System:Of The Ugly

Chapter 28 - Three Pieces Joins The Fray.

'Really? that's him? He looked so complex and, and cool in picture,,' with a grey striped, lazily thrown on kimono, Moses sneezed in his reveal, far removed from what were deemed spectacular, he instead was paranoid and skeptical with craning slow but sudden fidgeting head turns and sneezes, 'Who's this zombie looking troll?'

"Hey *Psst??* Big man? *psst*" he whispered with rather a soothing voice, his busy careful dead eyes like hiding many secrets tended not to set his sights on me, instead they were scouting for any other ears who might creeped in on what he had to say, he signalled me a call with his fingers, asking me to come to lend him a close ear amidst his distracting look-aways, 'Is he? Is he serious?' as I judged.

"Could you point me, who is Aaah!!,," lazily slurred like stressing a note in a song, taking out a small note tucked somewhere on his chest and he read, "Crazy little kid with aaaa,,, hair?" with drawling as a habit.

It was always a drawl.


"Uhh!! hold on!!" craning his head to the side for the last time, he began trashing the small note crumbling it down then spreading it again; then holding it up to shine from the night light for a clearer view, gibberish he curses a verse then he mumbled, "Uhh!! Fior--aaa?" he squeaked a call to the Lioness just to the side of us but then he shook his head and mumbled on, "Ahhh!! nevermind she'll just burn it to--, what am I saying, *Psst?* Big man?" he then showed me the note on the ground of the lot, scribbled with only lazy lines for words, "Have you happen to see a crazy little kid with, with?? with aa.... Did you see a crazy little ki- boy, yes! they said it was a boy. Yes! a crazy little boy? Did you see?"

Serious but shiftless he stared at me with dead hazeled eyes, if glances could tire a soul, I'd be in a years worth of slumber.

'Is he for real?' I scoffed and smirk and I gawped at the dead eyed cat-fish with a kimono.

"Fuck outta here Sloth!" chimed in Samara from my back, walking towards us slowly in all her angelic vocabularies. Taking her time it was as though she knew the lazy in Moses's eyes.

"Lord! it's the war crazed twat--" sighed Moses.

"Listen here big man!" he whispered,

I leaned in closer, lending an ear.

"Aree you him?"

"I think so."

"Fair enough! Listen here, you see my guys baaack ther--.... somewhere over there maybe theree?,," he scurried a search, "Whatever, they said to take your phone from you, but listen I'm not a bad guyy in fact I just want some tissues and a large smoking tea but they keep calling and cursing and plagiarising so,, For my Peace I kinda need your phone,,, so!" he elaborated with a lax smile.

His slacking slurry words he had almost always sings;- sang with not an ounce of deceit that I hinted from that dead weary eyes as was Aeyai who had already scanned Moses,

<Target : Moses Mayim Melech>

<Human : Power-born>

<Perk : Water manipulation - in current state (+) Mucus manipulation>

<Status : Tired, Sick, Lazy, Truthful>

'Well that's short, where the rest?"

'Wait! before you speak I like it like this, good job Aeyai!'

<Anything for the King!>


"Soo?" he stressed again with his slurry oral tic, and a weak effort for raising a brow, my past weary self immediately found a friend in him.

"Huh? What? No! I kinda don't want to." I answered, kindly with a shook.

He nodded, a steady nod of assimilating or were it he-, was too fargone in lazyness that he saw using force or simply moving in his case an offense but then he promised, "I'll make sure they give it back to you, andd yes! privacy and all I know but.."


We heard a rowdy mean shout bouncing from way yonder in the trees beyound the lot, another one of God excused mouth, who too had a prior engagement and understandment with words.

A young age'd, likely on his early - mid twenties suddenly as the hairs on my neck stood, jolted in between me and Samara with a rather pushing swooshing wind, 'Again with the wind? what is it with these people.'

"Aa-TaTaTaTaTaah!! Stay right there lady! Moses get da thing and fuck outta here!" commanded the young man, I could only spy as his tee of chocolate brown waved with the storm he came with.

'Aeyai got anything?'


<Target : Travis Jermaine Cole>

'Ahh! the Juggernaut!'

<Human : Power-born>

<Perk : Absolute Charge>

<Status : Hyper, Thrilled, Focus>

'All these strong ass pricks!'

"I'm older than you Jermaine!" Moses rebuked but kindly or were it lazily. You never know as his every air was lazy in all sense.

"Man wise da fuck up, we dealing with them fire bitches!" he snapped back.

"Yourr thick locks still looks like hairy caterpillars on mating season." yelled Moses, with his lax take on a tartly smack but still lacking enervated effort.

And indeed they do but to me he was rather, 'Bad-ass.' and his faded sides and back I rather gleamed my eyes to, but indeed they were of brownish black hotdogs sized hordes of caterpillars rooted only on the top.

"Seee they're soo insistent that even respect is out of the table." Moses commented further but in that moment all he now saw was not a Magus but instead his trick, the blue glimmering specks that my skill : blink had always spread as confetti.

He showed no sign of being surprised maybe it was the lazy sloth in him that simply dull the need to be thunderstruck, 'This is so tiring.' was all he thought underneath those dead heavy lidded eyes.

Nevertheless, I had already blinked past the Sloth in his long slurring habits, in every sentence he would just simply lose to a lazy bout with language, and since my plan was to wait out the spell if there were to be any mishaps I stayed but longer than planned, his sluggish near songs I was entangled with, and his unorthodox sneezes and honesty.

So I tipped the tip of my hood at the famously languorouse sloth for the swell short time he offered, "I'm sorry to ruin your day but I gotta go!" I yelled since sneaking was as I felt and assured a fruitless task with those monstrous blinking power; My eyes were on Burke in the exact and precise moment.

"Motherfucki-- Switch!! get the bitch Imma go for the kid!" raged Travis, "None can get past me lil'man!" he smirked as he skipped a couple of steps from Samara, leaving the angry lioness to leer at the unwanting sloth then he squatted down all limbs loosely pushing the ground, assuming a position of sprinters but his was much more a loose black panther readying to pounce a fleeing fawn - which is yours truly.

"Settt - GO!" was all I heard from Travis as I turned back, turning back but just to let my mouth be blown to waves from another flashing storm of pushing wind, 'Again with winds?'

It was then that I figured as my eyes were blurred, 'These guys had a solemn agreement with winds.'

"Phone! Now! I don't wanna had to beat yer ass." an individualistically jumpy voice, sounding strangely closer with a pumped and occasional upbeats.

Long before I could even see him move from where once he stood he now was standing just a breath close and a tall six footer hunching for a meaner glare at yours truly with a hand where he demanded my phone to be placed.

Try as I might and craved to smack him a fuckening taste of a little Magus, I was smarter to run from powers I knew were bigger than mine, but I feared not of the Juggernaut in front of me as my little blue eyes were expecting a fierce young cub to my rescue, 'Fiora and Samara came so now Rianna!' I reassured myself and all I needed was time.

"Where?" I squeaked with naivety in mind.

"What, you dumb? fuckin here on my palm!"

"Mister I'm blind sometimes." palm out and swaying it slow, I was then a blind mouse in search of his cheese-pipe to smoke, all to prove my claim, all the while with a sly peek here and then in search for Rianna, 'Where's she?'

I spied the two apex of power-borns still focused in their stand-off, following them were Samara and Moses, a mental war where each knew of each's strengths, countering their counters and all possible point of surprising and catching each other off-guard. A stalemate through and through.

A notion showing each have done their homework on each other.

But then, much to the disgusts of mine, Rianna stood besides her captain, I couldn't see her as she was not much of a taller height than I, rather that, 'What's she doing there?'

Panic, Panic, Panic.

'Don't panic be calm Phil!'

"Alright! I had enough of this, Gimme it!" he rushed.

'Panic, Panic, Panic!'

Travis then grabbed my blind-man's hand that I swayed, reaching for my phone in the other which I had shoved way back as my littler arm could stretched.

They were intent on not harming this young body, so I knew struggling to their request was the only right I could exercised and struggle I did but I feared it would be for naught since by power I was but a baby fawn, blink away as I might the Juggernaut was beyond faster than I.

The thought brought my heart to beat to a rhythm of what I need not want to know, it started its rhythm from back when Burke did the abusrd.

In vain I struggled wailing and shoving Travis who was slightly impressed by my strength. The cooldown of blink though halved was still near a two second from ticking down to zero but even if I had did blink, the range of Level 1 did not offered me much at all; and all the while my panic ran more amok;

But just as a Magus had all his options seemingly cutted-off, Lady luck had yet again blessed my pure kindred soul, a sigh of relief in the form of a timorous young and familiar face, squatting in a dark corner between the prison and a gun-shop called , 'Douglas Bullets and Nuts.'

Who when meeting my eyes waved his slender hands, 'Raul?! Am I glad to see your ass!'

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