System:Of The Ugly

Chapter 45 - A Magus Tricks And Crafts.

<Adenaline Rush: 4%>

I grunted standing on the back of the Hellspawn and showering it with boulders of stomps, like thunder and lightning; my every grunt called a thudding and crushing stomp.

This dumb Hellspawn squirmed but without its limbs and the shape of its nearly flat body disallowed it to turn, to hopefully let his fangs skewer a Magus.

Given this sweet savoury monster laid vulnerable beneath a temper filled Magus, I let a barrages of stomps rained on its neck, etching in my spells which were off cooldowns in between my flurry.

Its regenerating limbs I made sure to crumble before they could reform and not longer within those seconds I managed to break through its neck with my crushing stomps, revealing me its exposed heart, it was just as red as the Serpentine Hellspawn but much smaller although the shape of the hearts were similar; like flower buds.

<Crocodilian Hellspawn.>

<HP: 2134/7777.>

From the transparent screen I managed to know how much my hand to hand combat could dish out damage, it was derived from agility and strength; speed plus power totalling my stomps to an average of 190 damages without critical strikes.

I find the time to test out a theory, were these monsters more heavily damaged when directly striking at their hearts?

So I stomp at the red radiating heart with all my buttocks squeezed.


<You have dealt 190 dmg!>

"So they're the same even if you hit them in the legs?"

A knew knowledge I now know.

That took me to my other theory; and that was to strike at seemingly the most vulnerable part of their hearts.

Which was their stems or so I named them, the part where it was the most linear, the part in the bottom of their hearts where all their red veins comes from. However, in this Crocodilian Hellspawn and its smaller heart, I couldn't even faintly see where the stem was. Even the stem of massive heart of the Serpentine Hellspawn's was a nightmare to try and attack but I then pictured where it was suppose to be and with another stomp I bouldered right where I figured the stem would be.


<You have dealt 400 dmg!>

"Four hundreds? well! looks like I've found your weakness, Ugly Dundee!"

It took more than a couple of minutes of barrages to eradicate this monstrosity and there I finally crumbled it to dusts.

Watching its body fade away slowly I still stood a victor on its back, It was then clear to me of their dangers, only power-borns could harm and crumble their rock like bodies, guns were not an extent of the bodies so they were useless however my wand; Bang-Dem was a curious case, excluding its Physical + Magical shots when fused with my spell, it was unknown why I could use its regular physical damage dealing bullets to harm the Serpentine Hellspawn.

<You have defeated the Crocodilian Hellspawn!>

<You have earned +500 exp!>

"That much huh? I could really go back stronger." said I, "But I struggled this much dealing with a single tier 4 and these uglies are known to horde together!"

"Aeyai? Isn't there any potions or something that could replenish my mana instantly?"


<However! Master can tap his stored mana for 250 mana until his capacity storage is used up when Gluttony is at 50 mastery.>

<Notice! If Master uses up his capacity storage he will have the Hunger Debuff until his capacity is restored to 20%>

"Oh! so that's how it works!" I mused, "The regeneration is for regenerating my mana, both my usable mana bar and then the hidden storage, I'm guessing my usable mana bar comes first?"

<Regeneration depends on Master's wish but Master cannot transfer his mana from his storage to his bar and vice versa in Master's current mastery.>

"Okay! then how do I raise my mastery? it's still foggy to me, how come it goes up so fast that time?" feeling the coming of a long explanation I squatted down and right then the animals that ran had now came back to chew on the berries, they still irked a Magus. What I knew as predator and prey living in harmony but this speaks volumes on the dangers of the Hellspawns.

<Master gets +0.001mastery from absorbing mana of organisms in the air. +0.01 for absorbing mana from small plants...>

Aeyai went on and on until,

<+10 mastery for absorbing Hellspawn's mana.>

"Wait what? when did I do that?"

<Back in the belly!>

"I didn't knew about that!"

<Master was laying down saying, and Aeyai quote, "This is the life!">

"That's my voice! You can record voices?>


"What? How? What are you still hiding from me?"

<Aeyai never hides, Aeyai simply need not answer questions that aren't raised.>

Always and always this system struck me a nerve on the brow causing it to twitch, "Whatever! How much is my mastery?"

<48 Mastery for Gluttony.>

'I need to at least get me at 50 mastery or I'm dead if those tier fours swarmed at me, I want to sleep too. Well it's Four P.M in the evening better find me a tree...'

I walked past the bushes to a huge mighty tree, 'This'll do!'

On one of its huge branch I decided to take a nap, "Alright! I'm taking a nap wake me up when you're done getting it at fifty!"


"Hey Aeyai? Since you recorded my voice, I'm guessing you're a smartphone which can also record videos right?"


An answer which invoke a Magus's mouth to foam.

"Good-goood-good!! Like can you show me a playback of the time in the tunnel, particularly of Samara."

Quick short and heavy breaths than slowly crept out of my mouth, "For investigation purposes! Strictly profesional!" I blurted with steamy red smudges on thy cheeks.


"Just show me!" I nearly yelled.


As a Magus laid high and relax on the tall branch, my eyes were blessed with treasures of a video, ones where Samara was riding her bouncy, juicy melons back in the tunnel, 'Good Lord! I'd kill to shoot my bullets in them!' as my nose dripped a long train of blood, zooming in and out of her chests.

<Adenaline Rush: 3%>

<Master Aeyai is going offline!>

"Right do that,,, but Hey! what about gluttony?"

<Aeyai is going offline from your questionable train of thoughts!>

"Then fucking do that already!!"


"Shoo!!" I bellowed as I turned my head to the sides, the empty shells of the elephant bullets I had fetched clunk in the front pocket of my hoodie.

<Aeyai suggests Master to instead forage materials!>

"Why are you still talking?" raging mad for being disturbed as I dwell on my solace of fortitude; of fawning over the treasures of Samara's chest.

I sat up with a running nose bleed.

<Master could instead spent this time to collect materials!>

"What materials? Those bouncy titties are far inside the walls!" I barked, misunderstanding at its dirtiest best.

<Materials for those bullets!>

"Bullets? I am a man Aeyai and in this body I am thirteen by that time a boy usually have Bullets in his testis(testicles)!"

<Bullets for Bang-Dem!>

"You don't understand,,,?!" my loud angry tune suddenly slowed themselves as I finally realized what Aeyai meant.

And as my lust slowly faded, "Wait! did you mean!?"


"And you can?"


"How dumb of me,,"


"Let me finish!" I blurted, "Crafting! Crafting is always a given!!"

With that realisation I was jittery, "I could use Bang-Dem as much I want."

The thought of an easy leveling grind made me frantic and eager, "Fuck napping lets craft away then!"

<Master needs materials! However Aeyai had already scanned where Master would find them!>

"Well that's good!! Why didn't you say it sooner!" I stood up, "I'm sorry Samara you beautiful beast, Daddy will be back!"

Casting Blink I got off the branch, "What do I need and where shall I go?"

<Aeyai termed the place where Master fell as the Abundant grey-lands. From Master's knowledge Aeyai had found all of Master's known Minerals and compounds with chemicals of all nature!>

"What? even Ozy,,, Ozyma," my tongue was tied, I couldn't name it out.

<Ozymantium was the most abundant. The sharp jagged rocks are Ozicallum rocks. Processing it makes Ozymantium.>

"Wow! Science class made fun!" I clapped twice, always a tease even when praising someone, "What do I need then?"

<Cartridge/shells: Copper and Zinc.>

<Powder and propellant: Ozicallum.>

<Bullet: Lead and Ozicallum.>

<Primer: Copper and brass. Water, lead, Sulfur trioxide, Nitrogen dioxide, Sodium hydroxide, benzen..>

"Okay,Okay!! Fullstahppp!!" I begged for I was nearly dazed, "Ju-Just tell me,, are all of that down there?" said I slightly doubtful standing at the edge of the mountain.

I craned my neck down to see the protruding jagged rocks, the bottom I couldn't see as the fog was never moving or fading.

"Waittt! How do I mine those rocks, weren't they sturdy an-and stubborn as a woman who refused anything but to see the manager?"

<Master those are Karens!>

"Yeah! Hahah! and those are the karens of rocks!" I pointed at the sharp ends of the Ozicallum rocks, which were almost as the same height of the mountain plain I was at.

<Ozicallums are brittle under constant exposure with magical properties or perks.>

"Oh! Science and magic!"


"Well!" I said as I took a couple of steps back.

I then stretched my limbs out wide reaching for the clouds above, to prepare my youngling yet beautifully crafted body.

Like a spring I bounced on my tiptoes, "Activate Refraction Guard when,, You'll know when!"


"So,, Off I go then!"

In a beat of a passing swooshing wind I sprinted, my sudden bursts of speed was now faster, way faster as I leaped far beyound the edge, beyound what I felt I could do with this tiny legs but a Magus need not complain for the thrill was always fun, so there I 'were' screaming, "Wooooooo!!!"

<Adrenaline Rush: 3.3%>

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