System:Of The Ugly

Chapter 39 - Mana And Mastery.

The Out-lands was vast and men had only find courage to settle inside the walls of the six sisters town, except for one family.

They were among the first founding clans of the first men, whose mysteries of whence they came unknown. But all who had breathed the world's air knew that the first men had tamed and used the five elements in their names; and there!

Past many climbing and sloping hills, settling in the vast wild lands far yonder in the plateau of the treacherous north-eastern ridges inside the main walls, sat mighty their huge castle as they reigned with fire in their heart and honour.

There! In the tallest plateau above the jagged cuts of the treacherous ridges, they reigned.

And; They were Clan Sunflower; in the Sunflower Plateau, one of the five of the first clans, mighty was their strength and honourable was their heart, yet fiercest when wronged and with peace they reigned outside the town walls.

Fiora was a descendant of this mighty clan and with pride and honour you would know her traits.

A massive hulking virgin and as a Magus would predict a raging fire for what crack lies between her thighs.

It was midnight as the owls hoot, Fiora and her men, among them squeaked a cowardly mouse, the unwanting Raul who was dragged along; they set camp for the chill of night to come, in a circle along a fire they sat, "Another half a day's ride and we're there!" said Reina, stretching her arms high with a moan reaching wild for the stars above.

All were mostly set to rest their eyes for the night.

"How you met the little fucker anyways?" queried Samara, tearing a huge chunk of a rabbit's thigh, the first to keep look out.

The timid answered with a slight droplet of sweat from his brow, "In the, in the truck! that time you fought with those bandits,, didn't we??" he squeaked a wheedle as he prepared to ask his own question but seeing as the wild Samara thrashes and grinds the meat he halted his tongue.

"Didn't we? What?" choking the timid by the side of her eyes, Samara threatened an interrogation.

"Huh? no-nothing!"

"Are you keeping secrets?!" said Samara, leaning closer from behind the fire, a blazing glare she shred the poor soul.

"N-No!!! Never!" gulped Raul.

"Knock it off! Samara!! Look at the poor boy!" chimed in Reina, with ever her radiant smile.

"Lool Raul! This is my number and now share me the video you took of the tracks, mine is not enough and give me Phillipi's number I want to know he's experience, riding on that track, are you jealous? I am jealous! Here this is my number!" came in Touka, her face was intimately closer than Raul could bare and with shy eyes and reddened cheeks he leaned slightly aback.

Now in this case Raul was the Princess.

"Ohh!!!" exclaimed Reina, quickly fetching up to the spark the unlikely two has lit in their mutual love.

Hearing words of a Magus's name mentioned, Fiora turned from her sleeping bag as she demanded, "Little Magus?"

Which was only further followed by Rianna who in an impressively quick jolt woke her spine up to sit erect when her little ears heard my name, "Who? where? Did he called?"

O'how a Magus was lucky with the ladies. Given though I was dumb to realise, I felt a little sense that Rianna was clunky and clumsy when it comes to yours truly.

"NO! SLEEP!" scolded Samara and Reina, who knew that a fluttering heart was already filled with butterflies.

"FINE!" retorted the little cub, her waving hair like drapes shrouded her harrumph as she slept quick like a falling pillar of stone.

"They're just talking about tracks!" said Reina, her fingers waving up then down with a smile at Fiora who seemed to get the gist of the two track lovers.

A night they; Raul and Touka spent, talking of whats and whatnots until near the new morn, unheard they were with Touka's fast pitches for words and the timid's shy beating heart.


<Adrenaline Rush: 2.12%>

<Master! You Idiot!>

"I already told you I'm sorry!"

<Aeyai told Master to think of a calming thought.>

"I know it's just, Samara and her boobs and Fio--"

<Adrenaline Rush: 3.1%>


"Sorry! Sorry! I'll stop!!"

There we bickered, the same dish and flavour as usual.

I was stranded in this strangely, massive and intriguing belly of a Hellspawn which was void of any digestive systems, or gunks and pipes for intestines, "How does these guys live?"

"Do they eat or no?"

I thought back then that at least a lake of burning fire red or be it any malicious stink of a liquid would await a Magus for digestion but instead I was swallowed to an echoing cave, where darkish-red were the earth and a radiating glow of red streams which somehow looked like tangled webs in my eyes grew wild in the place in lieu of moss.

"This ain't much of a cave is it?"

<We're in the belly of the beast!>

"It was a joke!"

"How did I get here anyways? All I remember after the dick chewed me was falling, I think I might've crashed my head?"

"Arhh!! Can't remember at all!"

"Do you know anything? Aeyai?"


<Aeyai was shut down only the damage notifications and alert for effects were active.>

<However Aeyai recorded that before shutting down. Master snapped his neck!>

"Snap my neck?" I asked with not a blink that was convinced.

"Like snap as in *Crack!*" I bended my neck to fold far as I could.


"That's,, Nah! That's impossible, If I was to be like that, don't that mean that I would be dead right now?"


"See! You aren't even sure yourself!" I shrugged a shoulder.

<Aeyai scans are never inaccurate!>

"Haa!! Whatever! We won't be dwelling in the past now!"


A sarcastic glare at what I said, unseen but piercing and felt; she would always shred to a Magus with dots for eyes.

"Okay! Fine!" I let out a breath, "Except for our revenge but the rest?! We won't be dwelling on it anymore, instead! We will be keeping our eyes wide open to escape!"

The void belly I was in, need not offer me much to concoct a plan with as I walked and surveyed around, it was either climbing for an exit or walking as long as I could.

Until a nightmarish fear of all men came to haunt a Magus, my stomach grumbled for food, I haven't eaten since the night.

"How long was I out?" said I, grunting in hunger, gulping spits for drinks did not suffice.

That was then when I cursed the me who thought it was cool and badass to decline a supply box from the Sunflowers before I left.

"Screw you Phillipi!"

"Motherfucking, dick teething whore! You doomed us all!"

<Master! A Magus is always calm!>

"Huh? Calm? Don't 'Calm' me right now!" I emphasized, deranged eyes widened with hunger, they now see all as enemies in my stomach gurgling anger.

"You're just this useful encyclopaedia in my head, You don't know what hunger is like!"

<True! But Aeyai could feel Master's pain!>

"Feelings doesn't exactly fucking cut it right now, do they? It's like you're giving me a tissue to a man who just got his dick bit by a humongous people eating 'Dick?' with no eyes!"

And by Dick I meant the serpentine Hellspawn who had dared swallowed a Magus.

"You know what, we need to fuck outta here right now!" said I, angrily commited.

Here I went, striding my legs far to reach to the side of the belly, where the wall or its skin was; the red webs etched in its skin; O'how I wished they were juices but as I cursed and knew they were crystallized veins of red.



<You could use Gluttony!>

"What for?"

<Gluttony can be used to absorbed mana and Master can mold them into nutrients!>

"Oh? well why didn't you say so!"


<Using Perk: Gluttony!>

There was never a change in thine Ol'eyes of blue whenever I was using Gluttony, but the sights were one that no man would or could fathom, whitish-blue little specks flowed in the air like fireflies, even in this belly of the Hellspawn.

"I see those little fluttering flames again!"

<Concentrate! Master!>

"I am!"

<Now try absorbing them!>

"Try? absorbing? like how though? I'm not a plant Aeyai!"

<Be a plant!>

"What does that even mean?"

<Picture Master using Photosynthesis!>

"Hahah! Now that's funny, okay, okay seriously though,," I closed my eyes, 'Picture using Photosynthesis!'

Easing my mind, 'Picture it, all planty and leafy and flowery!!' emptying my mind even if Samara's bouncy chests came to me in a dozen, 'Not now my precious pillows!'

<I can read your thoughts Master!>

<Adrenaline Rush: 0.045%>

"Hahah! sorry!"

'Be Photosynthesis! Be like the sect masters!'


I breathed in slow then out, I need not think of any but the thought of those little specks of mana flowing in my body.


<Master! You are doing great! Don't stop.>

I didn't know how and why and puzzled though I was the mana that scattered throughout flowed into my body, as I felt surges of energy, charging inside my solar plexus.

<You have absorbed 2% of your mana capacity!>

<You have absorbed 9% of your mana capacity!>

"Cool! I think I get the hang of it now." I claimed, opening my eyes as the mana near a Magus flocked and flowed to my body.

My hunger then as I felt was slowly lifted, "This is amazing!"

"I can survive without eating right?"


"What happens if the mana I swallowed is bigger than my capacity?"

<It will overload! Result is still incomprehensible!>

<You have gained +28 Mastery for Perk: Gluttony!>

"Mastery!?" I was slightly shocked, "This is getting more and more fun! This is like the games!" I yelled my earnest that my coarse throat could spare.

Then in my joy my eyes saw a curiosity,

"Huh?" I exclaimed as I stared on the far eastern side of the belly.

"What is that burning mana?" my eyes saw with the help of gluttony; a massive pile of burning whites and blue, fiercest and which I simply knew as overpowering, the red crystallized veins throughout all its body also ran to this massive and wild burning mana. Which I dared not absorbed until investigation.



"Well we have to find out don't we?" said I, and with a beat I let stride my little legs, enchanted by the far fiercely burning mana answering its call.

<You have absorbed 88% of your mana capacity!>

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