System:Of The Ugly

Chapter 37 - A Cliff-hanger.

"This maybe the worst decision I have ever made! Ha-hah!!" I chortled as do all maniacs, as surges of winds combed my hair slick and pushed to the back.

My eyes which teared up even when barred shut, over then over from the forcing winds I was bullied with for the past days, so I now claimed, 'Wind is now an enemy!'


Reeling back to a couple of moments before;

Down below, in the dark tunnel where the track lined a perfect slender straight line, I rode a steam cart which was beyond heart pushing'ly faster than what I imagined a wooden cart with sunken metal wheels would offer.

The steam-powered engine was not at all what my unimpressed, scoffing eyes of disdain had expected back before when I jumped my beautiful bum in this neatly placed cart.

"No brakes? Hahah! but then again why would a turtle need brakes!?" claimed a very wrong Magus.

I had left The Sunflowers on the tunnel their Captain made, on promises that I was to keep contact with them through my phone and that I would be serving as a scout.

I also left my timid friend behind who was sniffling as I tapped his shoulder goodbye.

Piquing my mind was that sigh Rianna made, 'Did she want that much to kick a Magus's ass?'

I had to do this for I needed training and Aeyai claimed I would be better off with myself and so I followed her sassy instructions.

So now here I am, getting more bullied by winds as this cart slid faster than imagined, it was rather thrilling and a Magus loves thrills.


<Notification Alert!>

<A New Quest!>

<Quest: Taste the outside air!>

<Description: A Magus cannot be contained by man-made laws and constriscts. He lives and dines how he wants. Take and absorbed the outside air beyound the walls.>

<Rewards: +5 Stat Points.>

<+400 exp.>

"Okay? Accept! Let's see what's all the fuss is about!"

The outside world, where the power-borns who ventured had claimed of treacherous lands which were vastly untamed, a sea of wild green with waving tall grasses and towering trees where beasts and wild things haunts the weary.

Tranquility was the scenery but then were removed with talks of hellspawns and their reign deep further in the unforgiving lands of where men had not yet prospered in their lifetime.

And to see those claims and explore with our own eyes, that's when I - A Magus comes in to play.

It was not longer than fifteen minutes from when I boarded the cart until it slightly slowed down it's swooshing speed.

Slower then slower until my eyes were dully lit by the serene light of the night moon which rained lightly from above in the far end of the tunnel, 'It was already 6:30 in the night but Boy! this thing moves fast! and how am I gonna stop? This is still kinda very very fast!'

A smile from the unlikely thrill the cart had given me then slowly morphed to a yelping scream when I saw the end of the track, my eyes popped from their sockets to see a hard and plain towering concrete which planted itself as a tall pillar, and there the concrete death awaited yours truly, "No-No-Nooo!! this is still too fast I'm, I'll get squashed."

Frantic like a chicken with it's head cutted-off I turned and twisted my waist to look for any means to stop this damned Idiotic cart.

Using Blink would still garner the momentum of when I had used it and the speed in which this damned thing moves would shatter a perfect thirteen year old body.

And all the while the concrete wall seemed to grin at me, and in a panic I yelled, "BRAKES!!!" in desperate hopes that by any chance the cart would be equipped with a voice command.



"1, 2, 3 BRAKES ENGAGED!!???"

The cart which I knew was slower than before but to a man it was still a breakneck rushing speed, 'Why isn't the adrenaline rush thing helping me enjoy this shit!!!'

<Adrenaline rush: 0.023%>



"FUCKK DID YOU SAY?? I'M GONNA DIE HERE YOU BITC----," I closed my eyes which were prepared to embrace the hard flat and cold pillar of concrete which was now just a foot away but a foot was all it would take to flattened this beautiful body of a Magus.

The squeaking, rocking cart seemed as though they were gently calmed but I always knew that the calm is followed by a storm and in this case the storm was that fucking pillar.

Then silence reigned, my body felt nothing but cold pin-dropped silence.

I froze and need not move my body until a handful of chilling awkward seconds passed, curious I slowly cracked my eyes opened, "Huh? The pillar? I've stopped?! and I'm - not - a pancake?"

"I'm not a flat pancake!! Muahahahaha!" I then stood up in a quick, upbeat jolt; in excuse to redeem myself of my pitiful cries just earlier.


Only Aeyai was there to bare witness to my cries, which somehow puts me at ease.

"That's not how you talk to your master!" I bickered, immediately I shrouded my shame away with a zealous smile and folded arms which reeks of confidence.

<The Lord is unfair to have me serve you!>

"You could've just said that your, MASTER WASN'T GOING TO BE A PANCAKE!"

<Where's the fun in that?>

"I'll gladly swap you for the system from Oliver-Lord!!"

<Master Hainz owl gone sounds nice!>

"With Timuru then!!"

<A Lvl 1 Slime Is better than you.>

"You know what? I don't have time for this, I'm way too mature to be dealing with kids and l?!, Wait! what part of the outside are we at anyways?"

<Does Master want to see the map of the world?>

"The map? you have a map?"

<Affirmative! However it requires Master to have seen the map at least once!>

An answer which gave me lines for eyes, dumb and dead I then said, "You know,," I slurred calmly, the calm before the storm, "you know what I know that means you clearly know what I don't know, so why the fuck are you shitting on me you useless cunt!"

<Aeyai only meant to make Master aware of its features.>

Words which only made a Magus sigh, and as you would now clearly come to know, it always comes down to a sigh with Aeyai.

And if you are me, two days is what it will take to get used to this system.

So I learned to ignore her ways, to some extent.

"Where are we exactly, are we in a cave?"

<There are metal construction behind this concrete. It could be stairs.>

"Whelp! It's time to explore I guess!"

I sent back the cart to avoid any suspicion by anyone who built this tunnel and that giant hall, a simple push and there it went zooming back to the hall.

Now my attention was grabbed by this huge crack which allowed the night sky to rain down on the track, 'We're definitely on a cave!'

I was sure, from the huge crack of where the light comes in, a cave hiding in a side of a tall cliff no less as my mind predicts.

Moving forward, there were indeed stairs which as I tapped my feet felt rather sturdy, although it had some creaking rusty bolts here and there.

Zig-Zag and they overlapped; a flight of stairs one after another, until they lead me to the high end of the pillar where my most handsome face basked in the fresh, serene beauty of the night sky beyound the walls.

Immediately I searched for an exit inside the cave but even as I scanned with Aeyai, there were no slight cracks that would conceal an entrance, so I took my chance to step out at the ledge of the cave.

As a Magus predicted, I was indeed in a cave, on a side of an impossibly well concealed cliff no less.

The maw of the cave was deeply hidden, only those who know would know of this cave, and on this legde I now stood, a little adventurer on the vast unknown.

The first thing I knew I had to do was search for a way out of the cave to the tall, impossibly steep outer of the cliff the cave was in.

There were no stairs or any concealed way out as I searched on the small limited ledge that the cave's maw had offered, there were no ropes to climb.

Craning my neck below where my eyes were only shunned by a drop of near a thousand feet if not more, where only sharp jagged bed of rocks would cushioned my fall, "Nah! I'll pass!"

The cliff was impossible to climb might I need to stress, unearthly smooth and sliding down at the mouth of the cave with no cracks to lodge my little body, "If only I could slide upwards!"

A Magus's skill in my current level offered me no help, "I could hex myself and fly up there!" I said, leaning back to fully comprehend the far peak of the cliff to which I couldn't even see the top.


"What? Chickens can fly!"

<Only for seconds! Or is Master's limited knowledge on anything is wrong, even about chickens.>

"Hahah! Chickens!" I chuckled, "It sounded wierd when you say it."

"Anyways! what's with you tonight, is it your period!" I teased, "How would getting a period feel like anyways? I'm guessing it's prolly like jumping down this cliff and getting your dick smashed by those pointed rocks. Ouch!"

Amidst my talented and heavenly praised humor, slowly a thought crept into my mind, "Jumping - down!" I muttered, "And use refractio--, Yes! That's it Aeyai!"

"Li-Listen! I could jump down and use Refraction!" with gleaming eyes I told a plan.

<It could work.>

"It could! Aren't I just the sma ~ art~~"

Before I could finished, a massive quake shook the entire cliff I was in, causing a Magus to lose his footing, a stumble once then twice then my body was rolled at the narrow edge of the ledge of the cave.

Falling down the jagged rocks was now inevitable, but just as I almost rolled past and down the mighty fall, my little hand grabbed a root of a 'whatever tree'.

Hanging solely by the might of the root. You maybe right to assume that I was literally a Cliff-hanger.

The strengths I have gained proved to be of no avail as the quaking had only begun and in my dread it only kept getting fiercer.

Falling was now the only way.

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