!" revoked Fiora.

"Riri stand ready, he's not alone here." cautioned Samara, her mean vision scouting every nook, a lookout from behind.

The scene in this tensesd night air was now a no miss for the curious, thirsty eyes in the many blinking windows of the prison, silent they stared on.

"Fiora! Wilhilm is not your jurisdiction!" with his interest on my phone at paused, Burke stated a truth.

So did Fiora as she countered, "It also is not yours!"

"The boy has a warrant, I need to know his parents." necessitated Burke.

"I will do the interrogation and I will leave you informed!"

There they stood, breath close and face to face, a lioness of fire and a personification of absurdity. Where Burke stood just a shy bit taller and wider but neither, they feared not the other.

A mental battle they had already fought with their unwavering gaze where they already blew and shattered, making a barren sea of lava of the town.

Just as their eyes locked, I felt the pressure I endured from Burke had lifted off the weight that was holding me in chains as I could now breathe with ease, I in an instance and since a highly capable Magus knew now was then the time to unburden my choked pride, a perfect chance too - for an escape amidst their blow for blow.

'Get in, CC the hunk and scram! Nice plan!' it was perfect.

"Hex!" with tender care for sound I chanted, it was always a need to voice out my skills otherwise what's the point? I hid my finger-gun behind the back as the casting starts.

<Casting : 3>

My mind deduced, to make haste, to get past the slow cast time of Hex so Burke could not had easily dodge, pre - casting and channeling my crowd control skill, I waited with utter concentration, mind I bent to be sober of all thrills for this combo demanded no chance for failure,

< 2 >

Waiting for the last pinches of seconds for the pink specks of light that reverberates in my finger-gun, 'Not yet!'

< 1 >

As fragile as a newborn fawn, silent like falling feather, knowing that blink had a .44 channeling time, I whispered as mellow was the raspy voice, "Blink!"

My target was the wide muscle armoured back of the hunk, where his impossibly powered eyes was blind,

With a sudden flash and I was gone from the many watching eyes, they only could see the many a shimmering glitters of blue I always had left behind, like a blue flowering smoke.

Behind him I then stood an ant, in an incomprehensible speed, to mundane sights my action was a blur.

What my eyes saw then was Burke beyond hulking, shadowing over me but his size did not matter, like pouring a cup of water in the sea - as just after I blinked, the pink specks of Hex had already been aimed at his hard to miss back, point blank and the execution of the timing was superfluous.

My skill, my spell : Hex, in a moment enshrouded Burke with many tiny waves catching him off-guard and successfully turning him into a cock, the biggest white cock I had yet to see on any pictures.

"Yeah!" I rejoiced, grabbing my phone before it bashes the lot a second time.

Before me stood Fiora, who simply looked on, What was her motive in trying to shove Burke away from me?

<Enemy broke free from the skill : Hex>

Aeyai notified, then followed a clap of a *Swoosh* to where Burke was CC'ed.

"Eh?" flabbergasted, I simply stared dumb to the message I heard and saw.

"That was annoying..!" conferred Burke, already standing and dusting himself.

'Please tell me that is just some extremely buffed out chicken!' as my eyes panted in surprise, just before them was the hard mid-section of the man of mans.

"You're full of surprises aren't you,,!" as though he was talking at the ground just beneath his feet, there he saw I, the conductor for his brief role of living a cock.

"No!! it's just that touching someone elses phone is a crime and I don't want The Captain to,, commit a crime?" I squeaked.

"Well it's not a crime when your goal is evidence now is it?" he declared and made sure with that glare of iron, where humour was absent.

"Blink?" I squeaked a second, my target was the safe zone behind Fiora, 'She had come this far might as well let mama virgin shield me!' I ployed and a great one at that too.

Safe as it might there was something peculiarly moist that my shoe trampled, a puddle of clear water, water but somehow more rubbery and tangible, not clearly the Lioness's Domain.

There were mists that fogged Wilhilm earlier the twilight but no rain had blessed the busy streets and tall scrapers that I knew.

I then tapped the heels of my feet, it was a must thing to do when you're in a puddle but was my childhood presumably foggy, I thought, 'Don't water splash when I do this?' and when I lifted my knee high as I could litte'ly do, no droplets of water dripped back down on the puddle, it was as though water had always been like rubber.

It was then that Samara, the mean yet keen eyed immediately knew when she saw me lift high a wierd knee and the puddle, she in an instance then screamed, "Captain!! Moses at your six!"

"Rii! MOVE!" the two lionesses pounced to their captain's defense but just as she had first screamed, the little puddle had already morphed.

From that small puddle, not deep, not a pothole not even the least. Where only wriggling miniscule bugs could call comfy, the water rises and grew and morphed to a small raised bump.

I skipped with a weave a slight by instinct, back and away from the raving puddle, who and what I sure knew was, 'Moses.'

The bump grew with hordes of running water, shunning gravity's call the bump then grew -and wide and wider to a wrecking, drowning and straight inert wave.

Meeting me in height and the depth was more blue now as my widened eyes were.

Slow but not a turtle, I could then finally see the Sloth of Water, only the torso but it was him; Dead eyes with heavy, tired eyelids, the weary Moses showed himself but with a runny nose, "*Acchoo!*"

"I'd sleep for a cup of warm tea, *Sniff.*"

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