System:Of The Ugly

Chapter 38 - In The Belly Of The Beast!

"Wh~at ~ in the fuck ~is thiss ~ earthquake!!" screamed I, hanging by the root as my body was trashed like a toy, back then forth and side to side.

<Aeyai scanned that the fall below is approximately 1795 feet.>

<It will take ten seconds to drop a thousand feet and five seconds after that.>

<Approximating at 17 seconds.>

'Oh! good! good! good! You can set a timer for Refraction Guard right?'


'I love you Aeyai! I wouldn't wanna bother counting down so I'm leaving it to you,, and In three I'm letting go. You ready?!"


'1, 2, 3.... Go!'

With little resistance I could find amid my swirling body and with perfect timing I put my all to a kick against the cliff to shove me a safe distance away from crashing at the cliff before Aeyai could activate Refraction Guard for the jagged rocks down below.

Falling free, facing my back from the death fall as winds swooshed and pulled my hairs, like the big eared elephant my ears were flapped, only If my waving baggy hoodie could serve as wings the fun would be tripled but nonetheless my heart enjoyed the thrill of the fall.

<Adrenaline Rush rising: 1.8%>


<Master think of a calming thought or if Adrenaline Rush goes beyond 4% I would lose my retro-active functions.>

'Huh? for real?'


<Time to cast: Eight seconds.>

'Okay, okay!'

'Drugs?, boobs!, Samara's boobs, uh-uh Fiora's bouncy melons!'

<Adrenaline Rush: 3%>

<Think Of Another You Perv!>

'I can't, I'm in way too deep!' I replied and as before pink strains of hair grew on yours truly.

Thrashing my arms to face my body towards the jagged rocks, fuelled with adrenaline I lost all senses of the mind, as I was filled with confidence and lusts and facing my sights against this pushing force was even more a thrill.

"Whlooo-Hlwooo!! Brwling it lon!" the pushing force, flapped my mouth and tongue as I could barely made out a word.


'I'm sorry but it's too good!'

"Shlamara's Booubs!"

<Adrenaline Rush: 3.8%>



With red the alert appeared in my sight.

<Master! I scanned an organic chunks of material coming for us!>

"Brwing it onn!!" I was fargone in my thrill induced bloodlust, no fear I shredded now to no man or things.

Be it Hellspawns or Burke or any, my berserker state would fret not in their sight and what rises with such a menacing force from below the jagged depths was indeed a Hellspawn.

I barely could cracked my eyes open from the pushing wind as I caught blurry glimpses of a serpentine giant with no shapes or spots for eyes, slithering towards what it sees as a falling helpless prey, which was yours truly.

Only its beaming red squiggly and misshapen lines which courses like tangled webs all throughout its darkish-red rock like skin flashes before me and as I could see, 'Fucking epic!' I exclaimed with a fargone smile as it stretches its jaws wider than wide; that could swallow a truck without a gag.

Humongous and dreadful you'd be right to assume.

Opened jaws with two crumbling fangs which rather resembled giant jagged rocks, they dared and lunged to crush my little body.

'Refraction!' I activated my skill.

<An instance of damage was blocked!>

<An instance of damage was blocked!>


<Master! You have only one instance of Refraction Guard left!>

I felt no pain from the effects of my skill negating twice of the Hellspawn's crushing chew and as I caught glimpses in between, I came to know that my body was seemingly crushed with what I could only tell as sharp hard rocks for teeth and gums; gnawing and grinding, thrashing about a Magus's body, not once but twice until the collosal serpentine hellspawn swallowed yours truly.

<Adrenaline Rush: 10%>

Head first I fell inside a wide cave or as I compared, "Ahahahahahah!" I could only laugh, struggling then was fruitless as it would simply made me be like an ant with its utmost might, dick out in his flex trying to lift an elephant to simply get squashed.

I was falling in this cursed creature's throat down the road to its belly.

<1 instance remaining!>

<Skill will dissipate in 4 seconds!>

"Fucking chill! I'm just free falling! Hahah!"

"Where the fuck is this anyways? is this its throat?" said I, intriguingly the inner of the body was just as how it was from its skin, darkish-red with glowing many lines of red which I assumed were its veins.

<Skill: Refraction Guard is now on cooldown!>

<You are no longer protected!>

"I said to fucking chill! Nothing will happen to me, I'm invinci--"

Before my proud lawless and rowdy tongue could've said more, it was likely that the Hellspawn curved its ginormous serpentine body as what appeared to be a straight free fall in a sudden turned into a crashing wall, with still a brave wide grin with no sense of fear etching in my lips from ear to ear, unblinking was my crazed eyes as a Magus crashed face first in the hard rugged skin of the Hellspawn.

Immediately snapping my neck which bended to my shoulder blades as red blood gushed from my protruding, thorny spine.

<Adenaline Rush: 28%>

"Hahahahaha!! More!! MORE!!" I yelled the rouge pink had now covered nearly half of my head.

As nothing made sense now to my eyes, my body was still sent ricocheting with quite a literal break-neck speed, hanging on merely by the skin was my neck, flopping with every crash.

<Adrenaline Rush: 38%>

I felt no pain but pleasure with every splattering crash, with cracked limbs, snapped spine yet my laughter had not met its end.

I couldn't tell what was which, up or down, was those white spikes from my odd limbs my hand? or were they my legs? Are my nose always this close to my penis?

Still: Only pleasures I felt as more and more I grinned wider and wider.

<Adenaline Rush: 40%>

I was at bliss, nothing made sense to me anymore. However my sights and my limbs now slowly felt eerily proper and functional as it should and that much my Berserker self knew.

As though my body was reattaching themselves, the splinters of bones squeezed back and under my flesh, my head like a tailor with her strings were slowly sewn, the torn muscles; they grew and grabbed and pull themselves to their proper place but the crashing was too- unending, it never stopped as the serpentine Hellspawn slithered to where unknown.

A jumble of breaking, muscles being torn and trahsed, blood spewing and all the while regenerating; all that butchery and rejuvenation in almost the same time.

That was a story I would've told if I was at my right mind since the breaking limbs and my rolling, twisting spine and their quick and gruesome regeneration need not bother me at any level. I was too fargone and only pleasure was what I truly, really been dealt.

Much later in my butchering fall was when I crashed for the final time, crashing a shattering heap of flesh at its hard rugged stomach, three of my limbs broke and folded in the crash and my head was a mushy pile of oozing mucky puddle.

<Adenaline Rush: 50%>

But still my crooked and torn, barely attached jaw smiled, I could not then utter a sound.

Only seconds later from the back of my head it started, muscles like small vines grew and grew finding splattered chunks, pulling them close and mending my torn body.

My limbs were now vines, or more a crazed snake which twisted and cracked until they were back into their original place.

"Wahahahaha!!" I blurted with crazed rapid, shallow breaths until I could stand.

"Mwore!!! Mwoaaarr!!!" gibberish were my raspy words only my wide maniacal laughter made proper unsightly sound, if only you could call it one.

There I stood a little maniacal berserker with crazed bloodshot eyes in the belly of the beast.

Aeyai had already lost her ability to talk to yours truly, for if and when my other perks were more used than the other, I would lose the ability of the other perks for within the duration of it.

"Mwooar!!" I growled and growled with crackling laughters in between.

Besides me, there were no other bones, no signs of decomposing corpses either but only I! A maniac remained; standing and craving for more thrills in this huge empty rugged hall of the Hellspawn, roaming hunched and thirsty, fargone and addicted as I begged for more thrills.

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