System:Of The Ugly

Chapter 33 - Peace And Justice.

"Is that all?" said the O'Fiery Virgin.

"Not all, all, you don't even get the worst part of it all," my arms were readied as I further prepared my tears to water thy cheeks as I divulged more on my story, "My Pistol shrank," I cried with a crack, "and let me tell you one thing Fiora. No man must go through what I have!" I made me heard with a finger that shook and pointed hard at thy own hose.

Back on the road we had stopped, where I had my first fight, where the elephantine tree still slept a road blocking log.

Besides its giant branch, Fiora had me sat a small mouse caught in a trap.

With fiercest of questions she bombarded a Magus and I answered all her queries with honesty, not shy of minute details on my shrinking hose and intimate hairs, I was brutally honest. Sparing no details on my glorious rebirth.

I had always felt a sense of trust before even I had came to impressed her eyes, Fiora was and always is the subjugator of Fairness.

"There! that's everything!" said I, arms folded with a nod.

"Phillips of Liendry!" she then ordered.

"Yes sir?" I teased her with a salute, not that it was needed.

"Give me your reasons!"

"Reasons for?"

"Murder!" she told a Magus.

That was then that I pictured, 'My! what a nightmarish baby she and Rich would make.'

A bearded infant, void of innocent smile, screaming dull, blunt and deep, "Da-Da! Da-Da!" forced itself on my mind.

"Answer!" she quaked a second. Resounding as always.

"Justice!" I yelled back, "That dude deserves it and I know you think he did too!"

It was always a burning gaze coming from her but now in the instance, I felt as if those eyes swore to burn me to a crisp, with a long pause to cook through my mental.

"You have been through a lot!" she claimed.

Again, it was always a chore to have a mundane, civil talk with her. Orders and commands and demands was always her tone. However these sentimental talks which where deeply hidden and swept and kept apart, from her emotionless weights on words much like Rich had swayed a past Magus, I find it easing to lament on my past to another soul.

I let out a solemn breath, emptying my lungs, "I was a survivor of 43, my fami-, I was robbed of everything that I loved that day." I grieved, my eyes dared not stare anywhere but the ground, my guilt had still and always jarred me to shame.

"Rammus and Jack!" she commented.

To which I clenched my fists hard to an untamed shake, writ large to all was my hate.

Two names I would give my death to see their heads torn from their cunt bodies by these hands however, my zeal for bloodlust was not clear-cut to the Sunflowers, "You should know, Mister Lyle is working hard for their arrests!" vouched the gentlest of voices. Reina and her fire that burnt pain, its florescent glow searing wounds, her green eyes they ached for the pain of a Magus, "But killing is bad Phillipi!" she touted, her purity, those cheeks of radiant glow tried their tender care to counsel this heart which was already sold to the fervour of murder.

She means best, and they do all and I blamed them not. They have not set foot in the bloodshed of that day, not for once while I was molded to a standing where I now felt null and nothing from the untold gore these eyes had bore; all those screams, all those gore, torn - twisted hips, cracked, splattered skulls, crushed, broken, blood gushed carcasses and all the butchery.

No! none will ever know the haunting woe for seeing a beloved crushed by the same cursed rubble, to the point that it ire you to murder the rubble.

I understand their bewilderment on my lust, think me crazed and whatnots. I am now who I am; and I am The Ugly!

"It was never for anyone to take my justice, It must be me, I am owed!" I made me known, "And I owe it to them!"

I scanned them all, left and right and all as I sensed felt the righteous claim for murder that I professed. Their mouths they kept mum, none had me words to offer.

Until, "You need to train!" proclaimed the Lioness.

"Revenge? with that body? fuck off little kid!" carped Samara, her eyes dared not face a Magus, questionably determined they fared off down the far road.

"I pray that you found peace!" Reina lamented on my curse, her mellow hands held and soothed my littler fists which had not yielded their shaking thirst.

Rianna made no attempt, she from the start faced me her back, sitting a gloomy teen on her cruiser.

Touka was still a stone but besides her was Raul who teared, flooding his cheeks he sniffles as he mumbled low a curse, "Th-those f-fuckers!"

All those quick, nasally grasps for air garnered our quick glances to the timid, who still felled drops and rains of tears from both his eyes and sickly nose, it took him seconds to realize but from our sudden silence he looked up, eyes of all colours watched his snot induced cryfest, most with gloomy comical unblinking pity.

"Eh!" he jolted, halting his watery drama; mid-flow even on the cheeks further absurd was his long drooping train of snot, a feat you would not think possible. In a beat he then vanishes with all his shame.

Silly but a good guy, all in all.


Far back in Wilhilm, a house of lively colours, neat as the wife who was armoured with an apron, quaint and cosy and happy, "Well I'm off Miss Becca!" said the nasally Lyle, jolly was his smile.

Waving a hand at Becca busy with a tune she whistled as she scrubs the empty plates of the morn.

"Already? You hardly visit these days." puppy eyes begged the younger, Becca was of a place riddled with sunshines but much removed from happy - glee was her husband Raymond, the rugged and blunt, the Rich of Wilhilm plus more with the eye-patch.

"I have a quick errand in the court, I'll be back sooner than you could finish the wine or, maybe not?!"

"Shh!! Don't let Ray here you," she whispered, "It was me and I always blamed it on his drunk belly, he never knows."

"Your secret is safe with me Miss Becca." pledged the fox, crossing his heart a promised to a secret well kept.

"Aww! you're still the sweetest, anyhwos I want you to eat well, sleep well but don't overwork! Ooh! and come back anytime you feel like it okay?" she waved, "Oh! and say goodbye to Ray before you go!"

"Will do!"

Lyle walked out the door, the radiant sunlight greeted the fox and downcast shone by its soft bright were a well trimmed lawn, well fit for a pack of a buzzing family.

On he walks on a stone paved way, slender and straight with railings of bushy tall greens on the side running nigh close to the gates.

Near to the end, the fox had walked, "She told you about the wine?" asked the blunt Ray who stood a creep amidst the green bushes.

"More or less, I promised a secret." said Lyle, with eyes that teased.

"I always known it was her."

"I know but I'm still keeping it a secret and you'll never tell her you knew, so we're both keeping secrets."

"I know what you're upto and I will be blunt, peace was always impossible, we only fought back then because of our idea of it."

"Hahah! both of you were always blunt." Lyle remarked, craning his neck back a slight, his sights on the high clouds, roaming where -to the past.

"But you're wrong Ray! Now more than ever," reaching a palm at high as he claimed, "peace is not out of reach!"


Parading Cruisers prowled and roared a many deafening echoes under a shallow tunnel, its walls were neatly rectangular, sharp, clean and shining were the roof, the floor and the walls.

On Fiora's lead we followed, with every rev of an engine she added a foot or more of this well-cutted tunnel, her hungry magma melted and flattened soils and rocks, roots and all alike, even the earth paved their way for the Lioness to move forward.

Reeling time back further to the entrance, by the Lioness's command, Reina manipulated her radiant rejuvenating fire to scan the area for damages: where the black flamed power-born had braced and resisted the Lionesses rain of chaos by his black burning barrier. Not much a while later she found remnants and hints of a collapsed tunnel which then served as the entrance, happily melted by the Great Virgin.

The mission of the Sunflowers was clear, a scouting mission authorised but twas not but a disguise, it was a mask for their real operation: subjugation and their target were the massive herd of new unrecorded power-borns, and the expected but unknowns.

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