System:Of The Ugly

Chapter 36 - End Tunnel: Part 2 The Hall And The Track.

"Ready Yourselves!"

Fiora tapped her feet, snapping down the ground beneath, this was the second that my eyes were shoned by the Lioness's domain.

She invoked a waving pulsating tide of infernal yellows etched with reds. From the little puddle beneath her feet it rises to the roof of the tunnel and wide and wider to the walls, casting her palms out she pushed and sent forth this gluttonous burning lava melting the last patch of earth, where we likely expected the unknowns.

"Where in the fuck are we?"

Before our eyes, abundantly lid with many flourescent yellow lights the shrinking tide of dwindling lava then revealed a deep and echoing hall of black metals where our feet were invited to step in.

It was clear even to the blind that this was a touch of men with huge fundings, the metals for footings as we dipped our feet felt sturdy.

Iron foundations courses round the walls, they were the ribs to this hall ending at the tall roof where we were showed a staircase which rises up to a pedestal further leading to a tunnel which was dimly lit.

"Are we in a mountain?" I pondered at the tall luminescent roof, as we spied no other eyes but our own, free of expectant cameras we clunk the metal footing, stepping further inside the hall.

Deep further down where stairs were neatly placed, our eyes were led to see what Touka and Raul exclaimed in a duet, "Tracks?!" leading to yet another curious but darkened tunnel.

"Tracks?" Samara questioned.

While the two took a sudden time to share their jubilant eyes which gleamed to their curiousity, "Tr-tracks, it is something like a road and - and a ladder!" stuttered the timid, he was the brightest that I have yet to see.

"What's so great about tracks?" Rianna chimed in.

"Roads cannot be built everywhere and cars cannot fit anywhere but with a track you can built something easily it can also make it move very fast!" lightning fast, a voice jabbered.

And all too suddenly, as I turned to where my ears led me I was shocked to see the disciplined mute, Touka.

I had not prepared myself neither was I expecting words from her, let alone hear her talk so quick and distinct, 'The quickest of tongues.'

"Talk again?!" I pleaded.

"Look! I see an engine Raul will know what it is right? yes! an engine for steam-carts they can go very fast faster than cars but they cannot turn they can only move forward and backward extremely effective for a set destination!"

"Wow! amazing!" I clapped thy little hands, while my eyes gawked at her rapid waving lips.

Touka: Bursting out of that silent cocoon, I was not wrong to be stunned.

All the while, I somehow invoked a red tantrum held back with an arching clenched little fists from the littlest of cubs, who Reina caught a glimpse of and simmered with a hug thrown on her shoulder blades, smiling all the way she lead her a safe place away, raising a question as they went a little further, "Okay, Touka! but there are only two ways out of here, three! if you count the tunnel we just came out of, soo where shall we go?"

"Hold on! Aren't you guys wondering what the fuck this place is?" said Samara, "It's humongous, who made this?"

'I can think of a humongous hose wanting to fire at you!' I flirted, only if she was a telepath.

Touka reached for her phone, from beneath her blazing coat, hoisting it wide and roaming it around capturing a video of the place, she focuses more down at the track as Raul followed suit.

"This is a good discovery!" Fiora finally spoke.

We walked further near the stairs which led down the tracks when Reina and Rianna came back from their chat.

Puzzling a Magus's mind, the kind healing flame user smiled a cheeky chuckle at yours truly and just to her back was a rather timid Rianna.

"Mysteries keeps on piling these days Captain!" she remarked, all too true however her curious eyes of green, signalling the Virgin, rapid they begged at the Lioness to Rianna, "Hell spawns, power-borned bandits and now this!" a little craning neck which I felt was directed at me.

"Yeah! Reina-Sis's is right," I hollered albeit bemused with her, "and guys! I think there's an elevator down there!" peeping my little neck down the long fall to the bottom.

"Sis!?" she mused for a short instance with a radiant and the kindest of smiles, chuckling a second.

"So what do we do then?" asked Samara to her captain.

"We have collected far more intel than what I had expected!" she glances downcast to the tracks down below.

"Tracks and all these tunnels! This is enough intel and we have evidence which is now a priority to be presented to the leaders!"

"Men!" she voiced an attention demanding roar.

"This operation has to end as of now! Although the mission is not accomplished we have valuable intel to share! We go back now and return with more resources and men, before whoever here knows of our presence!"

A capable leader, I was only squirming with the Sunflowers for a couple of days but it was enough to have me see and bare witnessed to her famed commanding skills, she was resourceful and aware, headstrong but careful, fiery yet calm.

An army need not search for more to lead if she was to stand.

We need not tread further, much to Touka and Raul's pouty lips which they concealed but not to the eyes of a Magus, clunking our feet a quick retreat and back to the entrance the O'Fiery Virgin had made.


Aeyai then called.


<Aeyai scanned the tracks below. There are chunks of foreign organic materials that is unknown to Aeyai's limited knowledge>



'And you scanned it while I wasn't aware?'


'Okay! that's kinda good but keep me in the know sometimes.'

<Aeyai reports are fine as it is>

'I know, they're very fine but sometimes stuff like this needs to be said earlier, you know?'

<Aeyai's timing is impeccable!>

'Okay!!! fine' as I sigh, it always comes down to a sigh, 'Maybe I'm getting more kind to her?!'

<Master is never kind!>

'What the fuck? I'm very kind, I haven't have a fight with you today!'

<Twelve hours need not judge a soul>

'Arghhhh!' it also always goes as far to an angry grunt.

"Fiora!" I called.

"Report!" she retorted but without wits.

"There's some foreign stuff down the tracks, I just scanned them."



"Foreign?" replied a rather jumpy Rianna who with jittery feet stood next to a Magus. Begging me to wonder whether a slap was to come or what have yours truly done wrong.

"Mm-hmm! foreign!" I then smiled at her.

"What kinda foreign?" asked Samara, her gazes were always meant to kill but as of now I was a masochist to it.

"I don't know what kind of foreign, it's just foreign through and through!"

"Yeah! it'll be kinda hard to describe how foreign is foreign! Sa-ma-Ra!!!" blurted a tad pouty little cub, emphasizing her elder, senior sister in the pride.

'Is it that time of the month for her?' I thought, she was rather strange now more than ever.

From behind a Magus and without yours truly knowing, Reina showed her a thumbs-up and as Fiora observed her littlest cub, Rianna gleamed a set of black eyes which absorbs any.

She was always a cutesy little beauty.

"Touka!" Fiora called, her eyes still on the fluttering Rianna.

"Get down there and search for what this foreign is!"

"Yes Sir!" she answered, rather excitedly.

From the tunnel where her captain dug, she walked for the edge of the black metal, "It's by the tracks in the ground!" I yelled as she leaped without a second of hesitation.

My eyes gawked at what she did as they in a panick-stricken fit scanned if the others saw what I just did, all were calm and at ease safe for Raul who gawked much like yours truly, but only more with a wider agaped jaw which seemingly dislocated.

I and Raul, then tussled our feet with haste to see her fall, and there as I peeked, I saw Touka who summoned a twisting twirling tornado of fire which caught and cushioned her fall, with grace she descended as the flame disperses, "Woah!" went my slender jaws.

"Little Magus!" called the O'Fiery Virgin.

In a beat I turned with a snappy thump on the metal, "Yes sir!" I acted as her men, proper and disciplined.

"What of your plans now?"

"I don't know sir!"

Reina and Rianna chuckled at the sides.

"You need to train!" Fiora then said.

"That I do sir!"

"*Hmph!* pathetic! you need more oomph behind that weak ass!" Samara commented on a Magus, folded arms eager to trash me to train.

"Would you train me. My love?" I hustled a sly playful tongue, "Nah! I'll rather train with Rianna!" said I without a pause for a response.

"Eh!? what really? Sa-ma-Raa? is he joining my training?" blurted Rianna.

As this eyes had judged then, Rianna seemed rather at glee: with hands that grasped the air tight, they demanded quick answers, her eyes that leered down to her soul, she like a fly buzzed a demand at Samara.

She was intense, 'Maybe she wanted to beat my ass?'

A commotion then erupted within the three girls, noises that a man dared not hope to understand.

"You are curious, little Magus!"

"Huh? Really?"

"You reek of power but that power is upto you to decide how to use. You only have two choices!" she always had an air of seriousness but in this instance she seemed or as I felt more heavy.

"Wh-what choices?" I asked with weak squiggly brows.

"You either play to the good side or I imprison you!"


And before I could stutter an answer to the heavy air'd Virgin, Touka soared from down below, magnificently with her searing, blazing tornado, like yellow and red blossoms falling in the unlikely summer as they rained on Touka who walked a lady graced by the suns.

Raul as I peeped for I had felt a click in them, had himself fall to the poison which I deemed was, 'To be startstruck.'

"Remains of hellspawns!" her lightning fast tongue then said, handing Fiora two dark and rugged stones with small rivers of beaming red running a random web of streams throughout.

"They are still intact!?" Fiora said in lieu of being surprised. She was never surprised, not her but her words.

"This Hellspawn is still alive."

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