System:Of The Ugly

Chapter 30 - Gunship : Arms And Nuts.

Lady Luck had always loved me, so much so that she keeps me from death no matter how much I yearned to let die this broken mind.

It's a relationship with give and take taken to a whole galaxy of impossible heights. And somehow it only applies to her for gains and I get nothing back but my feeble guilt riddled life-; A hefty take. At least that was what I had professed way back.

Now, however bitter she was with her love, I am dulled to say that luck comes with cheat like uses.

Just when the thought of me needing a gun came into the light from the lightbulb of plans I conjured in my mind, There besides half a way yonder to the other side of the prison stood a very showing, rigid concrete block of a store, written wild in it, 'Gunship Arms and Nuts' with neon strips galore.

'Well that sure is the dad of the the lightbulb in my head!' It would be wrong of me then to not assumed as so, also wrong to not let broke a grin by thy jaws, a grin - a cheeky smile for only a gun and only a one of its many nuts I needed, instead with a motherload my eyes were blessed.

Only if I wasn't a low leveler back then my smile of the most devious would have not been as pathetic or simply be a beautiful carpet as I was still felled on the asphalt by this smack barking caterpillar farmer.

So a cheeky smile later-,


Okay well first in my honesty, I still had been decorating the ground, it was not pain that kept me down don't get me wrong but it was instead a Magus's giving nature to decorate and beautify the dull slightly cracked ground of the lot, 'Wilhilm needs vandals.'


** "To clarify, It was never because I was still in pain. You better not think otherwise!!" **

** <WORD!> **

** "Why do you have that typed in your script?" **

** <Aeyai is but a flawless design> **

** "Yeah she's Very useful too!" **

** <Master is very right!> **



"Just call him out, I'm too, Volatile!, ain't no speaking when imma smash this whole bit, been dyin to find out though, Hahaha!" laughed Travis, a scare tactic for ages three and under but his eyes, those cheeky motherfucking twins took me for none but a simple ant with only a skin tingling bite.

He had already claimed this win.

'Boy! he's damn sure writing his own name on my fuck them up list.' I thought, massaging the rather lingering pain on my neck as I woke from the cold hard embrace of the asphalt below.


** "See? I'm Honest." **

** <Forgivable> **

** "And more on the fuck them up list later." **


"Better join us lil'man, dude Duke would take care of ya!"

"Fuck that guy! and his sets of plumpy goody booty don't tempt me." said I, "I want them real naughty baddies."

My eyes gambled its sole focus on grabbing a gun, hoping Raul won't crack during, so, 'March little feet March!'

"Where you going lil'man? You know its Over right? We can find you anywhere."

"O' I'm not running, Nah!" I shook my head, "just gonna grab me some gun... BLINK!" I left him on blue dusts, a mention of a gun made him curious but it wasn't of feeling threatened, Travis's raised brow was of curiosity pure.

Guns are next to being as useful as a sharp toothpick in this world, If you aim the barrel at another it was jail time dead and done. Not to even say their utter uselessness in the face of Hell-spawns or power-borns alike; For the first they don't take any damage from any spawn of man made weapons, the magical aspects of perks was the only way to kill them and for the latter, guns are slow for power-borns, it's a losing fight straight from the get-go of having to throw a gun in, not to enlighten you of the fact that it was a guaranteed jail time. Not to englighten you but now you know.


This is why you should praise and bow to a Magus's mind, for I need a gun but for not what you would dare try to assume.

The Gun-Mart was just ahead, two blinks and a little sprint to the bathroom when your loads are full, with none to bother a Magus I walked on, with a smile all too eager to say, "In your FACE!" at that smirking Caterpillar farmer.

With every unrestricted steps I little'ly took, I glanced around for the minutes of peace that I have in the night, minutes with no new faces now demanding my number.

While, the rest of the dancers in the lot still glared down their partners arms, I took time to spy them all,

As if pride was a mask for sloth, Moses slept in the little puddle, in its shallow embrace he stayed a dry dead fish, using the lot's asphalt floor as a pillow, he felt pride in his lazyness. A rather unconventional fellow that one is.

The Sunflower Plateau stood with not a sound so was The Captain, none had now minded my brilliance and then I saw Rianna, slanting her little brows on what I glanced to be a waving burning black silhouette, dancing wild on the hulking Burke's shadow, 'Oh! so that's why she didn't came, that perk's must be Mirk then.'

The shop seemed rather loose to be dealing arms, let alone the decor, a facade? Well it was an attraction but the shop was much removed from joyful toys and gleeful cheers unlike what it offered for the eyes; and since the neon brights of which the shop's gargantuan signs were lit, 'Gunship Arms and Nuts' invited all ages and more, 'Well that's just false advertising?!'

"Mister I need a gun!" said yours truly, my littler but magnificently suave, handsome face like a sprouting plant popped myself in the counter. It was a frustratingly high counter, near a feet of five, designed specifically to throw salty pokes at a Magus.

"What kind?" in a glance that glances down at me, I was immediately reminded of Rich, a rugged browned bear he was with an eye patch: the blunt that spoke.

"The kind that shoots kickass, what do you mean, 'What kind?' " I tried my best sarcastic self to get in tune and try his monotone language.

My! was he too a treat, the busy glittering decor he dressed his shop. Much too grim and defying the bright look from the outsides was the mortal wounding loot inside, that and the blunt, stern owner did not once or at all ran in a parallel line with the shop, they pretty much negated each other.

"How old are you?" he jeered and was obnoxiously stale in spite of my dazzling good looks and the voice of raspy which and I claimed would seranade even deaf sirens.

"Old enough to buy a gun!" I retorted.

"What kind?"

If simple lines were used for drawing eyes, that would be my set of blues in the moment. Annoyed to see another blunt father figure'y Rich.

"A Glock!" I blurted.

"You sure?"

"I!,, don't know, just get me something quick sir!" I tried a go at tranquility after I nearly flushed him with curses.

"Hmm! I got something for ya." he said. Then thumping a wooden box on the counter, reaching in he brought out a pure blackened revolver, "Woah!" I exclaimed, however I wasn't all too familiar with guns but I could hint the prestigious smell it came with, it was authentic.

"Here!" handing me the gun which to me and my littler size took it more as a rifle.

"Damn oldman! A revolver? I feel badass already."

I tried an aim at the sides, A Magus was always all with black, a black hoodie and all blacked out down to the shoes and now a magic wand which spits no fire or ice but only BANG!.

It was a wand indeed. Magical Fantasies dictates that all wands are long, prickly sticks and all they only were but the most notorious of all Magus, The Grand Magus's wand was made a metal, heavier in the side of plus five-thousand badass points.

I held that gun, nigh the size of thy own forearm with a broad smile, "I'll name thee BANG-DEM!"

And my little eyes spied a little crooked smile on a side of his cheek, "Because Bang and than at them?! Whaduya think oldman?"

"It's an oldman's pride kid!"

Kid? but my trigger need not erupted.

Why? because he was the second I listed who could get away with that word, Rich and now him. Irksome as it was to read that I had no control over my lists, which uses an ink called mental dye, it was not ever known on who gets to keep their tongues still dirty or who wanted a rotten one.


** <In other words Master is a temperamental, volatile, mood swinging, moody cunt*> **

** "That asterisk is way off!" **

** <Moody*cunt> **

** "Just don't try and censor yourself, say it if you wanna, you dumb b*tch!" **

** <M*ody Cunt> **

** "On with the story." **


"That's a Dragon Colt Magnum, the first and last of its kind." he continued, underneath those rugged beard he sounded of a man orgasmic in his pride.

"What's your name oldman?"

"That'll be a billion." he joked.

I then stared at the oldman with a laugh prepared but only met a gaze that was damned, barren and void from any tell of humour.

It wasn't a joke.

My ears blew steam or so I felt, "Wha - THE phFUC-,"

Ah! Yes! there they go, the tongue of cursed dictionary.

But I was put to a brake right then and there when the oldman slams the box packed and already done, with still a dull demeanor he interrupted a Magus's cursed spell mid-chant, "But its free if you scram."

Gnarling mouth turnt to a drooping straight line with his words leaving me dumb, drab and dead-panned, 'Him and Rich! they, they are eerie!' I claimed my truth.

"Ahh!!!" I Ah!

None I tell you would grasp the situation but I-, with slight a nervous smile and a cartoon sweat from a brow, I lilted, "Thanks? oldma-"

"NOW!" he demanded.

I felt as though his blind side and underneath the patch had stared dead unto my soul. With not an ounce of gist on how and why I ended up with Bang-Dem.

The curious and rather explosive aspect of our business here in the shop left me an itch in the hair, until only much later in my tale I would had ease that itch.

So with lost a clueless face, I turned away and walked on and back to my plan.

Hurried though I was, what I just witness and took part in nagged me a tumor in the brain, 'What the good goofy fuck just happened?'


"I used to think you're this big bad selfish dragon hoarding all his gold, why'd you give your masterpiece away? Is it not truly gold?" teased a man, lurking about in the dark corner besides the shop just as I left.

"And again why you here, fox cunt?" replied the shopkeeper, his words were shotguns.

"To see a face!" answered Lyle, as the two watched on as a Magus skipped with fast an excited pace, "What about you, that's too kind for you to do." he queried.

"I got a call!"


The shopkeeper stared at Lyle, with not an expression but just his damned, face of plain and dull.

A face that met and told Lyle of whom.

"Oh? Wow!! Phillipi you are gonna be a ruckus!!" as sly was a fox and so was his smile. Lyle grew and more engrossed as I now near and aimed Bang-Dem at the lot, at that Caterpillar farmer.

No! The World.

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