System:Of The Ugly

Chapter 32 - Day Two: Bye Wilhilm.

"Rich!! another beer!" Paulie hollered, with daft half-lid eyes.

Drunk and loud was his tongue from a couple of bottles of beer he had drowned, "Look!" he told Rich, shoving his phone at the blunt, all too close and only ending with a hard flick of a finger at his forehead, "Oww! what the -?" glowered Paulie, drunked fingers tended to the radiant pink on his forehead.

"See man?! This is why ya got no friends." mumbled the drunk, yet with every drunked rambling words he leaned his stool back just enough to stay out of reach, "You- You don't know manners," he pointed a sharp poke, "you're a bully and you sure as hell don't know fun!"

Rich was himself, stone faced and utterly always unimpressed.

Finding more courage from those far merciless hands, Paulie resumed as he fumed, "Who uses those kinda phones nowadays anyways, we all used wireless. Look around! everyone is watching that little kid just shot a big ass gun while you were away fucking with that old phone, you're historically and utterly medieval!"

"You done?" said the blunt.

All those coloured rants only but fell to a blunt, deaf and dull ears. Paulie paused with a face that yelled, 'Why did I even bother.' then with a burp he blurted, "Yeah I'm done!,"

Sitting himself back to proper, with eyes testing and slowly dipping whether the hot sea of temper of Rich to have really passed, he wheedled, "Who were you talking to anyways? Wait before that, we used to think that you don't even know how to use that old brick."

"Mind your business."

"O-kay Lord!! so rude," Paulie whimpered low then lower as he maffled, "Bitches in their periods!"


A giant wooden mug slammed in the yellow shining bar-stand, jolting Paulie to straighten his spine and stood his hairs erect. Then a rugged hand grasping the mug spoke, "Yes! and a lady needs extra help during her intimate days, so from now on Paulie, You're working here,"

Paulie creaked a neck up: slowly to stare, there: but he was creeped by a grin.

Longing though he and any in Frisky-Bear were; to see Rich crack at least once a curve, however none wanted to be glanced down from an eerily sadistic grin that now clouded over Paulie.

"And I won't take NO for an answer." cracking his toughened fists, all with the smile that promised abusive dominance from ear to ear.

A job Paulie was threatened and dared to reject.

"What did I do?" he complained.

Brave he was but his bravery only met a rapid march of rhythmic taps in front of his eyes and the bearer of those itching killer fingers was now glimmering an angelic smile but clearly of a facade.

Paulie shredded a gulp, then with a flattering short chuckle, "Uhh! what of the news eh?" reaching for his phone but the feed had showed him a black screen written, "The live feed had ended!"

"Fuck dammit, What happened?"

The nigh catastrophic night ended with rather a peaceful shrugged of the shoulders, I was the most frisky and rowdy in the bunch. It occurred to me the sheer respect the two giants held for the other, they neither seemed spiteful nor were their subordinates.

In the early morrow, the sun dazzled through the tight straight cracks of tall skyscrapers, the busy lit streets of the night faded to a sober day, sun-dapped by the towering buildings of Wilhilm, with folks scattering for their daily what-abouts.

Our little dance and gleeful meet in the lot ended with not much a chaos and that you know but still the air alone was a heavy fog of grim, just a drop of a pin was all it could have been to leave the town in spoils, a news folks would chatter about and I am sure to know, I lost my all in a scene of a power-born fighting and bore through the years worth of protests and talks only but to be of no avail, but still the scenes in the lot and me and my anarchy became a topic of the most high even more heard than the recent Descent: Nagata Li.

"I'm still glad to make it out alive!" huffed Raul.

Him and I we stood with our fly down in a cover of a garbage bin; most used rather neatly, this alleyway was not a heavenly shambles for vermin.

Wheezing in the satisfaction of our tingling flush, our short hoses needed this firing.

"What're you talking about, I'm not just gonna let you die." I assured the timid.

"Ye-yeah but what if Fiora wasn't there last night?"

"Well, my friend," jerking my hose to let flush some more, "This world is designed for extremists, and I am one and now you're one too. So stop thinking about what ifs, those are for people with regrets and us?,"

I turned and gave him a bright smiling glint from the teeth, a look of pure determination fuelled with pride, designed to sway even cold stone hearts, "We are living a new life with no regrets!"

However, as I shifted my angle, my golden hose's shaft as I called it had another purpose; a hidden agenda.

There were a set of mean burning eyes watching our every breath from the back. The Sunflowers were now all too aware of our mischiefs and Fiora appointed an eye of burning strict, ordered to spy on every cell we killed in our every breath.

And her? Who else but the most beastly and fiercest of them all, Samara the tight waisted blonde with golden twirling drapes had us scanned all through the night and the new morn.

And now my purpose? Well it was to hoist my hose in all it's meticulous glory, to bask its high and mighty standing in the familia of male genetelia, set and prepared right in the burning glare of her eyes.

I peeped from the corner of my cheeky blue, I was sure to see a stunned and weak kneed Samara.

But to my hose's softening defeat, but first in my defense, I dare anywho to try and crack a battle crazed twat with the love to slaughter, murder and smash dicks and penises, not excluding their flat, cracked counterparts.

To see her stunned? It was but an ever fleeting, mythical dream to want.

So, to those unwavering eyes which had no sense of aesthetics, 'Virgin prude!' I cursed in my defeat.

The night before was long although it served me a hellish grin to my further realisation of the fun fuckening ride that life was now bound to take me in.

A single day to assert my name and now much pleased was my grin of devils, the world knows of Phillipi the damned Magus.

And how you ask on why we now drizzled our pipes in an alleyway?

To put it into simple narration, all men have needs to flush.

** "Ha-Hah!" **

All jokes aside, not long after I fired six loudest bangs a handgun could have ever thundered, a massive party of power-borns huddled to stop the encumbering air in the lot. Lead by the Mayor of the town: Billie 'Good-times' Kim.

Don't let the name fool you, she was and still is a spectacle of all men's lusts or so it was claimed, with a charm and a tone that soothes a raging heart. Come to break the hulking power-borns apart, armed with words backed by political laws to which I won't bother, then she admitted my young innocence to the hands of Fiora, on the verdict that I was to be reasoned and she was to file a complete document on myself. Swiftly she took hold of the situation that would erupt at any given moment and eases it within not many a minutes.

'All that awesome plan for nothing!' I thought, thinking back to the scenes of my cheeky out-plays and mischief, 'Heh! Who cares, I got me Bang-Dem.' the gun that I O'so very loved.

Her authority then, even in her presence alone brought me the notion to ponder on the power of the high seats in the social ladder of my world.

"I had no trouble with authority, it was the laws to which I rebelled.

I don't mind democracy but justice was not always dealt.

I don't mind the scare I would commit, I was molded by revenge but it was a mask of true justice being dealt.

I need not be named God-Child of anarchy but it was them that made me the Ugly."

A song I had sung to nurture me more a cold heart, cold but not to freeze it all through because I knew there were limits, and limit was a law I am most aware.

Wilhilm opened its gates for the second upon thy eyes of blue. We were driven past the towering gates, on board and behind the growling and black muscly cruisers of the Plateaus.

As I turned back to the town that offered me the first real footstep on my quest, my ace performances in the night flashes in my sight.. I then felt a begging call or a feeling of need, the town was not done with me and I it, ''I'll be back soon!' I bid the gates farewell with a promise.

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