System:Of The Ugly

Chapter 31 - The Great -BANG- Escape.

"Woah - ho - ho!" Travis exclaimed with lips that stiffened to many a slow nods.

"Nah! Really woah, I mean, that's some badass gun you got there!"

"Yeah! And it kills too!" I quipped, fighting the nerve to want to aim a barrel at the caterpillar farmer.

Bang-Dem hanged low to my calves, near to the ankles.

I'll admit the sheer size of it was hulking and orgasmic, the Biggest Blackest 'Pistol' of the universe.

** "Wink! Wink!" **

Glory be the stats, if not for those points on STRENGTHS, I might have had to drag Bang-Dem, luckily I didn't have to insult this masterpiece, 'Thanks sis for this system!'

And with every steps I tried to set my feet closest to where Raul had used his rightfully bestowed upon perk.

"Woah! for that killer look but ain't no gun ever gonna harm a power-born, didn't you know that?" he squeaked at the end.

"Sure I do, who don't?"

"And the repercussions for using it, right?"

"I'm surprised you know that word." I poked a light insult.

"I'm surprised yer kinda lit!" he smiled, not of mockery but Travis saw me as I was, a stubborn mule.

He was at ease, lose yet ready for all and there we stood, but my foot were strategically placed and moved nearer to where Raul had vanished, little talks I used to push, shoving Travis slightly and slowly away from the spot, sneaking in little steps at a time, I need not want to alert that Idiot or whatever his name is.

'Aeyai?' I called.


'You said there was no set cooldowns for Raul and his perk right?'

<Affirmative! Only drawback is that raul needs to be close enough to hide in his pocket dimension>

"I ain't taking you for a dumb-dumb but you do know that you guys can't get out of here now right? and the gun ain't gonna serve you no good." Travis inquired.

"Yea! but it's cool ain't it, I maybe could use it to bash your head in, self defense ofcourse." I replied in kindness.

"Ideo was right, you ain't really a kid now are ya?"

"What gave it away?"

"Kids don't bring big ass guns that's for once, and twice you clearly know all these laws and what nots, maybe even better than me but I do know a thing and that is normal kids don't know much better than I do."

"Well that's a pitiful testimony!"

"So who is you? Killing that mofo in the cell that was badass and I dig that but now yer making a black man hella curious, and that ain't polite!" he lessoned a Magus.

Laughably so.

"True! not much a kid in the know-hows, I know the laws and I do know you don't have a warrant for taking me in, I'm a juvie and plus you'll all eventually know who I am cause Fiora and the fire cunts are already there for my arrest and also, I do know that what you did to my poor neck back then was assault, right?"

Not needed was to converse with Travis, not needed was my truth but I find it right to masked a plan with talks that were not false's, avoiding to answer him directly, all the while scouring for a distraction for a magical escape that was to come for I know and knew a distraction was needed.

The caterpillar farmer was abusrdly quick and since I was now more ever so closer to the mass of the lot down under where Raul had hidden himself, so with cheeky little feet stepping inches closer with every word, these distractions-; of talks are absolutely necessary.

"Oh come on that was a light, hug? my deadbeat dad beats me with an authentic leather belt everyday but ya don't see me yapping for assault charges or nothing, take it as a man."

"And that's what this is for." I hoisted Bang-Dem to shine from the starlight with pride, O'my was it the bestest blackest biggest Bang-maker ever.

That was then that Travis was rang by Ideo or Idiot or whatever his name is,

"Travis, the boy's upto something. Be alert he's clearly not just a kid. Remember, the others, even Captain is locked so it's only you, don't fuck this up."

But, figured though they might, they were not expecting what could the great mind of yours truly could throw.

And truly, a Magus comes with nifty tricks and surprises.

With Bang-Dem aimed high at the skies, I spun its cylinder.

From its six chambers I intentionally let loose, "Opps!" I acted a show of clumsy as six droplets of elephant bullets fell scattered down on the lot.

Travis was now high on alert and straight as though he wasn't bought with the act, 'I bet it's that Idiot or whatever his name is telling him to stay focused.. No matter, it's gonna work!'

I kept my play on, bending down quick like a child do and hurried so as to let my baggy hood shroud me from his sight and there I squatted down foraging the bullets, at a pace of a slow snail, "Psst! Raul!" a tender whisper, "Listen buddy?! Do you see that bullet right by my shoe?"

"Okay listen man! Trust me again on this, I want you to come out of there and immediately hide on that bullet on my mark, do you understand? I'm assuming you do!" I begged him sorry for I see the sweats of panic he would cry out.

"Lil'man? Don't make me get over there." Travis hollered, his legs jittery with a heel tapping fast the ground.

"There!" said I, springing back to stand a littler man.

"Yer acting really jumpy lil'man!"

"Sorry It's my first gun, I - Got - excited!" I trumpeted a warble, toying and waving the massive Bang-Dem.

Travis watched on careful and minute as his eyes scanned for any sleight of hand that a Magus would used to fool the eyes.

Then he spotted a single stray bullet near my shoe, "You missed one." he pointed downcast.

"Huh? O'thanks!" my eyes stared downcast, "And Travis? I'm just gonna pick this up slowly don't go biting me on the neck again okay?" I voiced, inclining so as to not arouse his suspicion a 'more'.

Slowly I then knelt a knee, our eyes still meeting in the middle, all too careful and aware at each other and just before I let my palm reached the giant bullet which was near over the size of my Fuck-You finger, "BLINK!" I cast.


"Wallah! Hahaha!" I chortled.

Blinking behind Travis, standing hair close and spooking him near to a jump.

"The fuck's wrong with you!" he scolded a young Magus in his act of here then there.

Ungrateful cunt!

"NO! you fool! He's tricked you!" bellowed the Idiot or whatever his name is, I could hear them partly and it pleases me to see that seer wannabe motherfucker get so pissed.

Travis turned in an instant, but it was too late for the Juggernaut, only meeting the rushing Raul for not but a split of a second and all but barely with widened eyes.

The timid was the MVP yet again, 'Fuckdammit! Raul! You made me so proud.' I near cried a tear.

"It gotta be the bullet, hurry grab the bullet!" screamed Ideo or Idiot or whatever his name is, commanding the fast Juggernaut.

But then again and as I promised all you readers, a Magus comes with surprises.

"HEX!" I slurred the chant, and then we were blessed with the fourth chicken of the night.

I had already concealed a finger-gun which pre-casted hex; and as I predicted, which O'so well came accordingly planned and true by yours truly's beautiful brilliance; Travis made a mistake and that was to lend me his unguarded back.

Just a light skip and a hop, I was now back and at my palm was the bullet where Raul had now used as a mass for his pocket dimension.

Not one of the power-borns there in the lot heeded a neck to turn, not that they were not interested rather they couldn't afford any moments to shy their eyes away from their partners. For an instance could and always was the deciding blow to who wins what fights.

All in a second was a phrase that perfectly summed up a fight between power-borns.

All seemed peaceful and I could have ran but the unpredictable duration of Hex was a bulk that could not have been ever planned for ahead.

I slid in the sixth bullet in the cylinder, carefully I then spunned, placing Raul's bullet for the fourth shot.

Before Travis could come-to from chickening amok, I aimed at the high stars, careful and aware to shy Bang-Dem away from splattering flesh.

It was a sacred moment, the first shot and shots of Bang-Dem, with eyes both resting shut, a careful take of a belly bulging breather I was now ready,


The roar of Bang-Dem was thunderous and thrilling to thy own soul; but and still Fiora and the rests were still acting a gallery of statues.


The second shot was far off apart from the first. I had to make it random so I shot it at the ground cracking a deep mole sized hole.

I deduced that Idiot or whatever his name is was keeping his leering eyes on me, 'That pervert!' so random was the plan in play.

Then followed the third,


Also aimed nowhere but the fourth I aimed near to the Gun-Mart, a perfect cover for in that moment there was something that beckoned a Magus's guts and there yonder the bright candy house of Hansel and Gretel I sent Raul with the fourth shot.


A plan well-done like a steak cooked to a perfect tender rare.

The last two shots were just to play Bang-Dem's music to thy ears,



My! those mean metals, they bursted killing even air, "Threatening and killing!" overflowing with tears of ecstasy, I praised whoever allowed me at this brilliant second chance at life.

And there! My beloveds was the famous; Great -Bang- Escape.

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