System:Of The Ugly

Chapter 40 - The Wand Of A Magus Is A Gun?

<Target Location is 2104 Feet away!>

I won't call this belly of the Hellspawn as a stomach anymore it does not met the requirements for it.

Not that I'm a scientist or a master at biology but my eyes sees no proof of digestive organs, only these dark-reddish rocks and their web-like strings of crystallized red veins kept me illuminated inside this equally humongous cave; Yes! this is now a cave of the Magus.

Trailing east to the place where the massive burning mana called.

"Is this dick sleeping?" I wondered as I punched a Magus punch at its hard skin which only gave me some red radiating knuckles, "Fucking skin!"

The Hellspawn was unmoving but this was good news.

"Well! At least it's sleeping, I don't want to be falling down its tail!"

And as I turned on back, down further to where I awoke, the massive cave still did not allowed me to see its ends, however a Magus was not one eager to find out.

The serpentine gargantuan could at least be twice the size of a fledgling mountain or so my eyes had judged.

Thankfully this monster was unmoving, and only long bending twists and turns were the obstacles, I prayed that it don't have the urge to stand and slither its massive body.

"How far now?" I asked with a heavy breath.

<Target Location: 1234 Feet>

"Okay! I need a rest and water! Can those mana give me water?"


"Okay good! Let's do that!" I huffed as I slept from dragging my feet a thousand steps.


"Is- Is that the Plateau?" riding at the back of the cruiser, Raul hollered as though he was talking to a deaf ear.

"Yes!" answered Touka, who now carried the timid.

Arranged by a cheeky Reina who talked Samara in on it, the gentlest of the pride was also annoyingly the bearer of the most teasing tongue.

From the first light of the dusk they ride, and now to the highest noon, they were now close to the Sunflower Plateau.

Reina then rode her cruiser, leaning herself closer to the littlest of the pride, shouting from her deepest to Rianna, "ARE YOU JEALOUS?!"

"WHAT?" Rianna yelled back.

She then gave the little cub a signal as she craned her neck twice to the two track lovers.

Rianna; innocent still was her eyes of black as she followed Reina's smiling direction, she then slowly saw Touka and Raul conversed with giggling and fluttering glee, she stared far longer than she had realiazed until Reina brought her back to reality, with the gentlest yet most sarcastic of smiles as she asked the cub, "Do you miss Phillipi?"

Words which brought steam to the cub's face as she in raging fit growled with a red mean glare, "REINA!!!!" with two loud rev on her engine she sprinted far ahead from the rest.

And there goes the cute angry firey cub.

The gentlest of them all was underneath a cruel masterful teaser who strived on conjuring red steams of shy nervousness and cheeky ploys at others.

Before their eyes was a place of mythical fantasies, where a maiden would yearn to swing her hair down to a far fall from a castle; which sits on top the highest plateau almost as high as the main walls, a perfect and bright kingdom no matter small it maybe. It was a sight they could bask on for days yet getting there to bask on this lower world, for that they were still quite far away.

<Target Location: 420 Feet!>

"So what do you think that thing is, although we can only see it from Gluttony!"

<Regrettably! Aeyai assumed what Master assumed!>

"Ahah! So that's its heart?" my eyes beamed, this maybe the first that I was right in the many debates with Aeyai.

** <It was the only time!> **

** "Man, Shush!" **

The perk of Gluttony was more overpowered than what I first assumed and to quote what Aeyai described,

<You already have 0.99% of retro-active mana absorption.>

<You can increase the percentage by increasing Mastery of Gluttony.>

<Full Mastery would allow you to instantly refill your mana no matter how large your mana pool and capacity would become.>

That was a sound my belly flops to, a Magus's cheat perk, I could cast endless spells with no heed to mana usage and my skills were only getting more fiercer and bizarre.

I was already at 31 Mastery out of a 150 in Gluttony as my eyes were blessed by the transparent screen.

And during which I took the time to see my Mastery on my other perks.

Aeyai was the same as my levels so that's where my mastery takes effect, however the skills she comes with; each of them have their own mastery to level up and each with their own unique bend and quirks.

Adrenaline Rush was only at;

<Mastery: 8/150>

And the last was the mysterious Perk: Time Of Anubis which was at a curious;

<Mastery: 32/150>

"What's with the last perk anyways?"

<Anubis from our limited Knowledge is a supreme being, the lord of the graves, the guide of souls and once the ruler of the underworld!>

"Huh?" bemused, "I've forgotten about that!"

<Aeyai is here to help!>

"Well what exactly does his time do then? and wha-, Wait!" I then stopped my feet.

"You even know what I have forgotten, that means you know wh--," I couldn't complete my words as Aeyai in a haste reported,

<Master! Aeyai knows all yet knows not all!>

<Be it vengeance or an urge to kill. I live to serve Master the sole brother of my creator!>

I couldn't comprehend what my system said but I know she knows me and my past, even my darkest which I buried to all.

But ofcourse she claimed that she was limited to my knowledge which in a sense meant she knows of everything I know and felt.

"How far is it?" I changed my tone to a more lighthearted Phillipi.

<Target Location: 130 Feet!>

<Beyound that turn!>


"Woah! what in the red period of a lady is that!" I exclaimed, as my eyes were shone by what I could only claim as a collosal bright shard of red sharply resembling a flower bud; it was likely the heart of the serpentine Hellspawn.

The many glistening strings of red which grew like moss in its skin were as I deduced the veins of the hellspawns as they were like roots which grew from this bud.

"That's definitely its heart right?"

As I reached and touched the shard, I was now all too sure that it was his heart since the feeling of these crystallized red veins I had already known.


"Can I destroy it?"

I aimed my finger-gun at the heart, "Fireball!" I casted, and from my finger barrel the flaming ball erupted but to no avail as they barely even made a slight rash.

"What the? I know my buff was up but still!C'mon! it's a two hundred plus damage!"

"Aeyai what's the level of this shit, you know what you show me way back?"

<Master! The Levels I showed of Fiora and Damien Nagata were derived from your own scaling and understanding of the individual's power. It was not of a factual scale!>

"What? Then how am I suppose to kill this damn snake!" I raged, kicking the damned shard over and over.

<Magus's used wands to enhance their spells!>

"I know that!"




The flurry of kicks never stopped, thrashing my frustrations out with every damned kick to this shitty shard of a heart.

"But It ain't like I have a wand!"



<Master! Has a wand!>

"Yeah?! well then, where is this wand. Tell-," I paused as I grunted to slightly muster more strength for an even more powerful stomp, *Thud!*

",Me!" I ended the sentence after the thud.

Then in my eyes I saw, a beautiful graph of a weapon and it's magical stats.


<Type: Gun/Wand>

<Range: 810 Feet of reliable accuracy.>

<Cooldown: 1 - 5 seconds.>

<Damage: 50-700 [Physical]>

<Critical hit chance/rate: +Dmg* (×)% of Dex with a hit chance of 12% for every shot, the fourth shot has 40% hit chance with a proc set rate of 100% of Dex>

<Description: A masterpiece and the sole of its kind. A metal wand which only a Magus could tame. In its creation the wand was blessed with the maker's heart gaining the ability to imbue itself with mana, enhancing spells with each bullet by +Spell dmg +Bullet dmg. Attacks will then have both the properties of Physical and Magical.

However spells cast time are not lifted.

Made by a Legendary craftsman at a fortnight in the fourth day of the fourth month under the blessing glow of the rare radiant fourth moon.>

<Rating: Mythical.>

<Note: Master could increase the range and power of his projectiles with Bang-Dem!>

<Master could increase the chance of dealing a higher damage and critical strikes of Bang-Dem with higher dexterity!>

<Critical rates and hit chances and multiplier from Bang-Dem and spells are inputted seperately. There is also a chance to proc both the critical rates and hit chances of the wand and the spell for Pure damage.>

<Pure Damages are unblockable and cannot be resisted!>

<Note: The fourth critical strike from Bang-Dem is also applicable for pure damage!>

"Woah!" I could only drop my jaw to the sight I saw.

<Woah! Indeed!>

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