System:Of The Ugly

Chapter 49 - Wizard And A Knight!

"What's my juices like?" I asked, sitting on top a boulder in the narrow path.

<Mana is at 37%!>

"Ehhh~~!! We can keep waiting!" I lilted, the tall muscular horse stood besides me, the way its eyes glimmered peaked my curiosity, not to say how he transformed from a giant blow-horn to a steed, 'Was it that dude's perk or the horse's but animals don't have perk and it ain't changing to any other form now.... Meh! It could be the guy, I mean he just morphed his big ass lance to that killing machine,,,, Aeyai scan the horse!'


<Scanning: >

<Scan complete!>

<Name: Noble Steed.>

<Species: Animal/Equus/E. ferus.>

<Status: Curious/Hungry.>

<Note: The animal is a power-born!>

"Huh?! Laws don't apply outside the walls!" I commented, first there were peace loving, pacifistic animals with their predators being vegetarians and now a horse who was rather conscious even more bizarre it neighed with a perk and then that dude who thinks and to my irony was a full-fledged Knight of fantasies.

"Well at least he's good with his hands!" I made me a judge on his tireless whomps and crisped dodges, bouldering shoulder tackles and spears, all more absurd with a bare-fisted strength that tore a tier two in half.

"Scan the man Aeyai!"


<Scanning: >

"Woah! Fucking cool!" I beamed, my eye were twinkled by his greatsword which he morphed into a colossal, titanic War-Hammer crushing a Hellspawn from the head down with a swift bashing whop, splattering its crumbling remains.

<Scan complete!>

"Hold o~! Dayumm!!" I gasped, as a crocodilian and its chattering jaws pounced at the Knight which he in his swift reflexes whomped the ugly creature, at its jaws first and shattering away its upper torso, "Hahahahah!! the legs didn't even knew they were hit!" I laughed to the legs of the crocodilian which made weak jiggly steps after the body was wrecked to oblivion.

Only if his tongue had not marred his awe inspiring armour.

<Name: Lothar Pendragon.>

<Species: Human(M) Power-born>

<Age: 9>

<Level: 77>

<Perk: Transmutation>

<Status: Honoured/Alert>

"Lothar huh?" I wondered, "That's such a Knight's name, what is it with hi~. What the fuck Aeyai?"



<The target age is indeed 9. There is no mistake on Aeyai's functions!>

"Does that hulking, Ma-jes-tic body look nine to you??" I bickered just then I heard the horse neigh, a slurry breath out but to me it sounded like a laugh, a laugh at me and Aeyai going at our usual pokes.

All in all a Magus was more curious, 'curious and curiouser' my mind was baffled the 'more and morer' time I spent outside the walls.

"He's like a rock, so strong that gravity allowed him to roll uphill!" said I to the Knight, slightly curious to know if the horse jerking its mouth was a coincidence.

Strange enough it neighed a second but I too was now more engaged on my comments.

"The reason he's faceless is because the world is simply not prepared for him,"

"And if he was a stone only it will sprout flowers!"

The sight of his combat glory brought me a sudden gust of mood, that of an aesthete.

"O'Knight of mute, the first man he were. All by his solely he had no-one to care. O'Knight of mute than fucked the earth bare, and all men hailed from the earth that he fucked bare."

"You like that?" I asked to the horse which seemingly laughed at my jokes.

And it nodded its head.

"Heh! You're smart aren't ya!" I raised a brow and a smile, "Okay here's one!"

"People say that underneath his helm there is only power, no face, no body but just a huge throbbing cock with massive pulsating veins of power!"

"Na-Na-Nahh!! That was weak, I'll try another one, uhh! Yeah it ain't original but,"

"How many push-ups do you think the Knight can do? Shake your big ass head If you don't know!"

The horse shook as its wild hair swayed along.

"ALL of them!" I said with an emphasis on all.

A Magus was the best in deliveries, even in jokes and jest I was the best.

The horse neighed, now more intense as it thumped the ground under.

<Mana is at 49%!>

"Okay! time for action then!"

I stood up warming myself for the fight to come. I couldn't allow myself to just let those precious exp's go to waste.

"Hey big guy!" I called to the horse, "You know the Earth spins right?"

It shook its head.

"You don't? Well it does but only when that guy walks!" I gave it a last joke to laugh at.


The Faceless Knight below showed no sign of fatigue, no holes in his aggresive defences, his movements were as fresh and rugged as the first when he charged a wrecking ball at the Hellspawns.

His marring choices of words aside, he earned a Magus's respect.

"Aeyai switch to Anarchist!"


"What's my adrenaline meter?"

<Adrenaline Rush: 3%>

"Cool! How much mana do I have on the bank?" asking much needed questions to prepare for the brawl down below for a thoughtless rampage I yearned to take part in.

<Mana remaining in storage: 63.21%>

"Keep using the instant potion whenever you can and don't show me the damage bars okay?"


"Well then! Bring it bitches!"

Mean eyes prepared for any, finger-gun on the left thirsty for every and Bang-Dem eager to devour them all, "E - I Missile!" I enchanted on Bang-Dem and, "Fireball!" on the other.

Before there was a moment to spare, I casted, "Blink!" and in a beat I stood in the mighty pauldron of the Faceless Knight.

Two shots from my spell I used to crumble the heads off of two crocodilian tier fours yet I was lacking in comparison to the Faceless Knight, who could shatter them all in into oblivion in a single swing.

"By the stars! Young Sir, are thou a wizard?" he asks all to intense and mighty was his tone, booting a hammer-headed Hellspawn against the mountain wall, his steel soles holding it in place

"Please don't talk!" I yelled to his words, my feet I let step his Faceless helm.


I let Bang-Dem blew off the head of the hammer-head he held in place, crumbling it to dusts.

"I am the TALK!" he roared swinging his mighty War-hammer, bashing any who pounced in its wake.

A Magus who stood at his pauldron was not even a slight bother.

And there: In the narrow path we made our stand and believe me when I tell you that it was one-sided, the Faceless Knight and his unyielding strength along his tireless bashing swings was more than a mountain of blood that these mindless abominations had lusted for.

However; the tidal waves of the Hellspawn were still unending and of where they hailed was also unknown.

To find the maw of where they came was not an easy task, simple fodders they maybe to the Faceless Knight; Their numbers proved an army's might, so minutes until near an hour we fought.

My mana was one I had taken regards for, they were now only twenty percent even if I restrained myself from using Again!.

Although with Bang-Dem's booming might I was able to add a fly's bite of damages to the Faceless Knight's epic battle. I find time to skip about the narrow path, dodging, bobbing and weaving between horrid pounces and bites as I rained thundering shots of my own.

"Swarming pests of Belzebub! Come forth and be extinguished! For a Wizard and Knight stood before thee!" he said, it didn't took me long to smile at his words, "I'm a Magus Sir!" I played along.

"It be by honour I served with thou might! Let this battle be glorious! By the last breath we shall dance with death!"

In that I was more than happy to comply, "Yeah! Ti- Tis thy battle of hearty!" I announced, with eyes that slanted in all seriousness; I was one with his demeanor as I climbed on back to his cauldron, now embodying 'and mind you' I was now a Wizard as he said so.

Shots after shots and crushing swings galore which wrecked the Hellspawns, we were in no danger.

I had enough bullets to last me for hours with expertise I mastered, I find the skill needed to crumble many of their rock like bodies in a shot and with spells I casted periodically I was set to last many more hours.

It was a training, set in the hardest difficulty yet with the Faceless Knight to whom I rode as a hulking steed of menace, it was a breeze; Until;

Creeping its chill from down the barren ground, we felt the gloomy aura on our backs.

"Fear not Wizard! The unholy servant of Lucifer hath cometh!"

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