System:Of The Ugly

Chapter 29 - Whatever His Name Is.

Praise be the buff halving down my cooldowns.

"BLINK!" I roared and cast.

And as I had always done before, I left falling lights of shattering magical blues in lieu of my struggling, writhing limbs which fought and shoved Travis off from reaching my phone, in terms of physical strength I was almost on par in his eye popping surprised until I left him in a another surprise of blue glittering lights.

A Magus comes with surprises.

In my defense he was bound to use his perk sooner or later and if that happens, it would be dinner served for Burke and the absurds.

Fleeing and hurried was my pace as I let ran my little feet towards the timid Raul who hid in the shadows.

"What in the fuc--," fanning his hands off of the lights, "Get back here lil'man!" he shouted a rather convincing command all dressed with an absolutely authoritative finger pointing down the ground: but only if, "Something like that don't even work on the movies!" I hollered.

"Aight!! Lil'man!? Imma count to four cause I'm kind as hell and if YOU don't get your ass Back by then in this Motherfucking spot,, I'll just double dare ya motherfucker?" he said and performed with red veins of utter commitment in the eyes.

"You took that out of a movie!" I booed as I fled on without a pause.

With every steps moving me closer to Raul, my timid friend who first waved a simple "Hi!" now had his other hand joined him with rapid shakes that now morphed its meaning, with a grimm glare of distraught, 'No-No don't bring him here Phillipi!!' he was in a panic and further now shaking his head along.

"I'm starting the count Lil'man!" Travis further threatened but my heart was set on fleeing.

"Four!" he said.

"Make it five and I'll reconsider, also don't you think that four is just wrong? A normal human being would Normally start a countdown from five or three!" I tried to buy time with little light jabs at his rather poorly chosen number for a countdown, turning my head as Raul was now just ahead.

"Fuck you, three!" he wasn't moved.

Setting my sights back, Raul now escalated his unwanting desire to not have me closer to him, showing me the back of his palm, he was intently shoo-ing me away, with mute words he puppeteer'ed his lips, speaking with not a sound, "NO, NO, NO!"

"Take - Him - that - way!" he continued, while his fingers pointed anywhere but where he had crouched.

"No!" I shook my head, my lips communicated with his languange, and as I point a finger at my heart, "Trust me!" I said without a sound, he with a gulped, with sweating brows of nervousness stared, waited and heeded my call.

A friend truly to die for.

A plan I had already concocted and that plan exploits Raul's perk but only if I was close enough to hand him my phone, luckily he was now not further than just a couple of feet.

"TWO!" all the while Travis was getting louder, more rowdy, "Hol'up! who's the mouse?" he finally spied Raul, "Don't nobody can keep you off my eyes Lil'man and,,, ONE!"

Travis didn't move as Raul's eyes who scared themselves when they fixed their gaze on him told a story, but as though reality was distorted and much to Raul's yelping a sissy - I felt and again with the pushing gust, 'Winds and winds, always with the winds!!' I cursed.

Frozen and white was Raul's face with rapid turns to see whether he was indeed still sane and not hallucinating, glancing to where Travis was and back leering behind the ears of your little Magus repeatedly, "He's a ghost!!" he then screamed as I felt Travis's firm tightened grasp on my shoulder.

"Gimme! Your! Phone!" he grabbed and choked me on the back of my neck, pushing me down bending my knees to kneel.

<Master has taken 7 dmg and increasing>

<7, 8, 9...>

With every passing breath the shoving pain grew sharper, digging deeper in my neck and as Aeyai had shown me, I knew the bastard was using his perk, even if it was just slight it still hurts like nails banging shut a coffin.

I spit in the image of the scene and was a tad bit sour on the fact that, 'This fuckin hurts and its the first damage that tics down my hp bar, the first minus!'

Still it can't end just as it gets bitter, just as my virginity of being free from damage was taken by whom I deemed not worthy, even so amidst that great, apocalyptic dilemma, I focused my senses, gathering will through the pain.

For my plan to hide my phone, I must bore through the damages over time that his fingers clawed, "Take my phone and hide!!" with not a sound I emphasized each word as distinct as my lips could dance, all with painful grins etched in between.

It was hard to even move a muscle, even if Raul was just a light bad breath of a throw away, my littler body was brought down and defeated but with every ounce of pure high octane and fuckening strength of my 20+ stats dedicated on STR - I could muster, "HIDE!" I tossed my phone as hard I could.

It was a weak throw that I knew, so did the snigger of mockery from Travis but It was all I could have ever done in this situation where my neck was being clawed apart but it was also the most that anyone could have ever done. And in Raul, I know that his rather sudden shabby un-heroically plucky leap of faith has a rather clutched trigger, the leap which he had done twice in the day. It was a tendency only for the weakest braves and the first had him already molded for repeated clutching moments.

And if I were honest, I might have been a bully, an abuser but that I would never let fly, a bully never cares but I do and the plan was already set for success as my phone falls from its short flight.

Time seemed to move slow, ticking its seconds slowy in Raul's eyes, like it did in the carrier, the phone I tossed was nowhere sufficient with force to reach Raul much to his comically read-able distaste he showed in his face but then as he blinked with a breath to rid himself off his cowardice, the timorous had done and put himself out of his comfort zone once again and as I predicted; There! was his sudden shabby un-heroically heroic leap of faith.

"**That's the quickest character development ever.**

Leaping, a pounce at my phone, catching it right before it hits the ground then he vanishes with not a trace right before my squinting eyes.

"What the where'd he go?" letting me off Travis searched and stepped the ground where the timid had vanished.

"Motherfuck!!" he cursed.

"You'll never find him again." I smirked, I could see the rage in his eyes, "He's long gone and all that jazz for nothing. Hahahahah!"

"Ohhh! I swear if I could only just,, bash that head in." holding rage in, shaking his fists and with teeth pushing each other shut he mumbled.

Much pleased were my eyes.

But then, "Ideo?! some cunt just disappeared with his phone!" he said, reporting what and what on his deeply lodged ear-peace.

"What?" he barked, a sudden mean bark.

"Oh really?" he then smirked right after, as his eyes of brown then mocked a Magus, "Ro-ger that."

How dare he!

If only I wasn't still on my knees however the pain was still immense on my neck, 'Show me my bars!'

<HP : 430>

<MP : 427>

It was the first that I have eaten some damages, the first minus on my bar. As I thought back then, 'This guy! I always thought it would be Burke to open the virginity for my bars but oh well... guess everyone are dying for my first!'

"**It was not sexual at all.**"

Travis squatted down, "Ra! - ul?" he sang a short warble, his eyes gloating down at me who still decorated the floor. I swear a Magus made the floor two times more than perfection.

Travis's boasting snigger somehow showed it all, he knows of my timid lifesaver, those glimmering eyes told him a song sung to his ears and the way they gloat at yours truly speaks volumes on itself alone and I was surprised but I did not let my Magus's magical beautiful face yield to his happy go lucky assumption or what I thought by then but then my Magus mind of brilliance came to a conclusion after a brief marathon of thoughts, 'That Idiot or whatever his name is. Yea! it gotta be the person who told this douchey knucklehead about Raul.'

'Yes! the way he was about to bust his veins out earlier, that wouldn't have happened if he had already known Raul,, but, how did they know Raul? There is only one way that I know, and that gotta be the census, I beleived Raul is already marked in the census as a power-born? Yes! that could be it, I mean that explains a fuckload, No! it's the only fuckload because they gunned for my phone since I am not known in the census, they only have infos on Phillips but Phillipi is a mystery, so right now I'm invisible!!'

'But what is that Idiot or whatever his name is's perk? Hacking? Well mine's the latest Sungsam so no-one can hack it, Hmm!!'

"Who's that?" I asked, acting a 'dumb'.

Travis scoffed as he blew an air wide in his lips, "**PFFT**"

"Really? I know for a fact that your friend can't move around when he goes POOF!"

He speaks true, as I had let Aeyai already scanned Raul back then,

<Master's bestfriend cannot use his perk to switch from one mass to another while his perk is already active. he must first come out from his pocket plane of dimension from whence he entered it and only then he can switch places.>

Was what Aeyai told me and now Travis knew it too, I knew right then that this Idiot or whatever his name is would be a force to be wary of, 'Would he also have that stuff with the wind thing?' I wondered and was already annoyed with the thought of it.

"JUST GIVE ANGRY THE PHONE. SHE'S GIVING ME THE I'LL KILL YOU EYES GUYS!!" Moses yelled as best as his lazy would allow from way over near the middle.

"Oh? so you know? Well Raul can hide for months." I lied.

"I got all the time in the world." he retorted.

"HURRY MY NOSE IS SAD!" chimed in Moses for the second.

"FOCUS ON THE FIRE BITCH!" Travis barked back, it was always a bark.

While my mind ran many series of plans to get Raul away, until a lightbulb lit its yellow, 'I need me a gun!'

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